Mobile Primer Question Answers

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss Mobile Primer Multiple choice questions for tcs tfactor | Mobile Primer (Android,IOS,Windows) Interview Question-Answer for TCS | Mobile Primer MCQ with answers | Mobile Primer Questions answers dumps | Mobile Primer Fresco play answers

Q.1 Ionic framework is for __.

      A. Native App Development

       B. Web App Development

       C. Hybrid App Development

       D. None of the options

Ans : Hybrid App Development

Q.2 React Native is a/an ___________.

       A. Cross-platform Development Tool

       B. Web Framework

       C. Mobile Analytics Framework

       D. IOS Framework

Ans : Mobile Analytics Framework

Q.3 AirWatch is an example of ____________.

       A. Mobile Application Development Platform

       B. Performance Testing Tool

       C. Enterprise Mobility Management

       D. None of the options

Ans : Enterprise Mobility Management

Q.4 The key advantage of mobile enablement is _________.

       A. Building the company brand

       B. Security

       C. None of the options

Ans : Security

Q.5 https/ssl is a secure communication channel for mobile apps.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.6 Apache Cordova is a hybrid framework.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.7 Native mobile apps share code across multiple platforms.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.8 Testing on a real device is required even though an emulator provides the same capabilities as that of a device.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.9 A wireframe is a visual representation of a user interface without branding elements, color schemes, and so on.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.10 Consumer apps can be distributed using the Apple Enterprise License.

       A. True

       B. False

Q.11 MDM stands for __________.

       A. Mobile Data Management

       B. Mobile Demand Management

       C. Mobile Device Management

       D. None of the options

Ans : Mobile Device Management

Q.12 Hockey App is offered by ___________.

       A. Google

       B. Apple

       C. Citrix

       D. Microsoft

Ans : Microsoft

Q.13 Service Workers is the core technology used in ______________.

       A. Windows

       B. Android

       C. Progressive Web Apps

       D. IOS

Ans : Progressive Web Apps

Q.14 BYOD is risk-free.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : False

Q.15 Apple review is required for free iOS apps.

       A. True

  B. False

Ans : False

Q.16 Mobile apps are always forward compatible with new OS releases.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.17 Phonegap is an iOS framework.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : False

Q.18 Google Play Store is for distributing ____________.

       A. Android apps

       B. iOS apps

       C. Windows apps

       D. Both Android and iOS apps

Ans : Both Android and iOS apps

Q.19 Which programming language is used for developing native iOS apps?

       A. Swift

       B. C#

       C. Ruby

       D. Java

Ans : Swift

Q.20 Apple Developer License needs to be renewed every year.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

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