Cloud Transformation Question Answers

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1)Target stagging area configurations such as enabling volume encryption ,staging area tags use
vpn or Directconnect etc are updated in cloudendure console for each CE project under
Answer: Setup & info > Replication settings
2) Job progress show progress on which of the machine actions?
Answer: Cutover/Test Cutover and Delete Target machine(Both a & b)
3) which of the following plugin in Jenkins?
Answer: HTML Publisher, Maven 2 project, Amazon EC2(All of the Above)
4)What is Jenkins?
Answer: Container Runtime and Build tool like maven(Both A & B)
5) Recommended setting for setting up subnet by cloud endure are?
Answer: One for the Staging Area and one for the Target (Both A & B)
6) Each project in cloudendure console has its own installation token?
Answer: True
7) Which of the following comprises in Continuous Integration?
Answer: Development and Compilation. Database Integration. Unit Testing. Production
Deployment. (All of the Above).
8) What is a Docker?
Answer: is a Hypervisor, Similar to vSphere, application virtualization technology (All of the
9) Identify the command used in linux/unix/Mac to copy a file within the same system?
Answer: Command start with cp(2nd option)
10) Cloudendure project can be deleted over cloudendure console using ?
Answer: Project Actions
11) XL Release (XLR) is ?
Answer: Option A (XL Release is an end-to-end pipeline orchestrator for DevOps and
continuous delivery)
12) Junit is a ?
Answer: Unit Testing frame work

13) Can we run Junits as a part of Jenkins Job?
Answer: True (As a part of jenkins job, we can run junits, fitnesse, test coverage reports, call
shell or bat scripts, etc.)
14) What do you basic requirement to start using Jenkins ?
Answer: Both 1 & 2
15) Which of the following SCM tool Jenkins supports?
Answer: All of the above(VN, Clearcase, CVS, Git, AccuRev, Perforce, RTC, Mercurial.)
16) Communication between source and cloudendure console occurs over?
Answer: Port 443 (TCP)
17) How to ensure mvn,javac,etc,tools can be accessed from any path in linux terminal?
Answer: A,B,C
18) What is the package manager used in ubuntu?
Answer: sudo usermod -aG docker rps (or) sudo usermod docker rps.
Answer: apt-get, apt, yum
19) What is the full form of CI ?
Answer: Continuous Integration
20) Select the command used to add rps user to docker user group?
Answer : Sudo usermod docker rps
21) CloudEndure can be used to migrate which of the following?
Answer : Both a & b (Virtual Servers & Physical Server)
22) What is Jenkins ?
Answer: A & B (Container runtime , Build tool like maven/msbuild)
23) Container technology replaces Virtualization?
Answer: No
24) Can we delete the workspace?
Answer: Yes
25) Select the command used in CentOS/RHEL to start a service by name nginx ?
Answer: systemctl start nginx
26) Select the command used to add rps user to the docker user group?

27) Select the command used to create docker group?
Answer: sudo groupadd docker.
28) CloudEndure Agent Installation Status can be viewed in CloudEndure Console for?
Answer: Machine Dashboard
29) What is the command used to create key-pairs(public/private keys) in UNIX/LINUX/MAC ?
Answer: ssh-keygen.
30) What is GIT?
Answer: Distributed version control system
31) CloudEndure does not support OS-based disk encryption features such as BitLocker.These
should be disabled before using any CloudEndure Services?
Answer: True
32) The replicated data before being moved into the Staging Area, the data is encrypted and
compressed when transferred over TCP Port 1500 in the Source infrastructure?
Answer: True
33) The Installation Tokens are unique to Account and should be kept secured?
Answer: True
34) CloudEndure project name is updated over cloudendure console under ?
tab >
Answer: Setup & Info OTHER SETTINGS
35) Communication between Source Machine and Staging Area console occurs over?
Answer: Port 1500 (TCP)
36) Communication between Staging Area and cloudendure console occurs over?
Answer: Port 443 (TCP)
37)What are the main operations performed through TCP Port 443?
Answer: Both a & b (Connecting the Source machines to the Console, and displaying their
replication status & Monitoring the Source machines for internal troubleshooting and the use of
resource consumption metrics (CPU, RAM))
38) CloudEndure website or webpage link?
Answer: (or)
39) Sonarqube is a ?

Answer: All the Above

40) XL Deploy (XLD) is ?
Answer: Option B (XL Deploy is the only application release automation solution that is
agentless across all target platforms)
41) Which of the following plugin in Jenkins?
Answer: All of the above ( A. HTML publisher
B.Maven 2 project
C.Amazon EC2 )
42) Can we run Junits as a part of Jenkins job?
Answer: True
43) Which of the following SCM tool Jenkins supports?
Answer: All of the above ( A. Subversion

44) Identify the type of pipelines in Jenkins?
Answer: All of the above ( A. Declarative pipeline
B.Scripted pipeline
C.CI CD pipeline (Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery) )
45) Which of the following merit of Jenkins?
Answer: All of the above ( A. For each code commit changes an automatic build report
notification generates.
B.Build failures are cached at integration stage.
C.To notify developers about build report success or failure, it is
integrated with LDAP mail server.)
46) What do you mean by Jenkins?
Answer: Jenkins is an open source Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Tool.
47) What do you basic requirement to start using Jenkins?
Answer: BOTH 1 & 2 ( A. a viable source code repository
B.a build script that’s registered on that repository)

48) Which of the following comprises in Continuous Integration?
Answer: All of the above ( A.Database Integration
B.Development and Compilation
C.Unit Testing )
49) Identify the CI tools?
Answer: All of the above ( A. Jenkins
B.Travis CI
C.TeamCity )
50) Is it possible to install a custom plugin on my own?
Answer: Yes
51) Jenkins invented by
Answer: Kohsuke Kawaguchi
52) Jenkins developed in
Answer: 2005
53) Can we delete the workspace?
Answer: Yes
54) What is the full form of CI?
Answer: Continuous Integration
55) What is the full form of CD?
Answer: Continuous Delivery
56) CloudEndure can be registered through
Answer: AWS Marketplace

57) Select the command used in Ubuntu to start a service by name nginx ?
Answer: Start /
Stop/ Restart Nginx Commands
sudo systemctl start nginx / sudo systemctl stop nginx / sudo systemctl restart nginx.
sudo service nginx start sudo service nginx stop / sudo service nginx restart.
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop / sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart.

58) CloudEndure is available as?
Answer: To move applications from any physical, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructure to AWS
at no charge
59) Which is the recommended way to install nginx in Ubuntu?
Answer: You can either use the apt or apt-get package manager to install Nginx.
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update
60) Select the command used to copy a SSH public key from your linux box to a remote box?
Answer: ssh-copy-id
61) Identify the command used in linux/unix/Mac terminals to connect to a remote unix box?
Answer: “smb://”
62) Which of the following solutions CloudEndure provides?
Answer: Lift & Shift Solution
64) Communication between source and target occurs over?
Answer: Port 443
65) The replicated data is decrypted before being copied to the disks in the Staging area?
Answer: True
66) Identify all the command used in Unix/Linux/Mac terminals to connect to a remote unit box?
Answer: ssh rps@rpslabs
ssh -i rps.pemrps@rpsslabs
67) CloudEndure agent installation requires reboot of source server?
Answer: False
68) When the data replication is completed in CloudEndure consoles,the status for data
Replication progress is reflected as
Answer: Both a and c
69) Maven is a
Answer: All of the above

70) Server level configurations like subnet,IP,tags etc are updated in CloudEndure console for
each machine under?
Answer: Setup & info
71) Jacoco is a
Answer: Code coverage plugin
72) CloudEndure is available as
Answer: SAAS
73) Select the command used to copy a SSH public key from your linux box to remote box?
Answer: ssh-copy-id -i /home/rps/
74) Installation Token for each Project can be obtained from?
Answer: Machine >Machine Actions> How to add machines
75) Target Staging area configurations such as Enabling Volume encryption,staging area tags,use
vpn or DirectConnect etc are updated in CloudEndure console for each CE Project under
Answer: Setup & info > Replication Settings

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