Environmental toxins which can affect children are frighteningly

Environmental toxins which can affect children are frighteningly commonplace. Besides lead, there areother heavy metals such as mercury, which is found frequently in fish, that are spewed into the air fromcoal-fired power plants, says Maureen Swanson, MPA, director of the Healthy Children Project at theLearning Disabilities Association of America. Mercury exposure can impair children‘s memory, attention, and language abilitie s and interfere withfine motor and visual spatial skills. A recent study of school districts in Texas showed significantly higher levels of autism in areas with elevated levels of mercury in the environment. ―Researchers are finding harmful effects at lower and lower levels of exposure, says Swanson. ―They‘re now telling us that theydon‘t know if there‘s a level of mercury that‘s safe. Unfortunately, some of these chemicals make good flame retardants and have been widely used ineverything from uphol stery to televisions to children‘s clothing. Studies have found them in high levels in household dust, as well as in breast milk. Two categories of these flame retardants have been bannedin Europe and are starting to be banned by different states in the United States.

The number of toxins in our environment that can affect children may seem overwhelming at times. Onat least some fronts, however, there is progress in making the world a cleaner place for kids

and justpossibly, reducing the number of learning disabilities and neurological problems. With a number ofefforts to clean up the environment stalled at the federal level, many state governments are starting tolead the way. And rather than tackle one chemical at a time, at least eight states are considering plansfor comprehensive chemical reform bills, which would take toxic chemicals off the market.

Q1. “Besides lead, there are other heavy metals such as mercury, whic h are found frequently in fish,that are spewed into the air from coal-fired power plants”. How can this line be worded differently.

A. Besides lead, mercury is another heavy metal which is found frequently in discarded fish cooked incoal-fired power plants.

B.Besides lead, fish contains mercury which is a heavy metal ejected in the air from power plants using coal.
C. Fish, contains mercury which is released in the air as industrial waste and which is also a heavy metallike lead.

D. Mercury released in the air as industrial waste is another heavy metal like lead, found in fish.

Ans: B

Q2.On at least some fronts, however, there is progress in making the world a cleaner place for kids-and just possibly, reducing the number of learning disabilities and neurological problems. What ‘front’ is being referred to?

A. Efforts of Healthy Children Project at the Learning Disabilities Association of America

B. Banning of flame retardants in Europe and various states of America

C.More and more states are joining the 2 states in Europe and various states in America that have already banned harmful chemicals

D. Proposed bill resulting in a blanket ban on all harmful chemicals

Ans: C

Q3. All these are harmful effect of mercury in the children EXEPT

A.Affect driving skill

B. Causes attention deficits ordered

C. lead to neurological problems

D. Impacts ability to learn language

Ans: A

Q4.”Researcher are finding harmful effects at a lower level of exposure “How can this line be interpreted?

A. Lower level of exposure are harmful

B. Harmful effects from exposure are becoming less intense

C. Amount of clothing has an impact on harmful effect

D.Even little exposure, can cause harm

Ans: D

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