Security Related Questions and Answers

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Q1. A Security team is working with a client to evaluate the security of data and IT functions that are most
critical to the operation and success of their organization. Which three security goals align and prioritize
security efforts to the business goals?

Ans: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

Q2. Company A acquired Company B and they realize that their standard security policy documents do
not match. They escalate this issue to the company’s central Security team, who implements a plan to
formalize security strategy, high-level responsibilities, policies and procedures around security of both
companies. Which security principle is illustrated in this example?

Ans: Governance

Q3. A client wishes to update their legacy system even though there have been no security breaches since
its implementation five years ago. If the client has not suffered any attacks, why is it still necessary to
update their system?

Ans: Because new security threats emerge all the time.

Q4. What is IT Company A ’s approach when it comes to helping our clients with security?

Ans: Create a universal security solution to fit the needs of all clients. IT Comoany A ‘s unique platform
can be embedded in any client architecture.

Q5. What does “The Principle of Least Privilege” mean as applied to security?

Ans: Each user should have only the absolute minimum permissions necessary to complete their current

Q6. IT Company A ’s Security practice makes use of a number of accelerators when building solutions for
our clients. What is the purpose of these accelerators?

Ans: to deploy and integrate security features in a shorter period of time

Q7. Which term refers to the fraudulent practice of using email communication to induce individuals to
divulge confidential or personal information?


Q8. One of IT Company A ’s clients is considering a major Cloud transformation project but is concerned
about the time and costs associated with such an initiative. What should IT Company A ’s security team
focus on to address this particular client’s concern?

Ans: IT Company A has developed accelerators that can deploy specific security controls to Cloud
environments in just a few hours, thereby reducing costs.

Q9. An IT Company A team working on a website development project grants access to its internal
SharePoint site to several Software Developers. Following completion of the project, the Developers still
have access to the team’s content, posing the risk of a confidential data leak. What should the team do
in such instances to avoid data leaks?

Ans: Review user access to confidential data, and disable access following project completion which is an
Identity and Access Management function.

Q10. An international airport approaches IT Company A to help identify their existing security
vulnerabilities. In which way can one of IT Company A ’s Red Team use its state-of-the-art tools and
capabilities to help the client?

Ans: Create in-depth aviator simulations to help users steer clear of cyber security threats.

Q11. The European Union (EU)’s General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) places a broad number of
restrictions on the collection and transfer of individuals’ personal data. A company based in the US that
does business with several clients in the EU realizes that not all of its current security practices align with
GDPR standards. The company drafts an action plan to address these issues and resolve them
accordingly. Which security principle is illustrated in this example?

Ans: Compliance

Q12. IT Company A is working with a client to improve their current security infrastructure. The client
wants to redefine the security programs, create long-term plans for effective audits, and proactively
plan against future threats. What might IT Company A recommend to this client?

Ans: Develop a long-term security strategy which includes a risk management plan.

Q13. What is the primary method of protecting sensitive data?

Ans: Encryption

Q14. IT Company A is helping a major retailer migrate to the Cloud. The client has aggressive timelines and
is worried that security will be compromised. How can IT Company A help the client?

Ans: IT company A has developed accelerators that can deploy specific security controls in hours, a task
that used to take months

Q15. How does a Red Team versus Blue Team exercise help an organization?

Ans: by testing their technology, processes, procedures, and responses in case of a simulated live threat

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  1. A development team begins work on a new software application and decides to involve the client’s IT experts to ensure that security concerns are addressed on an ongoing basis throughout the project’s lifecycle. Which security capability is responsible for securing the software?

    A. Security Operations
    B. Risk Management
    C. Identity and Access Management
    D. Application Security

  2. When companies study the possibility of moving to the Cloud, they often perceive that security is a roadblock to making things happen quickly.
    What should Accenture tell a client about their capabilities?
    Accenture integrates security early in the process and implements their own patented innovations to automate processes and migrate in a much shorter period of time.

    1.After monitoring the security solution, Accenture can provide a few additional personnel to develop workarounds.

    2.Accenture’s security solution is so robust that it can be deployed on top of an existing system on the Cloud with no impact.

    3.Once an incident occurs, Accenture establishes controls to block accidental or malicious activities.

    4.I don’t know this yet.

  3. An employee at a large global firm is sending a document with sensitive information to a co-worker in another country.

    How should the contents of the document be protected?

    by using encryption to ensure the data can only be seen by the coworker

    by complying with external security requirements- when transferring data

    by using a risk management tool to ensure the data will be safe before sending

    by updating the company’s security software on the co-worker’s machine

  4. Why are Accenture’s internal security practices important to clients?

    a. Clients want to eliminate the need for physical security.
    b. Clients want to document the chain of responsibility.
    c. Clients want to reduce their own internal security budget.
    d. Clients want a partner that values secure practices for itself.

  5. Why does Accenture make training on client security, data security, and internal security mandatory?

    -because security is everyone’s business
    -employees are currently preventing security breaches
    -to build the most vibrant workforce in the world
    -to align business management with IT

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