Python 3 – Functions and OOPs Question Answers

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Python 3 – Functions and OOPs MCQ with answers | Python 3 – Functions and OOPs  Question Answers | Python 3 – Functions and OOPs Multiple choice questions | Python 3 – Functions and OOPs Most asked questions

Generators consume more space in memory than the lists.


What is the default return value of a Python function?


The output of the expression itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]) is_______.

1, 4

A generator function can have multiple yield expressions.


The elements of an iterator can be accessed multiple times.


Which of the following statement sets the metaclass of class A to B?

class A: _____metaclass_____ = B

What is the output of the following code?

class class1: a = 1

def f1(self): a = 2 class1.a += 1 print(class1.a, end=’ ‘) print(a, end=’ ‘)


2 2 3 2

What is the output of the following code?

class grandpa(object): pass

class father(grandpa): pass

class mother(object): pass

class child(mother, father): pass

print(child.__mro__)(<class ‘__main__.child’>, <class ‘__main__.mother’>, <class ‘__main__.father’>,<class ‘__main__.grandpa’>, <class ‘object’>)

What is the output of the following code? class A: def init(self): print(‘one’)

def f(self): print(float()) print(hex(-255))

class B(A): def init(self): print(‘two’)

def f(self): print(float()) print(hex(-42))

x = B()x.f()




Which of the following keyword is used for creating a method inside a class?


In which of the following scenarios, finally block is executed?


Which of the following exception occurs, when an integer object is added to astring object?


If a list has 5 elements, then which of the following exceptions is raised when 8th element is accessed?


Which of the keyword is used to display a customised error message to the user?


The output of the expression ‘2’ == 2 is _________.

Results in ValueError

Which of the following statement retreives names of all builtin module names?

import sys; sys.builtin_module_names

Which of the following modules are used to deal with Data compression and archiving?

All of those mentioned

Which of the following is not a way to import the module ‘m1’ or the functions ‘f1’and ‘f2’ defined in it?

import f1, f2 from m1

Any Python Script can act like a Module. State if the statement is True or False?


The output of expression [i**+1 for i in range(3)] is _.

[0, 1, 2]

The output of the expression [(i.upper(), len(i)) for i in ‘kiwi’ ] is _.

[(‘K’, 1), (‘I’, 1), (‘W’, 1), (‘I’, 1)]

Which of the following brackets are used to define a set comprehension?


Which of the following exception occurs, when a number is divided by zero?


How are variable length keyword arguments specified in the function heading?

One underscore followed by a valid identifier

What is the output of the following code?

class A: def init(self, x=5, y=4): self.x = x self.y = y

def str(self): return ‘A(x: {}, y: {})’.format(self.x, self.y)

def eq(self, other): return self.x * self.y == other.x * other.y

def f1(): a = A(12, 3) b = A(3, 12) if (a == b): print(b != a) print(a)



A(x: 12, y: 3)

Which of the following function call is correct?

f(a=1, b=1, c=2)

Which of the following modules contain functions that create iterators for efficient looping?


The output of the expression {i:j for i in “abcd” for j in “kiwi”} is _.

{‘a’: ‘kiwi’, ‘d’: ‘kiwi’, ‘c’: ‘kiwi’, ‘b’: ‘kiwi’}

Which methods are defined in an iterator class?

_____iter___, _____next_____

How many except statements can a try-except block have?

More than zero

Which of the following exeception occurs, when an undefined object is accessed?


The output of expression [x*y for x, y in zip([3,4],[5,6])] is _.

[15, 24]

What is the output of the following code?

class A: def init(self, a = 5): self.a = a

def f1(self): self.a += 10

class B(A): def init(self, b = 0): A.init(self, 4) self.b = b

def f1(self): self.b += 10

x = B()x.f1()print(x.a,’-‘, x.b)


Which methods are invoked on entering into and exiting from the block of code written in ‘with’ statement?


What is the output of the following code?

class A: x = 0

def init(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b A.x += 1

def init(self): A.x += 1

def displayCount(self): print(‘Count : %d’ % A.x)

def display(self): print(‘a :’, self.a, ‘ b :’, self.b) a1 = A(‘George’, 25000)a2 = A(‘John’, 30000)a3 = A()a1.display()a2.display()print(A.x)

Results in Error

Which of the following modules are used to deal with Data compression and archiving?


Can one block of except statements handle multiple exceptions?

Yes, like

except ( NameError, SyntaxError, …)

When will the else part of try-except-else be executed?

When no exception occurs

Which of the following expression can be used to check if the file ‘C:\Sample.txt’exists and is also a regular file?


Which of the following statement is not true about Python functions?

Non-keyword arguments can be passed after keyword arguments

Which of the following brackets are used to define a set comprehension?


Which of the following methods of ‘random’ module is used to pick a single element,randomly, from a given list of elements?


The output of the expression ‘itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1])’ is_______.


Generator expressions use _ brackets.


In Python, which of the following files is mandatory to treat a folder as apackage?

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