English Multiple Choice Questions with answers pdf

Hello friends in this article we will learn about English Multiple Choice Questions with answers pdf.

These are English Multiple Choice Questions and answers which are asked in various examination of schools colleges or University you can refer these questions for your study purpose. 

English Multiple Choice Questions with answers pdf

1. Good writers are likely to

A) use one writing strategy for all situations.

B) adhere strictly to a set of established rules

for writing.

C) carefully analyze the initial problem before

beginning a draft.

D) edit documents during the process of

writing the first draft. 

Ans : C 

2. Which of the following would be considered a planning activity when writing a report?

A) Evaluating your work

B) Defining the purpose

C) Rearranging content

D) Checking for grammar and spelling errors 

Ans : B 

3. Which of the following would NOT be an example of revising a written document?

A) Correcting several spelling and punctuation


B) Deleting several statements that seem


C) Replacing financial information that was

originally used in the report with more current

data that just became available

D) Rearranging the order of several

paragraphs to enhance the flow of ideas 

Ans : D 

4. Maria realizes that she has used the word “their” when she meant “there,” so she replaces her original word with the correct term. What part of the writing process does this activity represent?

A) Planning

B) Gathering

C) Revising

D) Editing 

Ans : D 

5. If you ask your co-worker Steve to give you feedback on a document, he might address all of the following questions with you EXCEPT:

A) How many hours did you spend on the

actual writing?

B) Is your pattern of organization appropriate?

C) Did a revision that you made solve an

earlier problem?

D) Is the writing style clear and easy to


Ans : A 

6. If you have time to do only a light revision, you ask yourself all of the following questions, EXCEPT

A) Is each sentence worded clearly?

B) Is the information sufficient for readers to

understand and act?

C) Are the first and last paragraphs effective?

D) Is the logic clear and convincing? 

Ans : A 

7. If a reader claims that some of the statements in a  written document are false, the writer should NOT

A) provide additional information.

B) cite the sources of the information.

C) remove the statements from the document.

D) rephrase sentences within the document. 

Ans : C 

8. Proven ways to overcome writer’s block include all of the following EXCEPT: 

A) Practice writing regularly and in
B) Talk harshly to yourself
C) Talk about writing to other people
D) Eliminate distractions 
Ans : B 

9. If you spent 12 hours analyzing the situation and your audience, gathering information, and organizing what you have to say AND 12 hours evaluating, revising, editing, and proofreading a written document, about how long should you have spent actually writing the content in the document?

A) 6 hours
B) 12 hours
C) 18 hours
D) 24 hours 
Ans : B 

10. What technique for generating ideas involves writing down ideas, circling them, and looking for patterns or repeated ideas?

A) storyboarding
B) freewriting
C) clustering
D) brainstorming 
Ans : C 

11. Katherine is preparing to write a proposal to upper management that suggests the need to establish a new position within the company. To generate ideas quickly, Katherine is freewriting. This involves

A) talking to audiences to help involve readers
in the planning process
B) writing down ideas a topic suggests,
circling them, and looking for patterns or
repeated ideas
C) thinking of all the ideas she can, without
judging them
D) making herself write, without stopping, for
10 minutes 
Ans : D 

12. Which of the following would a spell checker catch as an error?

A) Typing “occured” instead of “occurred.”
B) Typing “papers” instead of “paper’s.”
C) Typing “your” instead of “you’re.”
D) Typing “affect” instead of “effect.”
Ans : A 

13. In which part of the writing process is it most important to know the rules of grammar and punctuation?

A) Planning
B) Editing
C) Gathering
D) Revising 
Ans : B 

14. When writing to a new audience or having to solve a particularly difficult problem, a writer should revise the draft at least three times. What should the writer look for in the SECOND revision of the draft?

A) Spelling and grammar errors
B) Content and completeness
C) Style and tone
D) Organization, layout, and reasoning 
Ans : D 

15. Which is NOT a question you would ask when revising your document for content and clarity?

A) Does your document meet the needs of the
organization and of the reader?
B) Have you given readers all the information
they need to understand and act on your
C) Does the design of the document make it
easy for readers to find the information they
D) Are generalizations and benefits backed up
with adequate supporting detail? 
Ans : C 

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