Python Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

If you are finding for Python Multiple Choice Questions then you are at right place. python mcq online test , python mcq questions and answers pdf are Available here.

We are going to discuss about python Data Models Multiples choice questions and answers pdf in this post.

Q21) In python, System-defined names, informally known as _____ names.

  1. dunder
  2. keywords
  3. identifiers
  4. Literals

Ans – 1

Q22) What are notations for constant values of some built-in types in python?

  1. dunder
  2. keywords
  3. identifiers
  4. Literals

Ans – 4

Q23) In python _________ character is used to escape characters.

  1. hash
  2. backslash
  3. question mark
  4. dot

Ans – 2

Q24) there are how many types of numeric literals in python?

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four

Ans – 3

Q25) What is Python’s abstraction for data ?

  1. keyword
  2. identifiers
  3. Objects
  4. Classes

Ans – 3

Q26) In python Every object has an identity of,

  1. type
  2. value
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. Classes

Ans – 3

Q27) In Python The _____ operator compares the identity of two objects.

  1. where
  2. are
  3. in
  4. is

Ans – 4

Q28) Which function returns an object’s type in python?

  1. list
  2. object
  3. type
  4. null

Ans – 3

Q29) Objects whose value can change are said to be,

  1. mutable
  2. immutable
  3. mutual
  4. permanant

Ans – 1

Q30) objects whose value is unchangeable once they are created are called

  1. mutable
  2. immutable
  3. mutual
  4. permanant

Ans – 2

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