SECURITY Question with answer

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about COMPUTER SECURITY Multiple choice question with answer | COMPUTER SECURITY Objective type question with answer

1- AIP-Client name & future project details shared with manager. . .
Ans: [A]-Confidential
2- Call from Unknown number. . .
Ans: [C]-Vishing
3- Infosys has the right to monitor, investigate, erase and wipe data. . .
Ans: [A]-Yes
4-Information security to be considered in which phase of SDLC?. . .
Ans: [D]- All of the above
5-Colleague tells you about vulnerability in one of the internal applications. . . What will you do?
Ans: [D]- Report to ISG via AHD
6-Which of the following passwords meets the Infosys requirement and would be easy to
remember?. . .
Ans: [C]- InFy4Evr$
7-External auditor seeks your credentials. . . What would be your response?. . .
Ans: [B] Politely decline it. . .
8-Can username and password be hardcoded?
Ans: [B]-No
9-Emergency leave. . manager seeks credentials to avoid impact of service. . .what would be
most appropriate to do. . .?

Ans: [B] Inform manager that this will be violation. . . Alternate user ID with similar privileges. . .
10-Accidentally find appraisal information in a shared folder. . . what will you do. . . ?
Ans: [E] Notify Manager
11-Very useful and free utility tool that can be easily downloaded from the internet. . . Will you
go ahead. . .?

Ans: [C] No, Since this could lead to Downloading of Malware.
12-Match the malware:
Ans: [B] Worm: Self replicating. . . Virus: Needs user to launch the files

SECURITY USAGE AND EMAIL Question with answer

1-Which circumstances permit downloading & use a trial version of software. . .?
Ans: [D] Not under any circumstances. . .
2-Working on a critical development project & facing difficulty in coding. . .what action to do. . .?
Ans: [C] Seek help of your manager who connects you to a senior developer in team
3-You want to complete a job over the weekend & you don’t have an Infosys/client laptop. What
is the best way to share. . .?

Ans: [FORGOT TO WRITE] Confidential client files must not be sent outside the client network.
4-You receive an email that appears to be from the Infosys Financial team requesting
credentials. What action to take. . .?

Ans: [C] Notify ISG by attaching suspicious mail for investigation
5-Correct medium to report Information security incident. . . ?
Ans: [B] Raising an AHD with ISG or option 2 in global helpdesk number
6-Planning to take online personal certification. . . What mail ID to use?
Ans: [B] Personal email ID and unique password
7-While browsing the Internet via Infosys, you accidentally come across a site which seems
malicious but is not blocked. . . What do you do. . .?

Ans: [B] Exit immediately & notify CCD & ISG through AHD

  1. You have been working on a piece of code for client project…?
    [B] No, client code…
  2. Under which circumstances you are permitted to download and use trial version… ?
    [D] not under any circumstances…

INFOSYS POLICIES Question with answer

  1. Appropriate sequence…
    [C] classification, labeling, handling, disposal
  2. Project that you were working under has closed… [C] check with manager…
  3. Find a printed document…
    [D] shred the document…
  4. Who is responsible for information security…
    [d] every individual..
  5. Matching of info to its classification
    [d] source code: highly confidential, organisation chart: internal
  6. Where can you find Information Security Policy
    [e] option c & d


  1. Security risks associated with removable media such as USB
    [b] malware
  2. During your visit to other …
    [c] no
  3. Travelling back home…
    [c] explain…
  4. Assigned a project operating from ODC
    [d] get an explicit…
  5. Hosting a conference…
    [d] a & c
  6. NOT security incident…
    [b] b & d


  1. Pandemic scenario is prevalent…
    [c] follow guidelines..
  2. Media approached..
    [c] politely ask to …
  3. Noticed suspicious object…
    [b] be vigilant…
  4. Getting ready for office…
    [d] call up the reception
  5. Recently changed your mobile number
    [b] update the number in telephone directory
  6. Head of Phoenix..
    [b] COO


  1. Scanned copy of passport. . . appropriate action. . ?
    Ans: [D] Do no access
  2. Personal info not be protected. . .?
    Ans: [D] Name
  3. Blood group of Infosys Colleague . . .
    Ans: [D] Blood group is sensitive information
  4. Respect privacy and protect personal data. . .
    Ans: [D] All of the above
  5. Intranet site. . .photographs of employees
    Ans: [D] NOTA
  6. Why protect personal info of partners and colleagues?
    Ans: [D] Both a & b
  7. Which about privacy policy is true?
    Ans: [D]employees to have control or knowledge on what information about them are being
  8. Most likely to be an acceptable data processing activity. . .
    Ans: [C] Retaining employee’s travel claim expense detail. .
  9. Your friend non-Infoscian looking for contact numbers. . .
    Ans: [C] Since the contact number is personal data. . .
  10. Not true regarding handling of PII
    Ans: [A] PII collected from the employee must not be processed by the employee.
  11. Performance assessment results of an Employee. . .
    Ans: [B] Someone else’s personal info and not be shared. . .


  1. Prerequisite of bribe?
    Ans: [D] All of the Above (AOTA from here)
  2. Charitable contributions made on the behalf of Infosys
    Ans: [D] AOTA
  3. Colleague was offered a bribe, what do I do. . ?
    Ans: [D] immediately raise a concern with the office of . . .
  4. Customer sent son’s CV. . .How to proceed?
    Ans: [D] upload CV on connectify
  5. Client visiting infosys bangalore DC for first time. . . What can I offer as a memento?
    Ans: [C] within limit of 100USD per person
  6. Client has come from Stockholm to Bangalore to discuss business. . .
    Ans: [B] 150 USD per person dinner expense
  7. Vendor interface with Government Authorities. . .?
    Ans: [D]AOTA
  8. Wife started a small business engaging. . .
    Ans: [B] Yes, . . .disclose conflict of interest module.


  1. Infosys policy on ASHI. . ?
    Ans: [D] AOTA
  2. Which behavior fall under purview of sexual harassment
    Ans: [D] AOTA
  3. 3. Mr. B is Mrs. A’s reporting manager. . .
    Ans: [C] No, not sexual harassment, but agains’t the company’s code of conduct.
  4. GRB considers cases that are reported by women only.
    Ans: [B] False
  5. How can Infoscian raise a complaint of sexual harrasement. . ?
    Ans: [B] by writing to GRB
  6. What is Internal Committee (IC)?
    Option [C]: IC is set up in all our India DC’s…..
  7. Ms. X & Mr. Y are peers who work in the same team. . ?
    Ans: [B] Company has zero tolerance for false allegations
  8. Project party outside office premises, . . .Mr. T intrude . . .
    Ans: [A] True
  9. GPM has no direct supervisory. . .
    Ans: [A] True
  10. Usage of sexual Slurs. . .
    Ans: [A] True

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