Quality Engineering Application Skill Assessment

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Jane on developing test automation and has created a Maven project using cucumber, Jane has created a complete project structure which is required for Cucumber framework and shared the framework with her team member sean
Sean has improved the maven project in eclipse and expanded the package explorer Help sean to identify the necessary files required for cucumber automation framework developed using maven build tool?

Ans – APLApplication
JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5]
Maven Dependencies

As per BDD process, Shane (QA)Jake (Developer) and all project stakeholders are deeply involved in the discovery process and then formulation . During the 3 amigos meeting, they have decided to use different color cards for user story, acceptance , example , & questions Select the option which has the correct colour card pairing for user story acceptance criteria example and question

ans – 1 yellow card – for user story
2 blue card – for acceptance criteria
3 green card – used to illustrate business rules
4 red card – for unanswered questions.

Shane is examining the below runner class code to generate reports using Cucumb plugins. Help Shane to fill the correct words at position 1,2 & 3 for the below statement?

____1 & ____2 plugins are important when we do the execution in continuous integration (CI) servers 
like Jenkins to generate_3_ reports.
package runner;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.Runwith;
@CucumberOptions (plugin = {"json: target/cucumber.json",
"html:target/cucumber-html/index.html", "junit:target/junit/junit-report"}) 
public class DemoRunner {

ans – Fill JSON at position 1
Fill JUNIT at position 2
Fill HTML at position 3

Shane is working on developing a test framework using cucumber and exploring Cucumber tags, to execute the same framework for different test types like Smoke,Sanity & regression Help Shane to identify all the Gherkin keywords where cucumber tags can be placed?

ans – Feature, scenario,scenario outline,examples

Jake is an automation tester & wants to Page Object Model (POM) design pattern in test automation framework to test APL . On the players detail webpage of the application , Jake wants to locate the player id and player name web elements . Assist Jake to identify correct POM syntax for locating elements for the below DOM(document Object Model) structure for players detail webpage?

1 <div class=“input">
2 <label for= player ID>player Id </label>
3 <input class="playerid" ,name=“playerid”type="text"> 
5<div class=“input”>
6 <label for= “playername”>player Name </label>
7 <input class="playername" ,name=playername” type=“text”>

Ans – @FindBy(how-How.NAME, using=”Playerid”)
WebElement playerid;
@FindBy(how-How.XPATH, using=”//input[@name=’Playername’]”)
WebElement playername;

Shane is an automation tester working on APL application and created a feature file and implemented code steps in step definition file for user registration web page . Shane has also created a runner class to
execute the feature file for user registration webpage. Before pushing code to the code repository shane wanted to check whether all the steps in feature file have corresponding step definition Assist Shane to identify the correct runner class to check whether all steps are having corresponding step
definition ?

ans – package cucumber;”
import javax.sound.midi.Track;
import org.junit.runner.Runwith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {“json:target/cucumber.json”,
features=”src/test/resources/Features/Test ture”,
glue=”cucumber”, dryRun = true)
public class RunCucumberTest {

Shane is an automation engineer and writing a feature file for the enhancement proposed by the
client as part of APL upgrade for the below user stories

  1. Teams can have minimum two and maximum four overseas players in their final squad.
    2 Teams should pick at least one uncapped player to promote local talent.
    Help shane to identify the correct feature file covering about user stories?

ans – Feature: Create Team
Scenario: The one where user selects overseas and uncapped players as per the new rules.
Given User creates his squad consisting of eleven players And Team has minimum one uncapped player
And Team has overseas players in the range of two to four
When User clicks on submit button
Then Application validates the squad formation and auto join contest

Jake is an architect for APL application and has proposed that application development team should adopt Test driven (TDD) approach to reduce code refactoring at later stage of SDLC. As TDD ensures that application code meets functional requirements and business rules Assist development team to identify the correct sequence to implement application code using TDD

Ans – 1) Developer writes the test cases for new functionality cover business rules.
2) Execute the new test cases to verify if they fail
3) Design and write the application code with the intent of passing the test cases
4) Execute the test cases and if failed then refactor the code
5) Repeat the process till all the newly written test cases pass

Shane has written the automation framework and shared it with his team member Jake. Jake is exploring cucumber tags & analysing the below feature file and wanted to execute scenarios which are only tagged with @smoke tag show. Assist Jake to identify correct syntax for runner class to execute scenarios which are only tagged with @smoke tag?
Feature: New formation for creating team Background Given User should have a valid registered account in an application for team creation
@smoke Scenario: The one where user selects four overseas and one uncapped players as per the new rules Given User creates his squad consisting of eleven players And Team has minimum one uncapped player And Team has four overseas players When User clicks on submit button Then Application validates the squad formation and auto joins a contest

Ans – package cucumber;
import org.junit.runner, Runwith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions; @RunWith(Cucumber.class)
@CucumberOptions (plugin =
tags=”not @sanity”,

public class RunCucumberTest {

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