50+ Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals Multiple Choice Questions For MHTCET and NEET Exam

If you are a appearing for MHTCET or Board Examination of 12th standard as well as NEET exam then this post of Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals will definitely help you to gain more marks in Your examination. 

All these notes are take from Ebalbharti.

Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals Multiple Choice Questions For MHTCET and NEET Exam
In this post we will discuss about important points and Important Multiple Choice Questions of Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals.

Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals 1

1._______is defined as thebiological process of formation of new life forms from pre-existing similar life.

A) Production
B) Reproduction
C) Clones
D) Siblings

Answer:- Reproduction

Reproduction is defined as the
biological process of formation of new life
forms from pre-existing similar life.

2. Reproduction in animals occurs mainly by _______ methods.

A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5

Answer :- B)2 

Reproduction in animals occurs mainly by 
two methods.

3.The formation of progeny is by a single parent only and does not involve both the sexes,is called

A) Sexual Reproduction
B) Asexual Reproduction
C) Gamatoformation
D) Budding

Answer:- B) Asexual Reproduction

The formation of 
progeny is by a single parent only and does not involve both the sexes, so it is called asexual reproduction.

4.daughter cells are genetically identical to the single parent and are also referred to as,

A) clones
B) Gemmule
C) Gamatoformation
D) Budding

Answer:- A) clones

daughter cells 
are genetically identical to the single parent 
and are also referred to as clones

5._______ is an internal bud formed only in sponges

A) clones
B) Gemmule
C) Gamatoformation
D) Budding

Answer:- B) Gemmule

Gemmule is an internal bud formed only 
in sponges

6.The archaeocytes get coated by a thick resistant layer of secretion by______

A) clones
B) Micropyle
C) Monaxon spicules
D) amoebocytes

Answer:- D) amoebocytes

The archaeocytes get coated by a thick resistant layer of secretion by amoebocytes

7.________simple method of asexualreproduction normally occuring in favourable conditions.

A) Fragmentation
B) Budding
C) Fission
D) hermaphroditism

Answer:- B) Budding

Explanation:- Budding simple method of asexual
reproduction normally occuring in favourable

8.________is the process which involves the production of offspring by the formation and fusion of gametes

A) Fragmentation
B) Budding
C) Fission
D) Sexual reproduction

Answer:- D) Sexual reproduction

Explanation:-Sexual reproduction is the process which involves the
production of offspring by the formation and
fusion of gametes

9.In which phase Sexual reproduction takes place in Animal?

A) Fragmentation
B) Reproductive maturity phase
C) juvenile phase
D) amphimixis

Answer:- B) Reproductive maturity phase

Explanation:- Reproductive maturity phase Sexual reproduction takes place in Animal

10.animals show which breeding pattern?

A) Fragmentation
B) seasonal breeders
C) continuous breeders
D) multi seasonal breeders

Answer:- B) seasonal breeders

The sexually reproducing animals show
various breeding patterns. Some like the goat,
sheep, and donkey are seasonal breeders

11.humans and apes shows which breeding pattern?

A) Fragmentation
B) seasonal breeders
C) continuous breeders
D) multi seasonal breeders

Answer:- C) continuous breeders

humans and apes are continuous breeders.

12.Which is primary sex organ in male?

A) penis
B) testis
C) ovary
D) Vagina

Answer:- B) testis

The gametes, sperms and eggs are produced
by the primary sex organs, testis in male.

13.Which is primary sex organ in female?

A) penis
B) testis
C) ovary
D) Vagina

Answer:- C) ovary

The gametes, sperms and eggs are produced
by the primary sex organs, testis in male and
ovary in female.

14.Which of the following is NOT secondary sexual characters of female?

A) high pitched voice
B) muscular body
C) developed breast
D) broader pelvis

Answer:- B) muscular body

muscular body present in male.

15.Which of the following is NOT secondary sexual characters of male?

A) hair on the chest
B) muscular body
C) presence of beard
D) broader pelvis

Answer:- D) broader pelvis

broader pelvis present in female.

16. Testis are are located in a pouch called____

A) seminiferous tubule
B) inguinal canal
C) scrotum
D) tunica vasculosa

Answer:- C) scrotum

Testis are are located in a pouch called scrotum.

17.Each testis is oval in shape_____

A) 5 to 6 cm long
B) 4 to 5 cm long
C) 3 to 4 cm long
D) 7 to 8 cm long

Answer:- B) 4 to 5 cm long.

Each testis is oval in shape, 4 to 5cm long

18.The testis is externally covered by acollagenous connective tissue layer called _______.

A) tunica albuginea
B) tunica vasculosa
C) seminiferous tubule
D) sustentacular cells

Answer:- A) tunica albuginea

The testis is externally covered by a
collagenous connective tissue layer called
tunica albuginea

19.The germinal epithelial cells undergogametogenesis to form the______.

A) tunica albuginea
B) testosterone
C) spermatozoa
D) sustentacular cells

Answer:- C) spermatozoa

The germinal epithelial cells undergo
gametogenesis to form the spermatozoa.

20.The ______ passes through the prostate gland and opens into the urethra. 

A) ejaculatory duct
B) prostate gland
C) urinogenital duct 
D) vasa efferentia

Answer:- A) ejaculatory duct

The ejaculatory duct passes through the prostate gland and opens into the urethra. 

21.The urethra provides a common passage for the urine and semen and hence is also called _______

A) ejaculatory duct
B) prostate gland
C) urinogenital duct 
D) vasa efferentia

Answer:- C) urinogenital duct

The urethra provides a common passage for the urine and semen and hence is also called urinogenital duct.

22.The male accessory glands are as follows except,

A) Seminal vesicles
B) prostate gland
C) Bulbourethral gland
D) adrenals gland

Answer:- D) adrenals gland

23._______is a pair of glands lying on the posterior side of urinary bladder.

A) Seminal vesicles
B) prostate gland
C) Bulbourethral gland
D) adrenals gland

Answer:- A) Seminal vesicles

Seminal vesicles is a pair of glands lying
on the posterior side of urinary bladder.

24._______is a large and single gland made up of 20-30 lobes and is located underneath the urinary bladder

A) Seminal vesicles
B) prostate gland
C) Bulbourethral gland
D) adrenals gland

Answer:- B) prostate gland

prostate gland is a large and single
gland made up of 20-30 lobes and is
located underneath the urinary bladder

25._______ is a small, pea sized and paired gland situated on either side of urethra.

A) Seminal vesicles
B) prostate gland
C) Bulbourethral gland
D) adrenals gland

Answer:- C) Bulbourethral gland

Bulbourethral gland is a small, pea sized and paired gland
situated on either side of urethra

26._________ is ejaculated by the male reproductive system.

A) Semen
B) Urine
C) Blood
D) Sweat

Answer :- A) Semen

Semen is ejaculated by the male
reproductive system.

27. ______ of semen is given out during a single ejaculation

A) 4.0 to 4.5 ml
B) 2.5 to 4.0 ml
C) 3.5 to 4.0 ml
D) 1.5 to 4.0 ml

Answer :- B) 2.5 to 4.0 ml

Normally 2.5 to 4.0 ml of
semen is given out during a single ejaculation

28.In single ejaculation contains about _____ sperms

A) 500 million
B) 450 million
C) 200 million
D) 400 million

Answer :- D) 400 million

Explanation :- 
single ejaculation contains about 400 million sperms.

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