Testing Assessment Techgenics Question Answers

Hello, friends if you are looking for Testing Assessment Techgenics Multiple choice question answers then you are at the correct website. Here you will get Testing Assessment Techgenics MCQ | Testing Assessment Techgenics Multiple choice questions | Testing Assessment Techgenics Objective type questions | Testing Assessment Techgenics Accenture Answers

1.Sean wants to slice a text to perform a test on a message. He used the split function in VBScripting to choD the stnngs Predict output for the below code snippet

Dun arr
arr = split‘ thisisVBScripting’, “★”)
msgbox arr 2

Ans – VB

2.Ahmed is writing a complex test script that has multiple functions and recursive function calls, He wishes to understand the flow of his test executions – especially around the function calls. Which of the following would you recommend? Choose the most appropriate option. centure

A.Put breakpoints, F5/F11 and observe the flow in the Console window
B. Put breakpoints, F5/F11 and observe the flow in the Local Variables window
C.Put breakpoints, F5/F11 and observe the flow in the Call Stack window
D.None of the above

Ans: b

3.James is using the UFT tool for designing automation scripts. He is trying to understand the use of the Object Spy feature in UFT. Please help him understand which of the following is not possible in Object Spy?Choose the most appropriate option

A.Highlight in application
B.Add object Add to repository
C.object to compare with the current one
D.View active screen

Ans: d

4.James is new to UFT and he is learning about checkpoints in UFT Please help him to understand which of the given below checkpoints is only applicable for verifying the properties of an image in the web application. Choose the most appropriate option.

A.Standard Checkpoint
B.Text Checkpoint
C.Image Checkpoint
D.Bitmap Checkpoint

Ans: c

5.A developer has created employees RESTful web services which include the functionality of adding employees, deleting employees, updating employees, etc. These RESTful web service details had been given to the tester to test the functionality of the employee RESTful web service Which HTTP method is used to update employee details using RESTful web service?

A.POST Method
C.GET Method
D. PUT Method

Ans: d

6.Which of the following is not a feature of Actions in UFT?Choose the most appropriate option.

A.Extension is .mts
B.Used to create modular test scripts
C. Parameters are passed by reference
D It’s a built-in feature of UFT

Ans: c

7.Jim got an error on executing the following code on the fourth line where the number of tickets is getting selected. To troubleshoot, he kept a breakpoint on the third line.WpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”). WpfEdit(“agentName”). Set”JohnWpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFlightSample”). NpfEdit^ prime prime passwor d^ prime prime ) SetSecure “6040a5bfdd4113211fff”WpfWindow Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”) WpfButton “OK” Click nt-RandomNumber (1, 188) WpfWindow “Micro Focus MyFlightTo step into the code line by line, which of the following option can he use?(“OK”).clickntureWpfWindow “Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”) CloseSampleWpfComboBox numOfTickets”).

A.Press F5
B.Press F9
C.Press F11
D None of the above

Ans: c

8.Ritu is working on automating an E-Commerce end-to-end automation and wants to fetch the order no at the end of a successful transaction. Which of the below method she can use to fetch the run time order details?


Ans: d

9.Mary is struggling to find a suitable simple wildcard character that matches any single character. Please suggest to her which of the following characters may be relevant for her search

Ans – .

10.A developer has created employees RESTful web services which include the functionality of adding employees, deleting employees, updating employees, etc. These RESTful web service details have been given to the tester to test the functionality of the employee RESTful web service Which HTTP method is used to partially update the employee details using RESTful web service?

A. POST Method
B.GET Method
C. PATCH Method

Ans: C

11.err_code =3Select Case err_codeCase 1: result = “Error in connecting to Database. Please check the connection string”Case 2: result = “Incorrect Parameters to function”Case else: result = “All syntax checks passed!”End Select msgbox result What will be the output when the above code is executed?

A.A message box will display “Error in connecting to Database. Please check the connection string”
B.A message box will display “All syntax checks passed!”
C.The execution will cause an error as Case 3 is not available in the Select block
D. The execution will cause an error as no break statement is written for each of the cases also

Ans: b

12.There is an online stock exchange marketing portal, which displays details like Stock Name, Stock Price, and Profits per day on a web table. This stock exchange web table is dynamic and it keeps updating all its stock details.Sandra is automating the online stock exchange marketing portal. She must use a command in her script to automatically fetch the number of rows from the stock exchange web table daily.

A.StockExchangeWeb TableObject.GetRow
B.StockExchangeWeb TableObject.CountOfRows

Ans: d

13.Which of the following is not a property of Reporter Object? Choose the most appropriate option.


Ans: a

14.Sumitha is a test automation engineer working for one of the global clients of ABC organization. She has been assigned a task to automate the Login functionality with 1000 different sets of credentials. She has designed a code to import all the test data into the UFT data table successfully. Now, she wants to focus only on the 50th row of test data for the login validation. Please help her with the correct datatable method to focus on a specific row of test data.

A.GetCurrentRow (50)
B.SetRow (50)
C.SetCurrentRow (50)
D.GetRow (50)

Ans: c

15.Which of the following statement(s) regarding Actions is True?

A.Each test in UFT must have atleast one Action and that Action cannot be deleted
B.Each test UFT can have more than one Action

C. Actions and Functions are the same
D.We cannot reuse Actions from one test to another

Ans: a b

16.Alphy is working on testing a newly created web application for Accenture. She wants to test that the footer content “Copyright @ 2021 Accenture. All rights reserved” is displayed. Which of the below checkpoints is appropriate to test his scenario?

A.Text Checkpoint
B.Header and Footer Checkpoint
C.Bitmap Checkpoint
D.Image Checkpoint

Ans: a

17.John is working on an ABC online shopping portal as Automation Tester. He must validate the functionality of the registration page by providing different sets of information like username, first name, last name, password, date of birth, and many more. The test data is stored and maintained in a specific excel sheet.Please help John with the correct code to import that specific excel sheet into a destination sheet in the UFT data table. This will allow UFT to configure and run the registration page with different sets of data.

A.Datatable Import(“Excel File”)
B.Datatable Sheet(“Excel File Source Sheet, Destination Sheet)
C Datatable Importsheet(“Excel File, Source Sheet, Destination Sheet)
D.Datatable Import(“Excel File, Source Sheet, Destination Sheet)

Ans: c

18.You are a tester in a large banking project and are designing a UFT test script for their application.In Action 1, you have computed the value of interest as:1 Principal – 1002 NumYears3 ROT =1 BoxAmount = CalcInterest + Pr * 1ncipalmsgbox Amount)4 CaloIbterest = Principa * 1NumYearsROI / 100 In Action 2, you are using the variables from Action 1 as: On execution, what will be the output of the above UFT test?

A.Message box will display 1
B.Emp message box will be displayed
C.You’ll see a syntax error
D.Message box will display 101

Ans: d

19.Kevin is automating test cases that involve querying the database and gets the text with a success message “Data retrieved successfully”. He is facing issues with UFT not waiting until the data is retrieved successfully as it takes a different time for every execution. Which of the below method code will help Kevin execute the automation script successfully for multiple iterations?Choose the most appropriate option.

A.WaitProperty “name”, “Data retrieved successfully”, 10000
B.WaltProperty “hwnd”, “Data retrieved successfully”, 10000
C.WaitProperty “text”, “Data retrieved successfully”, 10000
D.WaltProperty “focused”, “Data retrieved successfully”, 10000

Ans: c

20.result = 75Select Case trueCase (result>75 and result <= 100 ) :Reporter ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”,”Distinction”Case (result=6periar and result <75):Reporter ReportEvent micFail, “Score Evaluation InvalidReporter ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”,eporter.ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”, “PasCase esult t < 68 :End SelectRangeCase Else:

A.The report will show a step with the status “Done” and the step description as “distinction”
B.The report will show a step with the status “Done” and the step description as “Pass”
C.The report will show a step with the status “Failed” and the step description “invalid Range”
D.UFT will show an execution error because the code has the Selector “result” “true” instead of “result”

Ans: a

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