Linux Admin Question Answers

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Linux admin L1 Question Answers | Linux Admin MCQ with Answers | Linux Admin Objective type question Answer | Linux Admin MCQ with Answers

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  1. File to allow remote host ———————etc/hosts.allow
  2. Global profile in RHEL6 ———————/etc/profile
  3. Create snap shot logical volume —————lvcreate
  4. Kernel image file of linux —————–vmlinuX
  5. To see the content run level —————–runlevel / who –r
  6. Deamon for cron ———————crond
  7. Which daemon not used in NFS —————NFS

8. File type which link across filesystem ———————soft link

  1. To display shell’s environment variables——————— env

10 Change run level of a service ———————Chkconfig

  1. Daemon for ftp ———————vsftpd
  2. Sysuser as secondary group for user1 users ——————— usermod -G sysusers user1
  3. User needs to connect securely and mandatorily encypt the password————–ssh
  4. To list all possible partition types ans their partition ids —————fdisk -l
  5. you have a /data directory on your system and want to give full permission to owner and group member and no permission to others ——- Chmod 770 /data
  6. you have a /data directory on your system and want to give full
    permission to owner and group member and no permission to others —- /etc/squid/squid.conf
  7. Static files of bootloader is installed in – /boot
  8. Daemon not required to run NFS —- NFS
  9. Daemon used for crontab —- crond
  10. Command used to create snap of logical volumes —— lvcreate
  11. Daemon process for ftp in RHEL 6 – vsftpd
  12. Which Ffilesystem support in Linux – htfs
  13. Which runlevel support NFS – 3
  14. User needs to connect securely and mandatorily encypt the password- ssh
  15. Default shell of linux – bash
  16. System file to allow remote host access – /etc/hosts.allow
  17. History commnad to display last 5 commands – history 5
  18. Which password command will lock user account – passwd -l
  19. Sysuser as secondary group for user1 users – usermod -G sysusers user1
    soft link
  20. File type which link across filesystem – soft link
  21. To display shell’s environment variables – env(also printenv)
  22. To add script/service to auto load at boot time – chkconfig -add
  23. To list all possible partition types ans their partition ids – fdisk -l
  24. To see system default routing tables – netstat -rn
  25. To mount ro filesytem /mount to rw filesystem – mount -o remount,rw
  26. With which option e2fsck wil check and automatically repair filesystem
    without prompting – e2fsck -p
  27. /dev contains → special device files for all devices
  28. NFS share configs files is in → /etc/exports
  29. Create snap shot logical volume → lvcreate
  30. Command to change run level → init, /etc/inittab
  31. To see the content run level → runlevel / who –r
  32. netstat –rn → display routing with kernel & IP
  33. Netstat –in → display routing table Display a table of all network interfaces with
    interface & IP
  34. Show IP route → list routing table
  35. deamon for cron → crond
  36. Prevent user form logging in → usermod –s /sbin/nologin username
  37. Boot file location in Linux → /boot
  38. Unmount forcefully → umount –f /mnt
  39. File in which DNS is configured → /etc/resolv.conf
  40. Kernel version in Linux → uname –r
  41. Global profile in RHEL6 → /etc/profile
  42. File to allow remote host → /etc/hosts.allow
  43. To lock user account → passwd –l
  44. To unlock user account → passwd –u
  45. Command to remove link –? Rm / unlink
  46. env display → env, print env
  47. Change runlevel of a service –? Chkconfig
  48. Daemon for ftp → vsftpd
  49. Command to see the file system type → df –T
  50. Which daemon not used in NFS → NFS
  51. Securely accessing servers → SSH
  52. Path to connect a machine from remote → hosts.allow
  53. Command to generate a RSA key pair –? Ssh –keygen –t rsa / ssh –keygen
    RPM config creation file –rpm –qla
    Df → displays all the device names, blocks, mounts
    Df –a → displays information about filesystem usuage and memory utilization
    Df –h → human readable TB, KB, MB
    Df- T→display type of file system
    Df –k→ block as byte
    Df –t ext3 → display only the filesystem which are of ext3
    Df –X ext3 → extends ext3 and display other filesystems
    DU – Disk usuage
    MAC address uses–? Hexa decimal numbers
    Du –h /home/adm → human readale
    /bin→ all executables are located
    /dev → device drivers
    /etc → config files, disk config files
    /lib→ library files
    RAID 0 → striping. High performance, zero fault tolerance. W/R good performance
    RAID 1 → Mirroring. Good performance, Full fault tolerance, used in small scale
    RSA minimum key length → 768
    Default length → 2048
    Key length for RSA is always → 1024 bits
    Kernel image file of linux → vmlinux
    which initialization script executed after all other init scripts → /etc/rc.local
    ls /etc/*.conf

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