QE MCQ3 Question Answers

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In UFT, which type of variable is accessed by all actions, functions library and test that have a global scope?
Ans : Environment Variable

You are a tester in a large banking project and are designing a UFT test script for their
In Action1, you have computed the value of interest as:

  1. Principal = 100
  2. NumYear = 1
  3. ROI = 1
  4. CalcInterest = Principal * NumYears * ROI/100
    In Action2, you are using the variables from Action 1 as: Amount = CalcInterest + Principal msgbox (Amount)
    On execution, what will be the output of all the above UFT tests?

Ans: Message Box101

result = 75
. Select Case true
Case (result>=75 and result<=100): Report.ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”, “Distinction” Case (result>=60 and result<75): Report.ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”,
Case (result<60): Report.ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”, “Fail”
Case Else: Report.ReportEvent micDone, “Score Evaluation”, “Invalid Range”
End Select
What will be the output when the above code is executed?

Ans: status done &description is distinction

err_code = 3
Select Case err_code
Case 1: result = “Error in connecting to Database. Please check the connection string”
Case 2: result = “Incorrect Parameters to function”
Case Else : result = “All syntax checked
passed!” End Select
msgbox result
What will be the output when the above code is executed?

Ans: All syntax checked passed!

Predict the output for the below code snippet
Msgbox len(“UFT” & String(3,”T”))

Ans: 6

Predict the output for the below code snippet Dim a, b a = “VBscript” b = Left(Right(a,3),2)
print b

Ans: ip

Sarah wants to perform a few iterations using a do – while loop in UFT. She has written the
below code. Predict the number of times the loop will be executed?
i = 10
Do While(i<5)
Msgbox i i =

Ans: Does not executes as the condition fails at entry point

Sean wants to slice a text to perform a test on a message.
He used the split function in VBScripting to chop the
String. Predict output for the below code snippet. Dim arr
arr = split(“thisisVBscripting”,”“) msgbox arr(2)

Ans : VB

Predict the output for the below snippet? Dim i
i=len(strReverse(“Automation testing”&”Vbscripting”))
msgbox i

Ans : 29

Predict the output for the below code snippet?
Dim date1, date2 date1 = #10/10/2010# date2 = 10/10/2012 msgbox DateDiff(“d”,date1,date2)&”Days”

Ans: 731 Days

Dim str str = StrReverse(mid(“Unified functional

Ans: cnuf deif

Predict the output for the below snippet?Dim i
i=len(StrReverse(“Automation testing” & “Vbscripting”))
msgbox i

Ans: 29

Print Mid(left(“My name is jack peach”,len(“test-

Ans: na

Roy is working on automation critical test cases os a bamking application where he has to
record the exact X and Y coordinates of few UI objects. Which of the below recording
mode he must use in the UFT tool?

Ans: Low Level Recording.

Adi is trying to run an end-to-end automation script for an E-commerce project and facing
issues every time as there is a change in the object with the new build. Which of the below
playback option can help him to run, debug and fix the issues with object?

Ans: Maintenance Run Mode.

What is the default selected browser in UFT Record and Run settings for Web applications?

Ans: Microsoft Internet Explorer
What are different run types supported by UFT?

Ans: 1. Normal Run, 2.Update Run,3.Maintenance Run.

James is using the UFT tools for designing automation scripts. He is trying to understand
the use of the object spy features in UFT. Please help him understand which of the
following is not possible in Object Spy?

Ans: View Active Screen
Ritu is working on automation an E-Commerce end-to-end automation and wants to fetch
the order no at end of a successful transaction. Which of the below method she can use to
fetch the run time order details?

What are the different types of Object Repositories available in Micro Focus UFT ?

Ans: Shared Object Repository, Per Action Object Repository
James has recorded a test scenario using UFT. He is not sure about the storage location of
the test objects. Please guide him to find the test objects in the UFT.

Ans: Local Object Repository.

What is the extension of local and shared object repositories in UFT.

Ans: Local :“.bdb”, Shared: “.tsr”

Kevin is automation test cases that involves querying the database and gets the text with a success message “Data retrieved successfully”. He is facing issue with UFT not waiting
until the data is retrieving successfully as it takes a different time for every execution.
Which of the below method code will help kevin execute the automation script
successfully for multiple iterations?

Ans: waitProperty “text”. “Data retrieved Successfull”, time
UFt supports various synchroniation technique that helps us to manage web applications. Which technique is applied only to Web pages and Browsers?

Ans: Sync
UFT provides many synchronisation techniques like wait, sync, exist and waitproperty.
Which of these techniques returns boolean value?

Ans: Exist

Jack is new to the world of automation testing with UFT. He wants to learn different styles of designing the automation test script in UFT. Please help him understand the
advantages of Descriptive Programming for designing the
automation test Script.

Ans: It supports test script…., It bypass the use of……
Sarah is designing an automation script using descriptive programming in UFT for a window-based FlightGUI application. Assist sarah with a tool that can be used
frequently to identify the properties of the test objects.

Ans: Object Spy
Mary is struggling to find a suitable simple wildcard character that matches any single character. Please suggest to her which of the following character may be relevant for her

Ans: .(period)
Sam is learning regular expression in UFT. Please help him in understanding which number given in option does not match the regular expression \d{2,4}

Ans: 32134

Consider a test string to be “Order 200 completed”. Which of the below regular
expression(s) will not match the given string?

Ans: Order[0-9]+completed.
A retail application generates order id on successful order placing. Order Id follows a
pattern: Starts with TXN, followed by any 3-digits number, and ended with any capital
alphabet. Which regular expression will match the order Id?

Ans: ^TXN\d{3}[A-Z]$
Identify the invalid statement from the below given options.
Ans: Browser (name:=Demo Web Shop).Page(Page:=”.”).WebEdit(“Email:q”).Set
Sam is learning regular expressions and wants to understand which regular expression(s)
mathes only a single-digit number.

Ans: \d, [0-9]
Peter is working on automating a banking application. He Wants to resuse an action from an
existing UFT test into another test with minimal Changes. Which suitable method do you

Ans: Call to copy actions
Which of the following statements regarding Actions in UFT is FALSE?

Ans: We cannot execute a test from a specific actions.
Which of the following is not a feature of Actions in UFT?

Ans:Parameters are passed by references

Which of the following statements regarding Actions is true?

Ans: Parameters are passed by values only, ….
What type of the action we can create if we want others to reuse that action, but as the same
time it should be non-editable for others?

Ans: Reusable Actions
Ahmed is writing a complex test script that has multiple functions and recursive functions calls.
He wishes to understand the flow of his test executions- especially around the function calls.
Which of the following would you recommend?

Ans: Put Break Points,F5/F11 and observer the flow in the call of stack.
UFT supports various debugging techniques that helps us in finding the issues in the automation
script. Which technique allows us to change the value of local variable at run time to understand
the behavior?

Ans: Console

Amyra is having issues troubleshooting her code. Her local Variables window is very cluttered
with the variables in the current actions. Which of the following you recommend her to do?

Ans: Use the watch window to selectively see only the variable she wishes to work with
During a peer review, you noticed that your teammate Nita is using the msgbox command in
her UFT Test Script to check if the computations are correct. You advise her not to the use the
msgbox command because:


  1. Removing msgbox statements from multiple actions is difficult because you
    have to individually comment or delete those statements.
    If msgbox statements are not removed or commented from the test script, the
    execution they pause at runtime until the OK button is clicked.

Jean is troubleshooting an unexpected error in the for-loop that she has written in the test script.
The loops runs for 1000 iterations. She kept a breakpoint on the starting line of the for-loop
and wants to randomly test for only a couple of values.
For examples, When i=450, i=373, i=900, etc
Which of the following would you recommend her to do?

Ans: Use the console window inUFT to change the value of the loop variable “I” at runtime.
Jim got an error on executing the following code on the fourth line where the number of tickets
getting selected. To troubleshoot, he kept a breakpoint on the third line.
WpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”).WpfEdit(“agentName”).Set “john”
WpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”).WpfEdit(“password”).SetSecure
WpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”).WpfButton(“Ok”).Click nt
= RandowNumber(1,100)
WpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFligh Sample”).WpfComboBox(“numOfTickets”).Select nt
WpfWindow(“Micro Focus MyFlight Sample”).Close

Ans: Press F11
To Run Script F5; F9 BreakPoint; Step into: F11(step by step execution)
Jack wants to apply checkpoints in an existing test script. He decides to use Keyword view to
insert checkpoints. Which all checkpoints can be inserted using keyword view?

Ans: Only Standard Checkpoints
James is new to UFT and he is learning about checkpoints in UFT. Please help him to
understand which of the given below checkpoints is only applicable for verifying the
properties of an image in the web applications.

Ans: Image CheckPoints

Kevin wants to apply checkpoints in existing test scripts. He decides to use Active Screen to
insert checkpoints. Which all checkpoints can be inserted using Active Screen?

Ans: Standard, Text and BitMap
Peter wants to compare an image pixel by pixel. Please help him understand which of these
checkpoints can be used in this situations.

Ans: BitMap Checkpoints
Peter wants to add few checkpoints through the Active Screen Features in UFT. Please him
understand which all checkpoints can be added using the Active Screen.

Ans: Text, Standard, Bitmap Checkpoints
Alphy is working on testing a newly created web application for Accenture. She wants to test
that the footer content “Copyright @ 2021 Accenture. All rights reserved” is displayed. Which
of the below checkpoints is appropriate to test his Scenario?

Ans: Text Checkpoint
Which of the following concept in UFT is used for verifying expected and actual results ?

Ans: CheckPoints
Neha is an automation tester working for TestMe project. She wants to log some information
in The UFT test result pane. Which Reporter Object Method is more relevant is this situation?

Ans: micDone
Mary wants to add an HTML snippet to have better clarity in the test results. Which
Reporter object method can she use to achieve this task?

Ans: ReportHTMLEvent

Ram/James wants to report only error steps in the test result window. Which filter method he can use ?

Ans: rfEnableErrorsOnly
Peter is learning how to enhance the test scripts in UFT. Please help him understand what all
can be performed using the Reporter object.

Ans: Report Filters, Add information
Peter has been asked to add the IP address of the machine from where he is executing his test as additional information in the HTML test run reports generated in UFT. Which reporter
method he can use to achieve this?

Ans: AddRunInformation
John wants to report only events with a warning or fail status in the test run results. Which property can he use to achieve this feature?

Ans:Run Status, Filters
Sakshi wants to embed HTML tabs to beautify the test run report generated in UFT. Which method she can use here?

Ans: ReportHTMLEvent
Sumitha is a test to automation engineer working for one of the global client ABC oraganization. She has been assigned a task to automate the Login functionality with 1000 different sets of credentials. She has designed a code to import all the data into UFT data
Table successfully. Now, she wants to focus only on the 50th row test data for the Login
validation. Please help her with the correct dataTable method to focus on a specific row
of test data.

Ans: setCurrentRow(50)

John is working on a ABC online shopping portal as Automation tester. He must validate the functionality of the registration page by providing different sets of information like
username, firstname, lastname, password, date of Birth, and many more. The test data is
stored and maintained in a specific excel sheet. Please help john with the correct code to
import that specific excel sheet into destination sheet in the UFT data table. This allow
UFT to configure and run registration page with different sets of data.

Ans: DataTbale.ImportSheet(“Excel File”,”Source Sheet”,”Designation”)
In UFT, Which type of variable can be accessed by all Actions, Functions libraries, And texts that have global scope?

Ans: Environment Variable
Sean is automating a Hotel Reservation Management System. He had to test different pages of HRMS like seach hotels, book hotels etc. While testing the book hotels page, Sean wants to parameterize fields such as “Number of Rooms Needed”, “Number of
Person per Room”, which can take any numeric data.
Which type of parameterization is best suitable for this scenario ?

Ans: Parameterization using Random Number
Susmitha was working on an ABC flight booking application as Automation TEst Engineer. She would like to automate the complete workflow of the application including Login. Search for Flight, Select Flight, and Book a Flight. The application
displays a Booking id on the Page after a successful flight booking. She wants to
capture that booking id and store it in the Run time Data Table. Please help her with
the correct option to capture and store that booking id value.

Ans: TextOutput value
Chetan wants to add some additional information like the environment for test execution. Which method can be used to add this information in the test results?

Ans: AddRunInformation
Anush wishes to create a UFT Test Script from ALM. Which of the following Test
Type should she select when she creates a new test Script?

Ans: QuickTest_Test

There is an online stock exchange marketing portal, which displays details like stock name,
Stock Price, and Profits per day on a web Table. This Stock exchange web Table is dynamic
and it keeps updating all its stock details. Sandra is automating a stock exchange marketing
portal. She must use a command in her script to check the presence of a web table on the

Ans: ……WebTableObject.Exist
There is an online gold rate checking application where it displays the gold rate of the last days in the web table daily. The first column is the Gold Price(1 gram), the second column is Gold Price(22k). The third column is Gold Price(24k). Sumitha must automate the online gold
rate checking web application using the UFT tool. The automation test, she is expected to
fetch all the cell data of the 3rd column Gold Price(24k), and display it in the console.
Please help her with the correct code to fetch all the cell data based on specific rows
and columns.

Ans: lastRow = WebTableObject.RowCount
For i=0 to lastRow -1 Step 1
Print webTableObject.GetCellData(i,2) Next

There is an online stock exchange marketing portal, which displays details like stock name, Stock Price, and Profits per day on a web Table. This Stock exchange web Table is dynamic and it keeps updating all its stock details. Sandra is automating an online stock exchange
marketing portal. She must use a command in her script to automatically fetch the number
of columns from the stock exchange web table daily.

Ans: StockExchangeWebTableObject.ColumnCount
There is an online stock exchange marketing portal, which displays details like stock name, Stock Price, and Profits per day on a web Table. This Stock exchange web Table is dynamic and it keeps updating all its stock details. Sandra is automating an online stock exchange
marketing portal. She must use a command in her script to automatically fetch the number
of rows from the stock exchange web table daily.

Ans: StockExchangeWebTableObject.RowCount

A developer has created employees RESTful web services which includes the functionality of adding employees, deleting employees, updating employees, etc. These RESTful web service details have been given to the tester to test the functionality of the employee
RESTful web service. Which HTTP method is used to read the list of employees using
RESTful web service?

Ans: GET Method
A developer has created employee RESTful web services which includes the functionality of adding employees, deleting employees, updating employees, etc. These RESTful web
service details have been given to the tester to test the functionality of the employee
RESTful web service. Which HTTP method is used to update employee details using
RESTful Web service?

Ans: PUT Method
Which of the following types of applications can be tested using UFT?

Ans: Web Application, SOAP and REST APIs
There are various elements in a SOAP message. Which element of the SOAP message shows error message and status information.

Ans: Fault

A developer has created employee RESTful web services which includes the functionality of adding employees, deleting employees, updating employees, etc. These RESTful web
service details have been given to the tester to test the functionality of the employee
RESTful web service. Which HTTP method is used to partially update the employee
details using RESTful web services?

Ans: PATCH method
Which format of data is supported by SOAP web services for sending requests and receiving responses?

Ans: XML
James is learning regular expressions in UFT. Please help him in understanding which strings given in options can match with the regular expression T[ab]le.

Ans: Tale, Tble

Which of the following is not a property of Reporter Object?

Ans: ReportSummary
Monica is automating an application using record and playback, but facing issues recording few objects in the remote machine which is running on non-windows OS.
Which of the below recording modes do you suggest her use?

Ans: Low LevelRecording
Jeevan is working in UFT and wanted to check the “Submit” Button for the…. Enabled = True, Width = 125, Text = “Submit”
Which of the below checkpoints is appropriate to test his scenario?

John is automating a web application and he is facing issues with accessing the object on a web page after the login page. All the objects on the web page are taking more time to load.
This issue is intermittent. Which of the below synchronisation
techniques is the best solution to this problem?

Ans: Sync Method

Ram has created 3 actions in a UFT test. After creating, he found that the sequence of the actions is not appropriate and he wants to modify the sequence of the actions. Please
suggest to him how it can be achieved.

Ans: Drag and Drop…., Right click on action and move up and down…….
Ashmi is testing the logo of the TestMe application. She wants to verify the source of the image is “https://lkmdemoaut.accenture.com/TestMeApp/img/logo.png”. Which of the
below checkpoints is appropriate to test his scenario?

Ans: Page CheckPoints
Which of the following is FALSE about Transactions in UFT?

Ans: It cannot be nested.
James is new to UFT and is learning about Checkpoints in UFT. Please help him understand the type of checkpoints that cannot be inserted if UFT is not in recording mode.

Ans: Accessibility Checkpoint

Which filter method of the Reporter Object can be used to report all events in the result window?

Ans: rfEnabledAll
principal = 100 numyears = 1 roi = 1
Call CalcInterest (principal, numyears,
roi) Sub CalcInterest(p,n,r) i = pnr/100
Msgbox i
End Sub
What will be the output when the code is executed?

Ans: msgbox 1
Sushmitha was working on an ABC flight booking application as Automation Test Engineer.She would like to automate the complete workflow of the application including Login,Search for Flight,Select Flight, and Book a Flight.The application displays a
Booking id and stores it in the run time data table.

Ans: Text Output Value

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