BDD Testing Objective Type Questions with Answers

Hello friends in this article we are going to discuss about BDD Testing Multiple Choice Questions with answer | BDD Testing Objective Type Questions with Answers | BDD Testing Quiz with answer | BDD Testing Questions with answers | BDD Testing Online Quiz for practise | BDD Testing question answer website for practise | BDD Testing Question answer

Q51._______ loads and processes the Ruby code from a separate file, including whatever classes, modules, methods, and constants are in that file into the current scope

ANS – Require()

Q52._____exercise the concept – “ You write test cases and then develop the product that suits them”


Q53._____criteria for the feature can be defined as when The Product Owner, a Programmer and a Tester collaborate on system behaviour.

ANS – Acceptance

Q54._____is a story testing approach.The functionalities written by the Business Analyst’s triggers the testing process


Q55._____is an incremental and iterative software development model

ANS – Agile

Q56.______s a framework for writing and executing high level descriptions of your software’s functionality.

ANS – Cucumber

Q57.Which one of the following is not a specification file?

ANS – nspec

Q58.What is the tag used for writing a scenario for Selenium in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – @selenium

Q59.Which of the following is the Object locator used for finding objects through Selenium in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – find_element

Q60.Which prefix is used to use/call the steps from a pre-defined scenario in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – %

Q61.Which of the following is the correct syntax for implementing a implicit wait of 5 seconds?

ANS – objDriver.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait=5

Q62.Which of the following is the correct syntax for command line execution of a feature file named ‘MyScript’ assuming we are at the project folder in Command Prompt?

ANS – cucumber features/MyScript.feature

Q63.Which of the following is the correct syntax for command line execution of a feature file named ‘MyScript’ which has a tag named ‘@smoke’ assuming we are at the project folder in Command Prompt?

ANS – cucumber features –tags @smoke

Q64.Which of the following is the correct syntax for reports generation via command prompt?

ANS – cucumber features/Opencart.feature –format html –out TestReport.html

Q65.How do we identify a link in Ruby Cucmber?

ANS –>””)

Q66.How do we identify a Textbox in Ruby Cucmber?

ANS – driver.text_field(:name=>””)

Q67.Which of the following is the correct syntax for invoking a browser using Selenium WebDriver?

ANS – Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox

Q68.Which of the following is the correct syntax for declaring an implicit timeout using Selenium WebDriver?

ANS – objDriver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait=5

Q69.How do we identify a WebElement(Button) in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – driver.button(:name=>””)

Q70.How do we identify a RadioButton in Ruby Cucmber?

ANS –>””)

Q71.How do we give multiple properties for an Object in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – driver.select_list(:name=>””)

Q72.How do we maximize a browser window in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – $objBrowser.driver.manage.window.maximize

Q74.How do we give multiple properties for an Object in Ruby Cucumber?

ANS – :name=>””,:class=>””

Q75. Command used to execute a Cucumber profile?

ANS – cucumber features -p <profile_name>

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