Biology Double Fertilization Multiple Choice Question For MHT CET and NEET exams

Double Fertilization Multiple Choice Question For 12th Biology Pune Board MHT CET and NEET exams 

Double Fertilization is the One of the important point in the Reproduction of the Plants Topic. In this post we will briefly discuss about The Double Fertilization technique which is used in the Reproduction of flowers.
All the Notes which is used into this post are gathered from Ebalbharti website.
Double Fertilization Multiple Choice Question For MHT CET and NEET exams

Multiple choice questions | Object Type Questions on Double Fertilization


1.______ complex fertilization mechanism in flowering plants.

ANSWER= B) Double Fertilization


2.Double Fertilization was discovered by______.

ANSWER= B) Double Fertilization
Explain:- Double Fertilization was discovered by


3.The growth of pollen tube is guided by the chemicals secreted by the synergids which enters ovule through the micropyle,is termed as ______.

ANSWER= D) porogamy
Explain:- The growth of pollen tube is guided by the chemicals secreted by the synergids. It usually enters ovule through the micropyle. It is termed as porogamy.


4.The growth of pollen tube is guided by the chemicals secreted enter through chalaza,is termed as ______.

ANSWER= C) chalazogamy
Explain:- The growth of pollen tube is guided by the chemicals secreted enter through chalaza,is termed as chalazogamy


5.The pollen tube carrying ______ gametes penetrates in one of the synergids.

ANSWER= A) male
Explain:- The pollen tube carrying male gametes penetrates in one of the synergids.


6.non motile male gametes are carried through hollow pollen tube, it is known as _____.

ANSWER= C) siphonogamy
Explain:- non motile male gametes are carried through hollow pollen tube, it is known as siphonogamy


7. ______and triple fusion are two events of sexual reproduction in angiospermic flowering plants.

ANSWER= B) Syngamy
Explain:- Syngamy and triple fusion are two events of sexual reproduction in angiospermic flowering plants


8. ______is the fusion of haploid male gamete with haploid female gamete (egg) to produce a diploid zygotes.

ANSWER= B) Syngamy
Explain:- Syngamy is the fusion of haploid male gamete with haploid female gamete (egg) to produce a diploid zygote


9. The zygote develops into an _____.

ANSWER= C) embryo
Explain:- The zygote develops into an embryo.


10. both the male gametes participates that is described as_____.

ANSWER= A) double fertilization
Explain:- both the male gametes participate and therefore, it is described as or called double fertilization.

If you want more Multiple Choice questions Regarding to Biology 12th of Pune Board You can Refer From Here

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