Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Linux admin L1 Question Answers | Linux Admin MCQ with Answers | Linux Admin Objective type question Answer | Linux Admin MCQ with Answers
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- File to allow remote host ———————etc/hosts.allow
- Global profile in RHEL6 ———————/etc/profile
- Create snap shot logical volume —————lvcreate
- Kernel image file of linux —————–vmlinuX
- To see the content run level —————–runlevel / who –r
- Deamon for cron ———————crond
- Which daemon not used in NFS —————NFS
8. File type which link across filesystem ———————soft link
- To display shell’s environment variables——————— env
10 Change run level of a service ———————Chkconfig
- Daemon for ftp ———————vsftpd
- Sysuser as secondary group for user1 users ——————— usermod -G sysusers user1
- User needs to connect securely and mandatorily encypt the password————–ssh
- To list all possible partition types ans their partition ids —————fdisk -l
- you have a /data directory on your system and want to give full permission to owner and group member and no permission to others ——- Chmod 770 /data
- you have a /data directory on your system and want to give full
permission to owner and group member and no permission to others —- /etc/squid/squid.conf - Static files of bootloader is installed in – /boot
- Daemon not required to run NFS —- NFS
- Daemon used for crontab —- crond
- Command used to create snap of logical volumes —— lvcreate
- Daemon process for ftp in RHEL 6 – vsftpd
- Which Ffilesystem support in Linux – htfs
- Which runlevel support NFS – 3
- User needs to connect securely and mandatorily encypt the password- ssh
- Default shell of linux – bash
- System file to allow remote host access – /etc/hosts.allow
- History commnad to display last 5 commands – history 5
- Which password command will lock user account – passwd -l
- Sysuser as secondary group for user1 users – usermod -G sysusers user1
soft link - File type which link across filesystem – soft link
- To display shell’s environment variables – env(also printenv)
- To add script/service to auto load at boot time – chkconfig -add
- To list all possible partition types ans their partition ids – fdisk -l
- To see system default routing tables – netstat -rn
- To mount ro filesytem /mount to rw filesystem – mount -o remount,rw
/mount - With which option e2fsck wil check and automatically repair filesystem
without prompting – e2fsck -p - /dev contains → special device files for all devices
- NFS share configs files is in → /etc/exports
- Create snap shot logical volume → lvcreate
- Command to change run level → init, /etc/inittab
- To see the content run level → runlevel / who –r
- netstat –rn → display routing with kernel & IP
- Netstat –in → display routing table Display a table of all network interfaces with
interface & IP - Show IP route → list routing table
- deamon for cron → crond
- Prevent user form logging in → usermod –s /sbin/nologin username
- Boot file location in Linux → /boot
- Unmount forcefully → umount –f /mnt
- File in which DNS is configured → /etc/resolv.conf
- Kernel version in Linux → uname –r
- Global profile in RHEL6 → /etc/profile
- File to allow remote host → /etc/hosts.allow
- To lock user account → passwd –l
- To unlock user account → passwd –u
- Command to remove link –? Rm / unlink
- env display → env, print env
- Change runlevel of a service –? Chkconfig
- Daemon for ftp → vsftpd
- Command to see the file system type → df –T
- Which daemon not used in NFS → NFS
- Securely accessing servers → SSH
- Path to connect a machine from remote → hosts.allow
- Command to generate a RSA key pair –? Ssh –keygen –t rsa / ssh –keygen
RPM config creation file –rpm –qla
Df → displays all the device names, blocks, mounts
Df –a → displays information about filesystem usuage and memory utilization
Df –h → human readable TB, KB, MB
Df- T→display type of file system
Df –k→ block as byte
Df –t ext3 → display only the filesystem which are of ext3
Df –X ext3 → extends ext3 and display other filesystems
DU – Disk usuage
MAC address uses–? Hexa decimal numbers
Du –h /home/adm → human readale
/bin→ all executables are located
/dev → device drivers
/etc → config files, disk config files
/lib→ library files
RAID 0 → striping. High performance, zero fault tolerance. W/R good performance
RAID 1 → Mirroring. Good performance, Full fault tolerance, used in small scale
RSA minimum key length → 768
Default length → 2048
Key length for RSA is always → 1024 bits
Kernel image file of linux → vmlinux
which initialization script executed after all other init scripts → /etc/rc.local
ls /etc/*.conf