Insert hyperlink in ALV Grid

Hello friends in this article we are going to see How to Insert hyperlink in ALV Grid In SAP ABAP.

This is a simple tutorial which shows how to insert hyperlinks in the ALV Grid. On clicking the hyperlink, a web browser will open up which will point to the URL which has been configured programmatically.

Besides the regular steps for ALV grid some additional steps needs to be followed to populate hyperlinks into the ALV grid.

Steps to create hyperlink in ALV:  

  1. Create additional fields for the hyperlink handles in your type declaration for the final table(the table that is passed to the it_output parameter of the method set_table_for_first_display)
  2. Pass the appropriate handle to the web_field field of fieldcatalog.
  3. Create an internal table of type lvc_t_hype
  4. Assign an appropriate handle number and URL for a particular column and populate the internal table with this data and pass this internal table to the it_hyperlink parameter of the method set_table_for_first_display. 
  5. Pass the appropriate handle number while populating the list data.

Source Code


REPORT  yalv_hyperlink.

TYPES : BEGIN OF y_dataset,
          product   TYPE char100,
          variant   TYPE char100,
          price     TYPE char100,
          pd_handle TYPE int4,
          vr_handle TYPE int4,
        END OF y_dataset.

DATA : ts_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_dataset,
       e_fcat  TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
       ts_fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
       e_data  TYPE y_dataset,
       e_hype  TYPE lvc_s_hype,
       ts_hype TYPE lvc_t_hype.

DATA : ref_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
       ref_alv  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.


  PERFORM f_fill_data.

  PERFORM f_fill_fieldcat.

  PERFORM f_fill_hyperlink.


*&      Form  F_FILL_DATA
*       Populate the list data

FORM f_fill_data .

  CLEAR e_data.
  MOVE : ‘iPhone’   TO e_data-product,
         ‘iPhone5’  TO e_data-variant,
         ‘$599’     TO e_data-price,
         ‘1’        TO e_data-pd_handle,
         ‘2’        TO e_data-vr_handle.

  APPEND e_data  TO ts_data.

  CLEAR e_data.
  MOVE : ‘iPhone’    TO e_data-product,
         ‘iPhone 4S’ TO e_data-variant,
         ‘$399’      TO e_data-price,
         ‘1’         TO e_data-pd_handle,
         ‘2’         TO e_data-vr_handle.

  APPEND e_data TO ts_data.

  CLEAR e_data.
  MOVE : ‘iPhone’   TO e_data-product,
         ‘iPhone 4’ TO e_data-variant,
         ‘$299’     TO e_data-price,
         ‘1’        TO e_data-pd_handle,
         ‘2’        TO e_data-vr_handle.

  APPEND e_data TO ts_data.

ENDFORM.                    ” F_FILL_DATA
*&      Form  F_FILL_FIELDCAT
*       Populate field catalog
FORM f_fill_fieldcat .

  FREE ts_fcat.

  CLEAR : e_fcat.

  MOVE : ‘TS_DATA’   TO e_fcat-tabname,
         ‘product’   TO e_fcat-fieldname,
         1           TO e_fcat-col_pos,
         1           TO e_fcat-indx_field,
         20          TO e_fcat-outputlen,
         ‘Product’   TO e_fcat-coltext,
         ‘PD_HANDLE’ TO e_fcat-web_field.

  APPEND e_fcat TO ts_fcat.

  CLEAR : e_fcat.

  MOVE : ‘TS_DATA’   TO e_fcat-tabname,
         ‘variant’   TO e_fcat-fieldname,
         2           TO e_fcat-col_pos,
         2           TO e_fcat-indx_field,
         20          TO e_fcat-outputlen,
         ‘Variant’   TO e_fcat-coltext,
         ‘VR_HANDLE’ TO e_fcat-web_field.

  APPEND e_fcat TO ts_fcat.

  MOVE : ‘TS_DATA’  TO e_fcat-tabname,
         ‘Price’    TO e_fcat-fieldname,
         3          TO e_fcat-col_pos,
         3          TO e_fcat-indx_field,
         20         TO e_fcat-outputlen,
         ‘Price’    TO e_fcat-coltext,
*”       Handle from the previous field catalog is carried here
*”       in order to prevent this handle to continue here pass a null
*”       value here.
         ”         TO e_fcat-web_field.

  APPEND e_fcat TO ts_fcat.

ENDFORM.                    ” F_FILL_FIELDCAT
*&      Module  STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
*       PBO for screen 9000
MODULE status_9000 OUTPUT.


  CREATE OBJECT ref_grid
      container_name              = ‘CONT’
      cntl_error                  = 1
      cntl_system_error           = 2
      create_error                = 3
      lifetime_error              = 4
      lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
      OTHERS                      = 6.

  IF sy-subrc EQ 0.


      i_parent          = ref_grid
      error_cntl_create = 1
      error_cntl_init   = 2
      error_cntl_link   = 3
      error_dp_create   = 4
      OTHERS            = 5.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.


  CALL METHOD ref_alv->set_table_for_first_display
      it_hyperlink                  = ts_hype
      it_outtab                     = ts_data
      it_fieldcatalog               = ts_fcat
      invalid_parameter_combination = 1
      program_error                 = 2
      too_many_lines                = 3
      OTHERS                        = 4.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.


ENDMODULE.                 ” STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
*&      Module  USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
*       PAI for screen 9000
MODULE user_command_9000 INPUT.

  DATA ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm.

  CASE ok_code.

    WHEN ‘BACK’.




ENDMODULE.                 ” USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
*&      Form  F_FILL_HYPERLINK
*       To populate the hyperlink table
FORM f_fill_hyperlink .

  FREE ts_hype.

  CLEAR e_hype.
  MOVE : ‘1’ TO e_hype-handle,
         ‘’ TO e_hype-href.
  APPEND e_hype TO ts_hype.

  CLEAR e_hype.
  MOVE : ‘2’ TO e_hype-handle,
         ‘’ TO e_hype-href.
  APPEND e_hype TO ts_hype.

ENDFORM.                    ” F_FILL_HYPERLINK

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