Python Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

In this post we will discuss about python Built In type Multiple choice questions(mcq) or objective type questions.

Q71) How many Boolean Operations are present in python?

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5

Ans – 3

Q72) There are how many comparison operations in Python?

  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 6
  4. 5

Ans – 2

Q73) There are How may distinct numeric types in python?

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5

Ans – 3

Q74) Bitwise operations only takes place on

  1. float
  2. int
  3. char
  4. none of these

Ans – 2

Q75) Python supports a concept of iteration over,

  1. Integer
  2. Float
  3. containers
  4. Values

Ans – 3

Q76) There are _____basic sequence types in python.

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5

Ans – 3

Q77) The operations in the following table are defined on,

  1. Immutable sequence types
  2. Mutable sequence types
  3. Simple sequence types
  4. Manual sequence types

Ans – 2

Q78) Lists are______ in python.

  1. Immutable sequence types
  2. Mutable sequence types
  3. Simple sequence types
  4. Manual sequence types

Ans – 2

Q79) Tuples are __________ in python.

  1. Immutable sequence types
  2. Mutable sequence types
  3. Simple sequence types
  4. Manual sequence types

Ans – 1

Q80) The range type represents an _________ in python.

  1. Immutable sequence types
  2. Mutable sequence types
  3. Simple sequence types
  4. Manual sequence types

Ans – 1

Tags: Tuples Python Multiple Choice Questions(Objective Type Questions)MCQ,Ranges Multiple Choice Questions(Objective Type Questions)MCQ, Lists Multiple Choice Question) MCQ, python mcq with answers,python questions and answers,python programming multiple choice questions and answers pdf,python mcq online test on bulit in types,

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