Digital 101 Tech Mahindra MCQ

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Digital 101 Tech Mahindra Multiple choice questions | Digital 101 Tech Mahindra MCQ with Answers | Digital 101 Tech Mahindra Objective type questions | Digital 101 Tech Mahindra Dumps

1.The following step Involved in “Digital Journey framework” focuses on Identifying product/ services & business model differentiation opportunities

1 Identity
2 Build
3 Prove
4 Operate
5 all of the above

Ans: 1

2.Digital is not touch point for a customer but it’s a Journey


3.Steps involved in Digital Journey are

1 Identify
2 Build
3 Prove
4 Operate
5 All of the above

Ans: 5

4.Digital Journey consists of—————-[Select all applicable)

1 Building Digital Vision
2 Identifying Digital Impacts
3 Use Digital Framework
4 Heat-map & Radar

Ans: 1 2 3

5.The following step involved in “Digital Journey framework” focuses on Proving merits of potential Digital investments & Innovation opportunities through POCs/Prototypes

1 Identify
2. Build 3 Prove

Ans: 3

6.The following step involved in “Digital Journey framework” focuses on Identifying product/ services &.
business model differentiation opportunities

ANs – Identify

7.Which of the following gets impacted due to adaption of digital technologies on Traditional enterprise

8.In the Digital era, traditional products turn into smart products by adding key capabilities in them like :

1 Intelligence
2 Connectednes
3 Both 1 and 2
4 None of the above

Ans: 3

9.To empathize with customer’s journey and to capture expressed, unarticulated and un-fathomed needs is

Ans – Experience driven digi imagination, Efficiency driven digi imagination

10.Analyze changing scenarios for ecosystem entities and its probable impact on the business process through
social listening, observations,interviews etc. is

1. Experience Driven Digi-imagination
2 Efficiency Driven Digi-imagination
3,Both 1 and 2

Ans: 3

11.Adopting digital technologies on traditional enterprise to deliver growth, profitability and customer centncity represents

1 Enterprise Digital Transformation
2.Digital Revolution
3 Enterprise Performance

Ans: 1

12.Enterprise can empathize with the customer through experience driven Dig imagination by understanding
customer needs.(Select all applicable)

1 Expressed wishes
2 Unarticulated wishes/Un fathomed wishes
3.None of the above

Ans: 1 2

13.________are the benefits delivered by Digital technologies as a result of Business processes re-imagination.

1 Personalized customer interactions
2 Customer-centric Innovation
3 Knowledge-based and Low cost customer retention

Ans: 1 2 3

14.SMART products can connect to——————— (Select all applicable)

1 User
2 Similar products
3. Dumb systems

Ans: 1 2

15.SMART products——–

1 Can monitor/report condition/environment

2. Do predictive analysis
3 Perform self diagnosis
4 Remain with undetected faults

Ans: 1 2 3

16.Monetizing products through services is____disruptive business model

1 The Free Model
2 The “as a service” Model
3 The Access/Rental Model
4 The On demand Model

Ans: 2

17.Google, Facebook are example of________disruptive business model

1 The Freemium or Free Model
2 The Hyper personalized Model
3 The Access/Rental Model
4 The On demand Model

Ans: 1

18.Which of the following can be hot spots for digital disruptions.

New product & services
Differentiated Business Models
Reimagined business process

19.Which of the following can be potential benefits from Enterprise Digital Transformations (Select all applicable)

1 Front end differentiation & new revenue generation
2 customer centiicity improvement
3 Operations improvement X Cost Optimization

Ans: 1 2 3.

20.Uber is an example of__-____disruptive business model/models (Select all applicable)

1, Subscription model
2 The Hyper personalized Model
3 he Access/Rental Model
4 The On demand Model

Ans: 3 4

21.Monetizing products through services is_______disruptive business model

the “as a service” Model

22.HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Sony PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR are examples of

1. Virtual reality
2. Augmented reality
3 Both 1 and 2

Ans: 1

23.Business Objective that can be leveraged using Analytics are

1.Quicker Response to Market Trends
2. Identified real-time cost optimizations
3. Autonomic Business Processes Management
4 All of the above
5 Only 1 and 2

Ans: 4

24.Connectivity enabled by Digital technologies is creating new business possibilities –

1.Quick one-tap connectivity to information, websites and location
2. Evolving mobile & e business

3.Reduced human interference & Seamless data exchange between business functions
4. Increased operational Efficiency
5. All of the above

Ans: 5

26.VR, Augmented Reality, 3D Printing and Immersive Computing are a few enablers of _____ capability of
disruptive digital technologies.

3 Communicate
4 Visualize

Ans: 4

27.Social Media, Crowdsourcing and Collaborations are a few enablers of______ capability of disruptive digital technologies.

1. Think
2. Connect
3 Communicate
4 Visualize

Ans: 3

28.Robotics/Bots, RPA, M2M and Drones are a few enablers of________capability of disruptive digital technologies.

1 Connect
2 Communicate
3. Visualize
4 Act

Ans: 4

29.Social technologies are changing the business by (Select all applicable)

1 Adding additional customer touch points
2 Changing traditional selling to ‘Social selling’
3 Real Time customer enagement
4 None of the above

Ans: 1 2 3

30.Which of the following technologies enable symbiotic relationships between machines and people.

1 Analytics
2. Mobility
3 Virtual Reality
4 Autonomous technologies

Ans: 4

31. An artificial environment created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment

1 Virtual reality
2 Augmented reality
3 ‘ Both 1 and 2

Ans: 1

32.Which of the following digital technology facilitates social media interactions enabled by Internet or a mobile device

1. Mobility
2 Social

Ans: 2

33.Speedy execution is the essential key element of Digital

2 false

Ans: 1

34.Digital has the ability to get 360 degree view of a customer


Ans: 1

35.Digital means convergence of

1. People
2. Business
3 Things
4 All of the above

Ans: 4

36.Digital is driven by

  1. “Inside out” perspective
  2. “Outside in” perspective

Ans: 2

37.Following number of key capability of Disruptive digital technology are identified at this stage. As and when new technologies will get added, few more can be identified.

Ans – 6

38. Speedy execution is the essential key element of Digital


39.Digital has the ability to get 360 degree view of a customer


40.Digital means convergence of

1 People
2 Business
3 Things
4 All of the above

Ans: 4

41.Identify which of the following scenario is not Digital (Select all applicable)

1.Helps in serving customers “proactively”, just when they need it.

2.Helps in “predicting .

3.Replaces and/or automates manual work.
4. Inserts a piece of technology into an existing process.

Ans: 2

42.Identify which of the following scenario is Digital (Select all applicable)

1 Helps in serving customers “proactively”, just when they need it.
2.Helps in “predicting”.
3 Replaces and/or automates manual work
4 Inserts a piece of technology into an existing process

Ans: 1 3 4

43.Digital business is – [Select all applicable)

1. Creation of new business designs
2 Blurring the Digital and physical world
3 Unprecedented convergence of people, business and things

Ans: 1

44.Digital focuses on —(Select all applicable)

1 Converting non-customers to customers
2 Serving customers proactively
3 Serving customers reactively

Ans: 1 2 3

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