Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Set 4

Machine Learning Exam Questions and Answers|Machine Learning Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Hello Friends In This Post We Will Discuss About What Are different types of  Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions And Answers in 2021.

We will briefly discuss about what are the Different Questions asked

Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Set 4

31.Image Classification,Market Prediction is example of which type of Machine Learning?

ANSWER= (A) Supervised


32.Generative Models,High Dimension Visualization,Clustering are related which type of Machine Learning?

ANSWER= (B) Unsupervised
Explain:- have a large amount of input data and only some of the data is labeled, which type of Machine Learning?

ANSWER= (C) Semi Supervised


34.The program is provided feedback in terms of rewards and punishments as it navigates its problem space. Identify Machine Learning Model

ANSWER= (D) Reinforcement learning


35.Inputs are divided into two or more classes, and the learner must produce a model that assigns unseen inputs to one or more

ANSWER= (B) Classification


36.In_____outputs are continuous rather than discrete

ANSWER= (A) Regression


37.In_____a set of inputs is to be divided into groups.

ANSWER= (C) Clustering


38.A model is a specific representation learned from data by applying some machine learning algorithm. A model is also called_____

ANSWER= (D) hypothesis


39.It can be any unprocessed fact, value, text is called_____

ANSWER= (B) Datas


40.Data that has been interpreted and manipulated and has now some meaningful inference for the users.Is called,

ANSWER= (D) Information

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