ECMA MCQ with answer

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about ECMA MCQs with Answer | ECMA Fresco Play TCS Dumps | ECMA Fresco Play Answers | ECMA TCS Tfactor Answers | ECMA Objective type questions with answer

Q.1ECMAScript is a __________Language Standard
Q.2ES6 is the implementation of?ECMAScript
Q.3All major JavaScript Implementations are based on which standard?ECMAScript
Q.4ES6 is officially called ______________ECMA Script 2015
Q.5ES6 can be used for ______________Both client side and server side scription
Q.6During destructuring, you can either declare variables or assign to them, or both.FALSE
Q.7Which of the following parameters can be used to expand a single array into multiple arguments?Spread
Q.8const { x, y } = { x: 11, y: 8 }; is the Same as const { x: x, y: y } = { x: 11, y: 8 };TRUE
Q.9Destructuring helps us to extract multiple values from an object via __________.Object Pattern
Q.10What will be the output of following code snippet? function foo(a = 10, b = 5) {     console.log(a, b); } foo(6);6,5
Q.11The following code implements the ______ feature of ES6 function myFunction(x, y, z) { } var args = [0, 1, 2];Spread
Q.12“Rest” collects all variables into a single array, while “Spread” expands a single variable into multiple.TRUE
Q.13Which of the following parameters can be used to define indefinite number of parameters in one single array?rest
Q.14Template literals does not allow us to _________.None of the options
Q.15Which is not a lexical inside arrow functions?None of the options
Q.16Variables declared in a scope are accessible in ___________.All scopes nested inside it
Q.17In Arrow functions, if there is only one parameter and that parameter is an identifier then the parentheses can be omitted.TRUE
Q.18Template literals support ____________.interpolation
Q.19Template literals can be reused __________.TRUE
Q.20const func= (     x,    y ) => {     return x + y;}; func(11,12);23
Q.21Select the wrong code Snippetconst func1 = (x, y) => { return x + y; };
Q.22Instead of using single quotes or double quotes, es6 uses BACKTICK or OPENQUOTE ( ” ` ” ) character to create destructuring pattern.FALSE
Q.23Arrow Functions are less verbose than traditional functionsTRUE
Q.24Template literals can be defined as _________.multi-line string literals that support interpolation
Q.25Which keywords can be used to implement inheritance in ES6?extends
Q.26We can use this data-type to avoid repetitions.Sets
Q.27The bodies of class declarations and class expressions are executed in strict mode.TRUE
Q.28class Player extends Student {Constructor of the Parent Class
Q.29_________ feature helps us to simplify the inheritance concept.Classes
Q.30Maps can be used to store __________.Key – value pairs
Q.31Map can use _______ value as Key.Any
Q.32Which is not true about constructor in ES6?A class may have any number of constrcutors
Q.33Which is not true about static methods?Static methods can be directly called with the help of a class object.
Q.34Sets can be used to store __________.Heterogeneous data
Q.35Objects declared as “const” are immutable.FALSE
Q.36Which of the following does not declare a block scoped variable?var
Q.37Keyword “let” allows redeclaring variables.FALSE
Q.38Promise reactions are callbacks that you register with the Promise method then(), to be notified of a fulfillment or a rejection.TRUE
Q.39What if promise2 get rejected in the following syntax? Promise.all(promise1, promise2, …..)It will reject the entire set
Q.40Which of the following is not a state of Promise?Approved
Q.41A Promise has _________ number of states.3
Q.42Symbols can be created using the factory function _________.Symbol()
Q.43Declaring variables with which of the following keywords, will make the variable immutable?Const
Q.44What is the meaning of the following line of code? const pi=3.14;  Const turns variables into constants, and they can’t be changed.
Q.45Variables declared with which of the following constructs do not have block scope?var
Q.46What will be the output of this code? var sym = new Symbol();Syntax Error
Q.47Which method can be used to retrieve symbols from the global symbols registry?Symbol.KeyFor()
Q.48ES6 is the first time that JavaScript has built-in modules.TRUE
Q.49Using yield(), Generators can receive input from

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