Principles of Management MCQ

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Principles of Management Multiple choice questions | Principles of Management MCQ with answers | Principles of Management Objective type questions | Principles of Management Question Answers

1.Which scholar introduced the functional type of organisation?

A) F.W. TaylorB) Chester BernardC) AllenD) Max Weber

Ans:- a) F.W. Taylor

2.Which of the following statement is true?

A) there is scope for specialisation in line Organisation

B) it is difficult to fix responsibility in line Organisation

C) the line of authority in line Organisation is vertical

D) line Organisation is only suitable for large-scale operation

Ans:- c)

3.Whose definition on authority is , “Authority is the right to give Orders and power to exact obedience”. ?

A) Henry FayolB) AllenC) SimonD) S. George

Ans:- a) Henry Fayol

4.Which of the following is right about authority?

A) authority is informal.

B) not to achieve organisational goal

C) there is existence of right.

D) cannot be delegated

Ans:- c) there is existence of right.

5.Which among the following is not a feature of accountability ?

A) can be delegated.

B) always upward

C) unitary.

D) should be specific standards

Ans:- a) can be delegated.

6.Which among the following is not a principle of delegation?

A) Functional Definition

B)Unity of command

C) Remuneration

D) Authority level principle

Ans:- c) Remuneration

7. Which among the following is considered as a reluctance on the path of subordinates in delegation?

A) Perfectionism

B) Fear of criticism

C) Autocratic attitude.

D) Absence of control

Ans:- b) Fear of criticism

8. Which among the following is a factor determining centralisation?

A) Integration

B) Desire for independence C) Availability of managers. D) Control techniques

Ans:- a) Integration

9.organising is ……………….

(a) A remedy for all types of problems

(b) ensure accurate forecasting

(c) None of these

(d) All of these

Ans:- c) None of these

10. Organising process involves …….

(a) division of work

(b) grouping of identical work

(c) All of these

(d) None of these

Ans:- c) All of these

11. Formal organisation is …………….

(a) created by management

(b) A result of social interaction

(c) To satisfy cultural needs

(d) None of these

Ans:- a) created by management

12.organising deals with…………..

(a) division of work

(b) decentralising activities

(c) centralisation activities

(d) All of these

Ans:- a) division of work

13.The process of organising consists of …………………….

(a) division of work into job

(b) establishing authority relationships

(c) Both a&b

d) None of these

Ans:- c) Both a&b

14. Authority refers to ………………

(a) Getting work done

(b) right to get work done

(c) being in a management position

d) None of these

Ans:- c) being in a management position

15.principles of specialisation requires……………

(a) Division of labour

(b) centralisation of work

(c) decentralisation of work

(d) None of these

Ans:- a) Division of labour

16.Delegation is ………….

(a) Getting things done by others

(b) fixing of responsibility

(c) Assigning the task

(d) unity of command

Ans:- c) Assigning the task

17. Accountability means ……..

(a) Delegation

(b) responsibility

(c) Authority

(d) Answerability

Ans:- d) Answerability

18. Which of the following is not an element of delegation

a) accountability

b) authority

c) responsibility

d) informal organisation

Ans:- d) informal organisation

19.centralisation refers to

a) retention of decision making authority

b) dispersal of decision making authority

c) creating divisions as profit centres

d) opening new centres of branches

Ans:- a) retention of decision making authority

20.Span of management refers to

a) number of managers

b) length of term for which a manager is appointed

c) number of subordinate under a superior

d) number of members in top management

Ans:- c) number of subordinate under a superior

21.A network of social relationship that arise spontaneously due to the interaction at work is called

a) formal organisation

b) informal organisation

c) Decentralisation

d) delegation

Ans:- b) informal organisation

22.Which of the following does not follow the scalar chain

a) Functional structure

b) Divisional structure

c) Formal organisation

d) Informal organisation

Ans:- d) Informal organisation

23.For delegation to be effective it is essential that responsibility be accompanied with necessary

a) authority

b) manpower

c) incentives

d) promotion

Ans:- a) authority

24.The form of organisation known for giving rise to rumours is called

a) centralised organisation

b) functional organisation

c) decentralised organisation

d)informal organisation

Ans:- d) informal organisation

25. Groping of activities on the basis of products line is a part of

a) delegated organisations

b) divisional organisations

c) functional organisation

d) autonomous organisation

Ans:- b) divisional organisations

26.Identification and groping of activities to be undertaken and assigning them ofdifferent departments is

a) planning

b) directing

c) organising

d) co-ordinating

Ans:- c) organising

27.Find out the odd

a) well defined structure

b) official line communication

c) well planned relation

d) social interaction

Ans:- d) social interaction

28. The right to give orders and power to obedient is

a) Responsibility

b) Accountability

c) Authority

d) Delegation

Ans:- c) Authority

29. The process of sharing authority by superior to subordinate is

a) Delegation

b) Accountability


d) Responsibility

Ans:- a) Delegation

30..Line organisation is also called

a) military organisation

b) functional organisation

c) line and staff organisation

d) project organisation

Ans:- a) military organisation

31.The fame work within which managerial and operating tasks are performed iscalled

a) staffing

b) organisation structure

c) job design

d) departmentation

Ans:- b) organisation structure

32………………….. is the obligation of a subordinate to properly perform the assigned duty

a) authority

b) responsibility

c) accountability

d) decentralisation

Ans:- b) responsibility

33.Identity the odd one from the following

a) Notice

b) memos

c) orders

d) complains

Ans:- d) complains

34..First step in organizing is

a) establishing authority relationship

b) co-ordination of activities

c) groping of jobs into departmentation

d) division of work

Ans:- d) division of work

35..Which among the following is true for formal organisation

a) it is not clear

b) to satisfy the members

c) importance to persons and feelings

d) to fulfill the firm’s goal

Ans:- d) to fulfill the firm’s goal

36.. ________________ is the managerial function of guiding nursing and reading people to the attainment of objectives?

A) Controlling

b) Planning

c) Direction

D) Organising

Ans:- b) Planning

37. Which among the following is not an element of direction?

A) Supervision

B) organising

C) Motivation

D) Leadership

Ans:- b) organising

38. Which among the following statement relating to leadership is false?

A) leadership is a process of influence

B) leadership is goal oriented

C) leadership is bossism

D) a leader must have followers

Ans:- c) leadership is bossism

39. Which type of leader allow complete delegation of authority ?

A) Creative leadersB) Persuasive leadersC) Laissez faire leadersD) Intellectual leadersAns:- c) Laissez faire leaders

40. Which among the following is not a quality for a leader?

A) Charming personality

B) Ability to take decision

C) Communication skill

D) Lazy attitude

Ans:- d) Lazy attitude

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