Python 3 Functions and OOPs Question Answers

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Python 3 Functions and OOPs Multiple choice questions with answer | Python 3 Functions and OOPs Question Answers | Python 3 Functions and OOPs Fresco Play Answers | Python 3 Functions and OOPs TCS

1. The output of expression, k = [print(i) for i in “maverick” if i not in “aeiou”] is _.
Prints all characters that are not vowels

2. What is the return type of function ‘id’?


3. The elements of an iterator can be accessed multiple times.

4. A generator function can have multiple yield expressions.

5. The output of the expression {0 if i%2 ==0 else 1 for i in range(8)} is .
——{0, 1}

6. What value does ‘k’ hold after executing the expression, k = [print(i) for i in “maverick” if i not in “aeiou”]?
A list of None’s

7. The output of the expression itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]) is _.
—– [1,4]—–

8. Which of the following types of arguments can be passed to a function?
All the options

9. Which of the following are present in a function header?
Function name and parameter list

10. What is the default return value of a Python function?

11. The output of the expression [ chr(i) for i in [65, 66, 67] ] is _.
————— [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’]—————

12. Generators consume more space in memory than the lists.

13. What is the output of the following code? class A:def __init (self, x=5, y=4): self.x = xself.y = y
def __str__(self):
return ‘A(x: {}, y: {})’.format(self.x, self.y)def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x * self.y == other.x * other.y def f1():a = A(12, 3)
b = A(3, 12)
if (a == b): print(b != a) print(a)f1()
A(x: 12, y: 3)

14. What is the output of the following code? class A:x = 0
def __init (self, a, b): self.a = aself.b = b
A.x += 1
def __init (self):
A.x += 1
def displayCount(self): print(‘Count : %d’ % A.x)def display(self):
print(‘a :’, self.a, ‘ b :’, self.b) a1 = A(‘George’, 25000)a2 = A(‘John’, 30000)
a3 = A()
a1.display() a2.display() print(A.x)
Results in Error

15. What is the output of the following code? class class1:a = 1
def f1(self): a = 2class1.a += 1 print(class1.a, end=’ ‘) print(a, end=’ ‘)class1().f1()
——- 2 2 3 2——-

16. What is the output of the following code? class grandpa(object):pass
class father(grandpa): passclass mother(object):
class child(mother, father): passprint(child. mro__)
(<class ‘__main .child’>, <class ‘__main .mother’>, <class ‘__main__.father’>,
<class ‘__main__.grandpa’>, <class ‘object’>)

17. What is the output of the following code? class A:def __init (self): print(‘one’)def f(self): print(float()) print(hex(-255))class B(A):
def __init (self): print(‘two’)def f(self):
print(float()) print(hex(-42))x = B()
two 0.0-0x2a

18. Which of the following keyword is used for creating a method inside a class?


19. Which of the following statement sets the metaclass of class A to B?
class A:
metaclass = B

20. What is the output of the following code? class A:def __init (self, a = 5):
self.a = a def f1(self):self.a += 10
class B(A):
def __init (self, b = 0): A. init (self, 4) self.b = bdef f1(self):
self.b += 10 x = B()x.f1()
print(x.a,’-‘, x.b)
——– “4 – 10”——–

21. Which methods are invoked on entering into and exiting from the block of code written in ‘with’ statement?
——————–enter , exit

22. Which of the following method is used by a user-defined class to support ‘+’ operator? Which of the following method is used by a user defined class to support ‘+’ operator?——-

23. How many except statements can a try-except block have?
More than zero

24. When will the else part of try-except-else be executed?
When no exception occurs

25. Which of the following exception occurs, when an integer object is added to a string object?

26. Which of the following execption occurs, when an undefined object is accessed?

27. Which of the following exception occurs, when a number is divided by zero? Which of the following execption occurs, when a number is divided by zero?—————–

28. In which of the following scenarios, finally block is executed?

29. If a list has 5 elements, then which of the following exceptions is raised when 8th element is accessed?

30. The output of the expression ‘2’ == 2 is .

31. Which of the keyword is used to display a customised error message to the user? Which of the keyword is used to display a customized error message to the user?—–

32. Can one block of except statements handle multiple exception?
Yes, like except NameError, SyntaxError, …

33. In Python, which of the following files is mandatory to treat a folder as a package?
init .py

34. Which of the following modules are used to deal with Data compression and archiving?———————-
All of those mentioned

35. Which of the following methods of ‘random’ module is used to pick a single element, randomly, from a given list of elements?

36. Which of the following module is not used for parsing command line arguments automatically?


37. Which of the following statement retreives names of all builtin module names? Which of the following statement retrieves names of all builtin module names?————————————
import sys; sys.builtin_module_names

38. Which of the following modules is used to manage installtion, upgradation, deletion of other pacakages automatically?
Which of the following modules is used to manage installation, upgrading, and deletion of other packages automatically?


39. Which of the following statement retreives names of all builtin objects?
import builtins; builtins.dict.keys()

40. Any Python Script can act like a Module. State if the statement is True or False?

41. Which of the following expression can be used to check if the file ‘C:\Sample.txt’ exists and is also a regular file?

42. Which of the following is not a way to import the module ‘m1’ or the functions ‘f1’ and ‘f2’ defined in it?
import f1, f2 from m1

43. Which of the following keyword is necessary for defining a generator function?

44. The output of the expression {i:j for i in “abcd” for j in “kiwi”} is .
{‘a’: ‘i’, ‘d’: ‘i’, ‘c’: ‘i’, ‘b’: ‘i’}

45. Which methods are defined in an iterator class?
iter__, __next

46. Which keyword is used for defining a function?


47. How are variable length non-keyword arguments specified in the function heading?
One star followed by a valid identifier

48. Which of the following variables stores documentation of a function?

49. The output of expression [x*y for x, y in zip([3,4],[5,6])] is .
——– [15, 24]——–

50. Generator expressions use brackets.
— ()—

51. Which of the following error occurs, if an iterator is accessed, when it has no elements?————-

52. The output of the expression ‘list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]))’ is.
——- [6,4,1]——-

53. Which of the following modules contain functions that create iterators for efficient looping?

54. Which of the following function call is correct?
————— f(a=1, b=1, c=2)————–

55. Which of the following brackets are used to define a set comprehension?


56. Can one block of except statements handle multiple exceptions?
Yes, like
except ( NameError, SyntaxError, …)

57. How are variable length keyword arguments specified in the function heading?
Two stars followed by a valid identifier

58. Which of the following statement is not true about Python functions?
Non-keyword arguments can be passed after keyword arguments

59. The output of the expression [(i.upper(), len(i)) for i in ‘kiwi’ ] is .
—————————————- [(‘K’, 1), (‘I’, 1), (‘W’, 1), (‘I’, 1)]—————————————-

60. The output of expression [i**+1 for i in range(3)] is _.

——— [0, 1, 2]


1 Comment

  1. 21. Which methods are invoked on entering into and exiting from the block of code written in ‘with’ statement?
    __enter__, __exit__ is the right answer

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