GEN AI TQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

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An employee is creating an email for a client using a chatbot. After receiving the first response, the employee wants to refine it and asks the chatbot. “Could you rewrite it to be more formal?” What will happen next?

A.The chatbot will ask the employee to repeat the question and ask for an example before responding

B.he employee will also need to use a search engine to demonstrate the formal language they want.

C.The chatbot will track the context and history of previous statements and make the result more formal.

D.The employee will need to reword the question with specific terminology for the chatbot.


A company wishes to use a large amount of its own proprietary information in a generative Al model. Which type of system would be best suited for this client?

A.deterministic system,

B.multi-party system system

D.closed system


Why is it important to combine responsible Al with generative AI?

A.Gen Al brings new areas of risk.

B.Gen Al needs to store more data.

C.Gen Al tracks regulations more closely.

D.Gen Al requires a new infrastructure.


A digital manufacturing company wants to use artificial intelligence (Al) to improve the accuracy of their quality control functions and reduce the number of faulty products reaching the market. Which form of Al should be used in this situation?

A.diagnostic Al

B.predictive Al

C.generative Al

D. general Al


What is something responsible Al can help mitigate?

A.repetitive statements

B.unintended bias

C.vague prompts risk


What does it mean to take a holistic approach to Al?

A.building every client a fully customized Al model from the ground up

B.uploading company data into public chatbots to help train Al models

C.using Al to perform all work actions without human intervention

D. using a combination of generative, predictive, and diagnostic Al


In addition to moving to the cloud, what is one thing a company must do to get real value from a Large Language Model?

A.Build out security plans

B.Have high quality data

C.Generate new algorithms

D.Automate repetitive tasks


An editor is using a generative Al application to summarize a document, however, the responses received from the application are not as expected. What should the editor do in this case?

A. Make the prompt as brief and vague as possible.

B.Ensure the prompt is free from grammatical errors

C. Keep the prompt and continue to further refine it.

D.Delete the prompt and create a new one from scratch


ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Anthropic Claude are examples of which type of generative Al model?

A.large language model

B. computer vision model

C.extended reality model

D.predictive model


A user asks a generative Al model to create a picture of an ice cube in a hot frying pan. However, instead of showing the ice melting into water, the ice is still shown as a solid cube. Why did this happen?

A.The user’s grammar was not entirely correct.

B.The user’s prompt did not include a persona.

C.The model has been trained on too much data

D.The model does not understand cause and effect.


A researcher is using a generative Al tool to find out about an event that happened two days ago What is likely to happen?

A.There may be too many responses to sort through

B.There will be a few responses in a randomized order

C.The tool will produce one very specific summary

D. The tool may not know about anything so recent.


Which term refers to applying structure and thought to interactions with generative Al, to steer it towards the results needed?

A. hallucination

B.prompt engineering

C.cut-off point

D.context length


What is an advantage of a large commercial generative Al model such as ChatGPT or Google Bard?

Answer: They are ready to use and have little to no

A large fashion retail chain wants to forecast consumer demand for products to optimize inventory and manage supply chains efficiently. Which specific type of Al can meet the retailer’s needs?

Ans – predictive Al

An Accenture client wishes to use generative Al to enhance its business. The Client Account Lead reviews the client’s goals and recommends a boosting approach. What does boosting refer to in this case?

Ans – customizing an existing Gen Al model using the client’s own data

Which kind of Al is used for maintenance and quality checks in digital manufacturing?




D. functional


How has Good Morning Accenture impacted the company?

A. Internal corporate email has decreased by 50%.

B. Employee satisfaction is better monitored.

C. Job classification has improved by 50%.

D. Resource allocation is more streamlined.


Why is human assessment critical to the responsible use of generative Al?

A. to address customer feedback

B. to examine security breaches

C. to determine if content is harmful

D. to prepare data insights promptly


What is one thing current generative Al applications cannot do?

A. create original content

B. manipulate existing images

C. understand consequences

D. recognize patterns in data


What is important to do when trying to create an image with a generative Al tool?

A.Use the language that is specific to the tool.

B.Use a template of the image that is desired.

C.Create a prompt that uses a list of desired qualities.

D.Create a prompt with perfect grammar and syntax.


Which type of approach describes multiple types of Al working together?

A. generative

B. holistic

C. diagnostic

D. predictive


A customer is on a technology company’s website using a chatbot for a service question. How is the exchange with the chatbot different from the customer using a general search engine?

A.The interaction will restart with each question.

B.The customer must use specific terminology.

C.The customer uses more formal language.

D.The interaction feels more like a conversation.


A company wishes to use a large amount of its own proprietary information in a generative Al model. Which type of system would be best suited for this client?

A.closed system system

C.multi-party system

D. deterministic system


What does the generative Al “ecosystem” refer to?

A.the data centers where Gen Al servers are hosted

B.the network of partner companies supporting Gen Al

C. the hardware required to support Gen Al applications

D. the community of users that train Gen Al models


Why is there typically a cut-off date for the information that a generative Al tool knows?

A.The coding staff is increasingly becoming specialized.

B.The patterns identified can be unreliable and need verification.

C.Training the model is time consuming and expensive.

D.Data must be stored and managed in original documents.


Which technology is essential for an organization to have in place to effectively use generative Al?

A. Cloud

B.Extended Reality

C. Blockchain

D.Internet of Things


A company is adding their specific data to a generative Al model to customize it. What is this action called?




A scientist is using a generative Al model to create a summary of a research paper. The scientist then enters the prompt “expand more on point number 3” and gets a more detailed response. How is Gen Al able to do this?

A.It permanently stores the data used to train the model.

B.It can track the context of an ongoing conversation.

C.It returns pre-scripted responses written by experts in the field.

D.It uses live agents to provide responses to the user’s prompt.


What is an advantage of a large commercial generative Al model such as ChatGPT or Google Bard?

A.They are ready to use and have little to no cost.

B.They are highly specialized to specific use cases.

C.They protect organizations’ proprietary data.

D.They are free from any copyright concerns.


An Accenture client wishes to use generative Al to enhance its business. The Client Account Lead reviews the client’s goals and recommends a boosting approach. What does boosting refer to in this case?

A.upgrading the client’s PCs to handle more complex Gen Al models

B. customizing an existing Gen Al model using the client’s own data

C. building the client a fully customized Gen Al model from the ground up

D.purchasing a large, general-purpose Gen Al model without customization


A large fashion retail chain wants to forecast consumer demand for products to optimize inventory and manage supply chains efficiently. Which specific type of Al can meet the retailer’s needs?

A. reactive Al

B. predictive Al

C. generative Al

D. narrow Al


In addition to moving to the cloud, what is one thing a company must do to get real value from a Large Language Model?

A. Generate new algorithms.

B. Build out security plans.

C. Have high quality data.

D. Automate repetitive tasks.


Which term refers to applying structure and thought to interactions with generative Al, to steer it towards the results needed?

A. prompt engineering

B. hallucination

C. context length

D. cut-off point


An employee is creating an email for a client using a chatbot. After receiving the first response, the employee wants to refine it and asks the chatbot, “Could you rewrite it to be more formal?” What will happen next?

A.The employee will also need to use a search engine to demonstrate the formal language they want.

B.The chatbot will track the context and history of previous statements and make the result more formal.

C.The chatbot will ask the employee to repeat the question and ask for an example before responding.

D.The employee will need to reword the question with specific terminology for the chatbot.


A user asks a generative Al model to create a picture of an ice cube in a hot frying pan. However. instead of showing the ice melting into water, the ice is still shown as a solid cube. Why did this happen?

A.The model has been trained on too much data.

B.The model does not understand cause and effect.

C.The user’s grammar was not entirely correct.

D.The user’s prompt did not include a persona.


An editor is using a generative Al application to summarize a document, however, the responses received from the application are not as expected. What should the editor do in this case?

A.Make the prompt as brief and vague as possible.

B.Ensure the prompt is free from grammatical errors.

C.Delete the prompt and create a new one from scratch.

D.Keep the prompt and continue to further refine it.


Why is it important to combine responsible Al with generative Al?

A. Gen Al brings new areas of risk.

B. Gen Al tracks regulations more closely.

C. Gen Al requires a new infrastructure.

D. Gen Al needs to store more data.


What does it mean to take a holistic approach to Al?

A. using a combination of generative, predictive, and diagnostic Al

B. uploading company data into public chatbots to help train Al models

C. building every client a fully customized Al model from the ground up

D. using Al to perform all work actions without human intervention


A digital manufacturing company wants to use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the accuracy of their quality control functions and reduce the number of faulty products reaching the market. Which form of Al should be used in this situation?

A.generative Al

B. predictive Al

C. diagnostic Al

D. general Al


What is something responsible Al can help mitigate?

A. security risk

B. vague prompts

C. repetitive statements

D. unintended bias


A company wishes to use a large amount of its own proprietary information in a generative Al model. Which type of system would be best suited for this client?

A. closed system

B. open system

C. deterministic system

D. multi-party system


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