MCQ Village is A Website Where you can Find All the Multiple Choice Question Related to Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence
machine learning multiple choice questions and answers pdf
Hello Friends In this Post We will discuss about Machine Learning MCQ and There Answers In Brief. We are Discussing About Data Preprocessing for Machine learning,Data Cleansing,Feature Scaling.
41.Python’s_____library provides a great sample dataset generator which will help you to create your own custom dataset
ANSWER= (C) Sklearn
42._____ is a technique that is used to convert the raw data into a clean data set.
ANSWER= (B) Data Preprocessing
43._____is a useful technique to transform attributes with a Gaussian distribution and differing means and standard deviations to a standard Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
ANSWER= (D)Standardize Data
44.Which Of the Following Step is not involved in Data Cleaning
ANSWER= (C) Binarization Data
45_____ is a technique to standardize the independent features present in the data in a fixed range
ANSWER= (B) Feature Scaling
46._____ square-root of the sum of squares of differences between the coordinates of data point and centroid of each class
ANSWER= (A) Euclidean Distance
47._____ calculated as the sum of absolute differences between the coordinates of data point and centroid of each class.
ANSWER= (C) Manhattan Distance
47._____ generalization of above two methods.
ANSWER= (D) Minkowski Distance
49._____ technique re-scales a feature or observation value with distribution value between 0 and 1.
ANSWER= (B) Min-Max Normalization
50._____ is a very effective technique which re-scales a feature value so that it has distribution with 0 mean value and variance equals to 1.
ANSWER= (C) Standardization