Quality Engineering Testing MCQ

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Q1. Sarah wants to perform build automation in her projects. Suggest her with a list of build tools from the below options.

A.Apache Maven
C.Apache Ant
E. Git

Ans: a c d

Q2. Scrum is used for managing a product/application. One of the team members, Peter has the responsibility of defining the overall project vision. Which scrum role is played by Peter? Choose the most appropriate option.

A.Product Owner

B.Scrum Master



Ans: b

Q3. Which user group in ALM has full privileges to all modules in ALM? Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Project Manager

B. TDAdmin


D. QA Tester

Ans: b

Q4. Sam has created a Test Set and added tests into it. He wants to configure the Test Run Schedule in ALM Test Lab. Which Test Lab panel allows him to configure the Test Run Schedule?Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Execution Grid

B. Execution Flow


D. Details

Ans: b

Q5. Samantha is a new joiner in a project team. She has been asked by her lead to perform White box testing on the application code. Please help her to understand the different techniques to perform White bax testing. Choose the appropriate options.

Ans – Statement Coverage, Path Coverage, Condition Coverage, Branch Coverage

Q6. Which type of testing is intended to validate the system’s usability and operability and is performed by clients? Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Assembly Test

B. Application Product Test


Ans: b

Q7. Which of the following best defines “Verification” and “Validation Choose the most appropriate option

Ans – Verification: Lalitha is updating the product requirements after BA’s Validation. Raju is updating the test script after the review. mation.

Q8. David has been asked by his Test Lead to utilize a technique that can test an application without knowledge of internal programming logic. Which of the following options correctly indicates the technique described in the above scenario?Choose the most appropriate.

A. Black box technique

B. Programming technique

C. None of the above

D. Gray box technique

E. White box technique

Ans: a

Q9. Which of the following styles of writing Test Scenario Ids will represent clearly the referenced Test Scenario and help the testing team for tracking purposes? Choose the most appropriate option.

A. TS1.0

B.UCA1.0.TS1.0 [Use c ID.Test Scenario ID]

C. DD1.0.TS1.0 [Data Dictionary ID.Test Scenario ID

D. TS1.0.UCA1.0 [Test Scenario ID.Use Case ID]

Ans: b

Q10. While using Soft Assertion in the Test Class, James must specify a method, that will collate and display the assertion results Choose the most appropriate.

A. assertAll()



D. assertFail()

Ans: a

Q11. Sean is coding an automation script to test a web application. He has to store the Logout link in a Java variable using a driver.findElemen method. Suggest Sean with a compatible return type to store the Log out test object.

A. String

B. WebElement

C. List

D. WebDriver

Ans: b

Q12. Sean is coding to automate a test scenario which he has to click on a dynamic link to navigate to the Shopping Cart page The web element looks like <a href=”/cart.jsp?params”> Cart[19] </a> Which locator is most iterations? t recommended for Sean to identify the cart web element for all test

A. By linkText()

B. All of the above

C. By.href()

D. ByprtialLinkText()

Ans: d

Q13.Samantha is automating a test scenario This scenario involves a pop-up of a confirmation window. She wants to interact with the pop-up window and decline the confirmation. Pop-up window shows a message “Do you want to cancel the payment?” Assist Samantha to interact with pop up window by choosing the correct Command Choose the most appropriate option.

Ans – driver switchTo().alert().dismiss();

Q14. Sarah is coding an automation script to switch to multiple windows in a web application. She has to store all the window instances in a java variable which is returned by driver.getWindowHandles(). references. Sarah with a compatible return type to store the window gest Choose the most appropriate option.

A. List<string>




Ans: d

Q15. Sarah is coding an automation script to switch to IFRAME in a web application. Which of the listed option(s) will help Sarah to switch to a particular frame on a web page using the webdriver library? Choose all the appropriate options.

A.driver.switch To().frame(int index)

B. driver.switch To () .frame(WebElement frame Element)

C. driver.switch To () iframe(String name)

D. driver.switch To () .frame(String nameOrld)

E. driver.switch To () frame()

Ans: A B C

Q16. Monica is working on testing end to end business solution of the application using UFT tool. Help Monica to identify correct UFT test type?

Ans – API Test

Q17. Ashmi is testing the logo of the TestMe Application. She wants to verify the source of the image is: “https://kmdemoaut.accenture.com/TestMeApp/img/logo.png”. Which of the below checkpoints is appropriate to test his scenario?Choose the most appropriate option.

Ans – Image Checkpoint

Q18. Monica is automating an application using record and playback, but facing issues recording few objects in the remote machine which is running on non-windows OS. Which of the below recording mode do you suggest her to use?Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Low Level Recording

B. Default/Context Sensitive Recording

C. Insight Recording

D. Analog Recording

Ans: A

Q19. James is using the UFT tool for designing automation scripts. He is trying to understand the use of the Object Spy feature in UFT. Please him understand which of the following is not possible in Object Spy? Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Highlight in application

B. Select object to compare with the current one

C. View active screen

D. Add objects to repository

Ans: c

Q20. James wants to design a scenario in a feature file, in which the complete scenario run multiple times on multiple iterations. Suggest James with a Gherkin keyword to achieve data-driven testing in the feature file.Choose the correct and most optimized approach.

A. Use Tagged Scenario

B. Copy Paste Same Scenario for each data

C. Use Background with Scenario

D. Use Scenario Outline

Ans: d

Q21. Which technique in agile projects focusses on designing automated test scenarios prior to writing the dev code, to achieve effective product outcomes?Choose the most appropriate option

A. Deliberate Discovery

B. Test Driven Development

C. Example Mapping

D. Test Automation

Ans: b

Q22. Henry had joined a project team. The team is using the BDD framework for effective testing. Henry must understand keywords in Cucumber Which gherkin keyword indicates the prior conditon steps in a feature file?Choose the most appropriate option.

Ans – then

Q23. BDD activity, in general, is a three-step, iterative process. What are these three practices that are followed in BDD? Choose the most appropriate option

A. Analysis, Requirements and Design

B. Designing. Discovery and Development

C. Discovery, Designing and Development

D. Discovery, Formulation and Automation

Ans: d

Q24. Which Gherkin keyword is used to create/execute as a common Given Step for all the scenarios in the feature file?Choose the most appropriate option.


B. Scenario Outline


D. After

Ans: c

Q25. Which of the following statements are true about the feature file? 1. A feature file may contain multiple scenarios 2. Feature Gherkin keyword is always written as first/high-level keyword in a feature file 3. There can be multiple feature files in the project 4. Feature files are saved with .txt extension

Ans – Only 1,2 and 3

Q26. Sean is creating a build job in Jenkins to trigger the cucumber feature files for achieving the Continuous Testing process. Assist Sean in setting the path for JDK/Git/Maven in Jenkins to identify proper commands for the build to succeed. Identify the correct option to set the path for the above suggested softwares.Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Add/Verify path to/from in system environment variables.

B. Add/Verify path to/from Global Tool Configurations in jenkins.

C.Add/Verify path to/from in website environment variables.

D. All of the above

Ans: b

Q27. Choose the correct order of the BDD process for test automation. 1. Copy the generated empty test step methods to Step Definitions 5. Run the feature file to observe the test results 3. Run the feature file to generate empty test step methods 4. Develop the test step methods to concrete actions 2. Create a user story with scenarios in the feature file

Ans – 2-3-1-4-5

Q28. Sean is coding an automation script to launch the web application on a browser window. Which of the following listed option(s) will help Sean to launch the desired application on a web browser in Selenium? Choose all the appropriate options.

A. driver.get(“URL”)

B. driver.setUrl(“URL”)

C. driver.getUrl(“URL”)

D. driver.navigate(“URL”)

E. driver navigate().to(“URL”)

Ans: a d e

Q29. Sean is coding to automate mouse interactions on a web browser. Assist Sean to identify the mouse event specific methods from below options.Choose all the appropriate options.

A. move ToElement()

B. moveByOffset()

C. keyDown()

D. sendKeys()

E. release()

F. keyUp()

Ans: a b e

Q30. Which of the following is a Listener in JMeter.

A. View Results Tree

B. Aggregate Report

C. All of the above

D. Summary Report

Ans: c

Q31. A performance tester wants to record and capture the script for his designed scenario. Please help him in selecting the element for recording in JMeter.

A. Loop Controller

b. HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder

C. HTTP Mirror Server

D. Listener

Ans: d

Q32. Mahesh and his team have completed a Load test for their online shopping application with different workload distributions for their scenarios. Which element is responsible for storing all the results of your HTTP request in a file for the test plan?

Ans – Listener

Q33. Sam is designing a Test Plan in JMeter. He wants the threads to execute the request inside the controller only one time per thread, irrespective of the number of iterations specified in the thread group. Which of the following controllers in JMeter will be useful in this Test Plan?Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Simple Controller

B. Once Only Controller

C. None of the above

D. Module Controller

E. Transaction Controller

Ans: e

Q35. Which of the following methods is used to close all the opened windows of WebDriver Instance ?

A. close()

b. quit()


D.sleep ()

Ans: b

Q36. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about extent reports? Choose most appropriate option.

A. Extent Reports are customizable HTML reports

B. Extent Reports can be integrated with Selenium WebDriver using TestNG / JUnit testing frameworks

C. Extent Reports can add events, screenshots, tags, devices, authors or any other relevant information about test environment. fureters

D.All of the above

Ans: d

Q37. When verification fails in TestNG, what forces the test to stop execution and mark as Fail? Choose the most appropriate option

A. AssertionFail



D. AssertionError

Ans: d

Q38.Sem is new to the project in the role of Test Engineer The test team has just received a working code from the development team. Sam has been asked to take up the testing initiative and ensure that the build is stable enough to perform further levels of testing Which type of testing is referred to here? Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Unit sting

b. Smoke Testing

C. System Testing

D. Product Testing

Ans: b

Q39. How many defects can be associated to a requirement?

A. Only 1 Defect per Requirement

B. Only 1 Defect per Requirement Folder

C. Only 1 Defect per Test

D. Multiple Defects

Ans: d

Q40. Sarah wants to successfully launch the ALM web application on the IE browser Suggest Sarah with the recommended settings under Internet Options:

Ans – Add ALM URL to the trusted sites and ensure that Protected Mode is checked for differen zones

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