Hello friends if you are looking for DOT NET SE AD 3 MCQ | DOT NET SE AD 3 Multiple Choice questions | DOT NET SE AD 3 objective type questions | DOT NET SE AD 3 MCQ with answers | DOT NET SE AD 3 Accenture Answers
Consider you ave created the following WPF Code.
<Stack Panel>
<Button Name="Button1/>
</Stack Panel>
In the above example, if the event execution happens from
Window -> StackPanel -> Button
The above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Tunneling
Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and numbers?
Which of the below statements regarding WCF Service Hosting are True?
Ans) a.WCF Service can be hosted in internal information Services(IIS)
b.WCF Service can be hosted in Windows Process Activation Services(WAS).
Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
Ans) FrameworkElement
Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox contains and she wants to
ensure that all the textboxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data.Which validation control would you
suggest for angie?
Ans) RequireFieldValidator
Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically belongs for Testing?
Ans) Testclass
Peter is creating service using WCF. He wants to know which contract is used for complex types like classes
created to represent information like Employee, Customer etc. Kindly suggest peter in identifying the suitable
Ans: Data Contract.
Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside this interface should be
made available to client in WCF
Interface Calculator
int Add(int num1, int num2);
int Mul(int num1, int num2);
Ans: OperationContract
Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag <input type=""> in type we will mention
which element we want to represent?
Ans.only c
Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and numbers?
Identify which of the following is the correct sequence of execution of events in an ASP.NET web forms
Ans: Page_Init Page_Load Postback EventsPage Prerender Page_UnLoad
Which of the following statements are TRUE, with respect to WCF?
Consider the class “Calculator” shown below and we want to ensure that the properties inside this class should be
made available to client in WCF, which of the following should be defined for the Properties?
class Calculator
public int Num1{get; set;}
public int Num2{get; set;}
Ans: DataMember
Which of the following statement is TRUE about Unit Testing?
To support<SVG> and <CANVAS> tags which component is introduced in HTML5?
Ans: Vector Graphics
consider the following ASP.net code
Protected void page_load(object sender,event args e)
Drop down list 1.item add(“jio”)
Drop down lisr 2 item add(“ vadafone”)
Ans: Write the above code inside if(IsPostback==false)
Consider the following code:
<window x:Class=”WPFSoln”>
<StackPanel Background=”LightGray” Orientation=”Horizontal”>
<Button Name=”YesButton” Click="YesButton_Click">Yes<?Button>
In the above example when YesButton is clicked YesButton_Click event i.e the same event handler operation is
The above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Direct
Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in Asp.net?
Ans: Session
Tom is novice developer and tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the textbox. Which Attribute
should Tom use to achieve it?
Ans: Required
Peter is creating service using WCF. He wants to know which contract is used for error handling. Kindly suggest
peter in identifying the suitable contract?
Ans: Fault Contract
Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application you have created a gridview called “gvCategories”.You
need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the data when viewed in browser.
Which of the following options should you use?
Ans) Datasource and DataBind
Consider the following code in WCF
interface MathData
int Add(int num1, int num2);
Ans) MathData should be defined as ServiceContract and method Add as OperationContract.
Consider you have a customer form containing two textboxes named as “txtPassword” and
“txtConfirmPassword”. You need to ensure that value entered in confirm password textbox must match the value
entered in password.
Ans)set ControlToValidate=”txtCOnfirmPassword” ControToCompare=”txtPassword”
You have created a Score page using ASP.NET web forms
There is a text box control names as "txtMarks" you need to validate the txtmarks control by ensuring that the
values entered are between 0 and 100 only.
Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) Range Validate
Peter is novice developer and he has written a web based applications and he wants to test the functionality of
the web applications. Which of the following Test would you suggest peter to use?
Ans: Web Tests
Mark is novice developer
Refer the incomplete code given below
Email <input type="_____" id="txtEmail"/> <br/><br/>
Phone Number <input type="_____" id="txtNumber"/> <br/><br/>
Date of birth <input type="_____" id="txtDate"/> <br/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Register"/>
Choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email, phone number and date of
birth in respectively fields
Ans)email, number, date
WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Identify which of the following layout controls aligns the child control in the edges of panel?
Ans: Dock Panel
Which of the following Asset class method is used to check whether the Add method works correctly when the
value is passed?
Ans. AreEqual() (checked)
Which of the following Hosting service are provided by WCF?
B)Windows Service
Ans) Both A and B
How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol and encoding
technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans. Binding
Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application. Whenever a user selects a value in a dropdownlist
called ddlEmployees, the application fetches a list of records from the database and stores them in a data table
called "dtEMployee". This data table must be bound to a gridview called "gvEmployees". Which of the following
options will solve the problem?
Ans) a.gvEmployees DataSource=dlEmployee
b.gvEmployees DataBind()
Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service?
Ans) To run the service
The _________ is a global object used for server-side state management of ASP.NET web forms and accessible by
all users and pages of a web application.
Ans) Application
Which of the following is the correct option for the input field that allows only letters and numbers?
Angine is a novice developer and he wants to ensure that the FirstName textbox should allow only alphabets and
special characters like dot. Suggest the suitable HTML5 attribute to be used by Angie to achieve the same?
Ans) Pattern
You are creating a web form using ASP.NET the form requires a start date and an end date to be entered.
You want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date.
Which validation control can help you achieve this with least effort?
Ans) Custom Validate
Which of the following statements are TRUE with respect to WCF?
You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading. The client application is a WPF
app. How will the WPF app know where the WCF service is located?
Ans) Using the URL contained in the endpoint address
You are creating a web form using ASP.NET. The web form uses a drop down list called ddlDepartments to
displays a list of departments. The department name(DeptName) is displayed as the options in the drop down.
When the user selects a dept name the corresponding department id(Deptid) is taken as the value. How will you
implement this in ASP>NET ?
Ans) ddlDepartments.DataTextField="DeptName";
What is wrong with the following mark up?
<asp: TextBox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp: RequiredFiedValidator id=”valRequired”
Runrat= “server” ErrorMessage= ”You must enter a value into textbox”
Which of the following statement is TRUE about WCF Proxy?
Ans) Proxy gets generated when you execute the application
Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of the service?
Ans) Attribute based programming
You have created a registration page using ASP.NET web forms. You have used various validation controls for the
fields accepted as user input from the page. In case validation fails you want to display all the error messages
together, in a message box. Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) ValidationSummary
Which of the following statement is TRUE about Unit Testing
Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
Ans) FrameworkElement
You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field to
Not exceeding 50 chars. Which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same ?
Ans) <input type ="text" id="empname" maxlength="50">
Identify which of the following Event gets executed first in the ASP.NEt webforms page life cycle?
Ans) Page_int
For security reasons ______ is replaced for cookies in HTML5.
Ans) Web Storage
In WPF, Identity which of the following layout controls aligns the information in the form of rows and columns.
Ans) Grid.
Snippet you can use to add audio content on
Ans) <audio controls=”controls”>
<source src=”cartoon.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>
How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about te operations available in the service?
Ans) using the contract
Peter is novice developer and he has written an application and he wants to test the functionality of how the
application performs when multiple user access the server at the same time. Which of the following Test would
you suggest peter to use?
Ans Load Test
Choose the design principal in WPF, which measures the graphics on specific screen resolution excluding degree
of quality.
Ans) Vector Graphics
Which of the following new elements are added in HTML5?
Ans) All the above
Identify which of the following is a client side statemanagement technique in Asp.net WebForms?
Ans) Cookies & Querystring
How will you specify a method is available to access by client in WCF?
1.You are creating a web form using ASP.NET . The web form uses a drop down list called ddlDepartments to
displays a list of departments. The department name(DeptName) is displayed as the options in the drop down.
When the user selects a dept name the corresponding department id(Deptid) is taken as the value. How will you
implement this in ASP>NET ?
Ans) ddlDepartments.DataTextField="DeptName";
2.Which of the following Hosting service are provided by WCF?
B)Windows Service
Ans) Both A and B
3.Choose the design principal in WPF ,which measures the graphics on specific screen resolution excluding degree
of quality.
Ans) Vector Graphics
4.Peter is novice developer and he has written a web based applications and he wants to test the
Functionality of the web applications. Which of the following test would you suggest peter to use ?
Ans) Web Tests
5.Which of the below statements regarding WCF Service Hosting are True?
Ans) a.WCF Service can be hosted in internal information Services(IIS)
b.WCF Service can be hosted in Windows Process Activation Services(WAS).
6.Consider you ave created the following WPF Code.
<Stack Panel>
<Button Name="Button1/>
</Stack Panel>
In the above example , if the event execution happens from
Window -> StackPanel -> Button
The above illustration is an xample of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Tunneling
7. Peter is creating service using WCF. He wants to know which contract is used for error handling. Kindly suggest
peter in identifying the suitable contract?
Ans) Fault Contract
8.Identify which of the following is a client side statemanagement technique in Asp.net WebForms?
Ans) Cookies & Querystring
9. Consider the following code:
<window x:Class=”WPFSoln”>
<StackPanel Background=”LightGray” Orientation=”Horizontal”>
<Button Name=”YesButton” Click="YesButton_Click">Yes<?Button>
In the above example when YesButton is clicked YesButton_Click event i.e the same event handler operation is
The above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Direct
10. Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application you have created a gridview called
“gvCategories”.You need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the data when
viewed in browser.
Which of the following options should you use?
Ans) Datasource and DataBind
11. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically belongs for Testing?
Ans) Testclass
12.Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
Ans) FrameworkElement
13.Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application. Whenever a user selects a value in a dropdownlist
called ddlEmployees, the application fetches a list of records from the database and stores them in a data table
called "dtEMployee". This data table must be bound to a gridview called "gvEmployees". Which of the following
options will solve the problem?
Ans) a.gvEmployees DataSource=dlEmployee
b.gvEmployees DataBind()
14.Consider the class "Calculator" shown below and we want to ensure that the properties inside this class should
be made available to client in WCF,
Which of the following should be defined for the Properties?
class Calculator
public int Num1{get; set;}
public int Num2{get; set;}
Ans) DataMember
15.Peter is creating service using WCF.He wants to know which contract is used for describing complex types like
classes created to represent information like Employee,Customer etc.Kindly suggest peter in identifying the
suitable contract?
Ans) Data Contract , Message Contract
16.You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field to
Not exceeding 50 chars. Which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same ?
Ans) <input type ="text" id="empname" maxlength="50">
17.You have created a Score page using ASP.NET web forms
There is a text box control names as "txtMarks" you need to validate the txtmarks control by ensuring that the
values entered are between 0 and 100 only.
Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) Range Validate
18.You are creating a web form using ASP.NET the form requires a start date and an end date to be entered.
You want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date.
Which validation control can help you achieve this with least effort?
Ans)Custom Validate
19.Angine is a novice developer and he wants to ensure that the FirstName textbox should allow only alphabets
and special characters like dot. SUggest the suitable HTML5 attribute to be used by ANgile to achieve the same?
Ans) Pattern
20.The _________ is a global object used for server-side state management of ASP.NET web forms and accessible
by all users and paes of a web application.
Ans) Application
21.Refer the incomplete code given below
Email <input type="_____" id="txtEmail"/> <br/><br/>
Phone Number <input type="_____" id="txtNumber"/> <br/><br/>
Date of birth <input type="_____" id="txtDate"/> <br/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Register"/>
Choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email,phone,number and date of
birt in respectively fields
22.Consider the following code in WCF
interface MathData
int Add(int num1, int num2);
Ans) MathData should be defined as ServiceContract and method Add as OperationContract.
23.Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service?
Ans) To run the server
24.For security reasons ______ is replaced for cookies in HTML5.
Ans) Web Storage
25.In WPF , Identity which of the following layout controls aligns the information in the form of rows and columns.
Ans) Grid.
26.How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about te operations available in the service?
Ans) using the contract
27. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in Asp.net?
Ans) Session
28. Identify which of the following Event gets executed first in the ASP.NEt webforms page life cycle?
Ans) Page_int
29.Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox contains and she wants to
ensure that all the textboxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data.Which validation control would you
suggest for angie?
Ans) RequireFieldValidator
30.You have created a registration page using ASP.NET web forms. You have used various validation controls for
the fields accepted as user input from the page. In case validation fails you want to display all the error messages
together , in a message box.Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) ValidationSummary
31.WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
32.Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and numbers?
33.What is wrong with the following mark up?
<asp: TextBox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp: RequiredFiedValidator id=”valRequired”
Runrat= “server” ErrorMessage= ”You must enter a value into textbox”
34.Developer and tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the Attribute should Tom use to
achieve it?
Ans) Required
35.Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of the service?
Ans) Attribute based programming
36.Protected void Page_Load(object sender , EventArgs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdownlist was loaded with same data multiple timeson
click of button?
Which of the following options can solve the problem?
Ans)Write the above code inside if(IsPostback==false)
37.How will you specify a method is available to access by client in WCF?
38.You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading. The client application is a
WPF app. How will the WPF app know where the WCF service is located?
39.Which of the following statement is TRUE about WCF Proxy?
Ans) Proxy gets geerated at cluent side
40.Which of the following new elements are added in HTML5?
Ans) All the above
41.Which of the following statements are TRUE with respect to WCF?
42.Consider you have a customer form containing two textboxes named as “txtPassword” and
“txtConfirmPassword”. You need to ensure that value entered in confirm password textbox must match the value
entered in password.
Ans)set ControlToValidate=”txtCOnfirmPassword” ControToCOmpare=”txtPassword”
43.Peter is novice developer and he has written an application and he wants to test the functionality of how the
application performs when multiple user access the server at the same time.Which of the following Test would
you suggest peter to use?
44.Snippet you can use to add audio content on
Ans) <audio controls=”controls”>
<source src=”cartoon.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>
45. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
46.Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag <input type=""> in type we will
mention which element we want to represent?
Ans.only c
47.How will the service endpoint inform the seervice clients about the particlar transport protocol and encoding
technique which clients must support to access the service?
48.Consider the method as follows.
public int Add(int a,int b)
return a+b;
49.which of the following Asset class method is used to check whether the Add method works correctly when the
value is passed?
Ans. AreEqual() (checked)
Q1. Consider you have created the following WPF code
<button x:name=’button1/>
In the above example if the event execution happens from window> stack panel> button the above
illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Q2. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q3. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF?
Ans: B – Longest option
Q4. Which of the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true?
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q5. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q6. Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox controls and
she wants to ensure that all the text boxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data which
validation control would you suggest for Angie
Q7. Which attribute need to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is technically belongs
for testing?
Q8. Peter is creating Service using WCF he wants to know which contact is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee kindly suggest Peter in
identifying the suitable contract
Ans:Data contract
Q9. Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside the
interface should be made available to client in WCF
Which of the following contract should be defined for the methods
Interface calculator
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Int mul( int num1, int num2);
Ans:D – operator contract
Q10. Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag like : <input type = “
“/> in type we will mention which element we want to represent
A number
B time
C meter
D color
Q11. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q12. Identify which of the following is the correct sequence of execution of events in an asp.net
webforms application
page in it→ page load→ postback events→ page prerender→ page unload
page init→ page load page→page prerender→ page unload→ postback events
page init→ page load →postback events→ page unload →page prerender
page load →page init→ postback events →page prerender→ page download
Ans:Sequence 1
Q13. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF?
Ans:B – longest option
Q14. Consider the class “calculator” shown below and we want to ensure that the properties inside
the class should be made available to client in WCF.
Which of the following should be defined for the properties?
Class calculator
Public int num1{ get ; set;}
Public int num2{get; set;}
Q15. Which of the following statement is true about unit testing?
Ans:option A – logest option
Q16. To support <SVG> and <canvas> tags which comment is introduced in HTML5?
Ans:Vector graphics
Q17. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q18. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q19. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q20. Tom is novice developer and Tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the text
box which attributes should be used to achieve it
Ans:option B (required)
Q21. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for error handling
kindly suggest Peter in identifying suitable contract.
Ans:B - FC
Q22. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q23. Interface mathdata
Int add(int num1, int num2);
What should be the contract defined for interface mathdata and method add to make them
available to client to consume
Ans:C – mathdata should be defined as service contract and method add as operationcontract
Q24. Consider You have a customer formm containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans:option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q25. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q26. You have created a score page using asp.net webforms
there is a textbox control named as “txtmarks” you need to validate the txtmarks value by ensuring
that the values entered are between 0 and 100 only
which control is most suitable to perform this task
Ans:range validator
Q27. Peter is in novice developer and he has written a web based application and he wants to test
the functionality of the web applications which of the following test would you suggest Peter to use
Ans:Web test
Q28. Consider you have created the following WPF code
< button x: name= button1/>
In the above example, if the event execution happens from window → stackpanel→ button
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Ans: Tunneling
Q29. Mark is a novice developer and he wants to ensure that the first name length should not
exceed 15 characters .suggest the suitable HDMI attribute to be used by mark to achieve the same
Ans:option C / (maxlength)
Q30. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically belongs
for testing
Q31. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed it’s found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q32. Refer to incomplete code given below
email <input type=”-------“ID=”txtemail”/>
phone number
date of birth
choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email phone number
and date of birth in respectively fields
Ans:email, number, date
Q33. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q34. Identify which of the following layout controls aligns the child controls in the edges of the panel
Q35. Consider the method as follows:
public int Add(int a , int b)
Return a+b;
Which of the following asset class method is used to check whether the add method works correctly
when the value is passed
Ans:option A / AreEqual()
Q36. Which of the following hosting services are provided by WCF
A executable(EXE)
B windows service
Ans:Both A and B
Q37. How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol
and encoding technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans:Option B / Binding
Q38. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q39. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q40. Consider you have created the following WPF code
<button x:name=’button1/>
In the above example if the event execution happens from window> stack panel> button the above
illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Q41. Refer to incomplete code given below
email <input type=”-------“ID=”txtemail”/>
phone number
date of birth
choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email phone number
and date of birth in respectively fields
Ans:email, number, date
Q42. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans:B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q43. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee customer etc kindly
suggest Peter in identifying the suitable contract
Ans:data contract
Q44. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q45. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q46. The………Is a global object used for server-side state management of asp.net webforms and
accessible by all users and pages of a web application
Ans:A - Application
Q47. We talked the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q48. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q49. Of the following?
Q50. Angine is a novice developer and she wants to ensure that the firstname text box should allow
only alphabets and special characters like dot. Suggested the suitable HTML5 attribute to be used by
Angie to achieve the same?
Q51. You are creating a web form using asp.net the form requires a start date and an end date to be
entered you want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date which validation
control can you help you achieve this least effort
Ans:Compare validator
Q52. Consider the method as follows:
public int Add(int a , int b)
Return a+b;
Which of the following asset class method is used to check whether the add method works correctly
when the value is passed
Ans:option A / AreEqual()
Q53. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF?
Ans:B – Longest option
Q54. How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol
and encoding technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans:Option B / Binding
Q55. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q56. . Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q57 . Interface mathdata
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Ans:C – mathdata should be defined as service contract and method add as operationcontract
Q58. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q59. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q60. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Asn: option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q61. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q62. Consider the following code:
<window x:clss=”WPFSoln”>
In the above example when the cancelbutton is clicked there are no events defined for cancel button
so considering that on click of cancel button if executed the parent event i.e stacked panels
button.click event the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Ans:option B
Q63. Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag like: <input type=” “/>
in type we will mention which element we want to represent
A number
b time
c meter
d color
Ans:option A
Q64. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option c
Q65. Which of the following statement is true about WCF proxy?
Ans:option D
Q66. Consider You have a customer form containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans: option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q67. Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of service?
Ans:option A / attribute based programming
Q68. Identify which of the following is server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q69. You have created a registration page using asp.net webforms you have used various validation
controls for the fields accepted as user input from the page in case validation fails you want to
display all the error messages together in a message box which control is more suitable to perform
this task
Q70. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q71 How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol
and encoding technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans:Option B / Binding
Q72. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q73. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q74. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q75. Which of the following statement is true about unit testing?
Ans:option A – longest option
Q76. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q77. You are creating a web form using asp.net the form requires a start date and an end date to be
entered you want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date which validation
control can you help you achieve this least effort
Ans:Compare validator
Q78. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee customer etc kindly
suggest Peter in identifying the suitable contract
Ans:data contract
Q79. Which of the following statement is true about WCF proxy?
Ans:option D
Q.80 You have created a registration page using asp.net webforms you have used various validation
controls for the fields accepted as user input from the page in case validation fails you want to
display all the error messages together in a message box which control is more suitable to perform
this task
Ans:validation summary
Q81. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q82. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q83. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following
Q84. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for error handling
kindly suggest Peter in identifying suitable contract.
Ans:B / FC
Q85. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q86. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services is located
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q87. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q88. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q89. Which of the following statements is true about WCF proxy
Ans:option D
Q90. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q91. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q92. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q93. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q94. Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox controls
and she wants to ensure that all the text boxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data
which validation control would you suggest for Angie
Q95. The………Is a global object used for server-side state management of asp.net webforms and
accessible by all users and pages of a web application
Ans:A - Application
Q96. developer and Tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the………… attribute
should tom use to achieve it?
Ans:option B / Required
Q97. You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field
to not exceeding 50 chars which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same
Ans:<input type=”text” id=”empname” maxlength=”50”>
Q98. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q99. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q100. Consider the following code in WCF.
Interface mathdata
Int add(int num1, int num2);
What should be the contract defined for interface mathdata and method add to make them
available to client to consume
Ans:C – mathdata should be defined as service contract and method add as operationcontract
Q101. Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside the
interface should be made available to client in WCF
Which of the following contract should be defined for the methods
Interface calculator
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Int mul( int num1, int num2);
Ans:option D / operationcontract
Q102. Unknown
Ans:Vector graphics
Q103. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q104. Identify which of the following events get executed first in the asp.net webforms page life
Q105. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q106. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q107. For security resons…………………is replaced for cookies in html5
Ans:web storage
Q108. Consider the following code:
<window x:clss=”WPFSoln”>
In the above example when the cancelbutton is clicked there are no events defined for cancel button
so considering that on click of cancel button if executed the parent event i.e stacked panels
button.click event the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Ans:option B /
Q109. In WPF identify which of the following layout controls aligns the information in the form of
rows and columns
Q110. You have created a score page using asp.net webforms
there is a textbox control named as “txtmarks” you need to validate the txtmarks value by ensuring
that the values entered are between 0 and 100 only
which control is most suitable to perform this task
Ans:range validator
Q111. Consider you have created the following WPF code
<button x:name=’button1/>
In the above example if the event execution happens from window> stack panel> button the above
illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Q112………… Code snippet you can use to add audio content on……………….
Ans:option A / (<audio controls=”controls”>
<source src=”cartoon.mp3 type+”audio/mp3”>
Q113. Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox controls
and she wants to ensure that all the text boxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data
which validation control would you suggest for Angie
Q114. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q115. Identify which of the following layout controls aligns the child controls in the edges of the
Q116. How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the operations available in the
Ans:using the contract
Q117. Peter is novice developer and has written an application and he wants to test the functionality
of how the application performs when multiple user access the server at the same time which of the
following test would you suggest Peter to use
Ans:option B
Q118. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF
Ans:B – Longest option
Q119. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically
belongs for testing?
Q120. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically
belongs for testing?
Q121. Which of the following hosting services are provided by WCF
A executable(EXE)
B windows service
Ans:Both A and B
Q122. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q123. Consider You have a customer formm containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans:option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q124. Choose the design principle in WPF which measures the graphics on specific screen resolution
excluding degree of quality
Ans:Vector Graphics
Q125. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q126. For security reasons…………….. is replaced for cookies in HTML5
Ans:web storage
Q127. Consider You have a customer formm containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans:option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q128. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q129. Which attribute need to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is technically
belongs for testing?
Q130. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF
Ans:B – Longest option
Q131. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q132. You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field
to not exceeding 50 chars which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same
Ans:<input type=”text” id=”empname” maxlength=”50”>
Q133. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q134. Which of the following new elements are added in HTML5?
Ans:option D / all the above.
Q135. Which of the following statements is true about WCF proxy?
Ans:option D / proxy gets generated when you execute the client application.
Q136. Identify which of the following is a client side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Ans:cookies and applications
Q137. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q138. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services is located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q139. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q140. How would you specify a method is available to access by client in WCF?
Q141. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
A142. Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside the
interface should be made available to client in WCF
Which of the following contract should be defined for the methods
Interface calculator
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Int mul( int num1, int num2);
Ans:option D / operatorcontract
Q143. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q144. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service?
Ans:to run the service
Q145. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q146. Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of the service?
Ans:option A / attribute based programming
Q147. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q148. developer and Tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the………… attribute
should tom use to achieve it?
Ans:option b / required
Q149. Which of the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q150. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q151. Peter is in a voice developer and he has written a web based applications and he wants to test
the functionality of the web applications which of the following test would you suggest Peter to use
Ans:Web test
Q152. Which best class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q153. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee customer etc kindly
suggest Peter in identifying the suitable contract
Ans:data contract
Q154. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q155. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q156. Which of the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true?
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q157. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q1. Consider you have created the following WPF code
<button x:name=’button1/>
In the above example if the event execution happens from window> stack panel> button the above
illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Q2. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q3. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF?
Ans: B – Longest option
Q4. Which of the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true?
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q5. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q6. Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox controls and
she wants to ensure that all the text boxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data which
validation control would you suggest for Angie
Q7. Which attribute need to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is technically belongs
for testing?
Q8. Peter is creating Service using WCF he wants to know which contact is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee kindly suggest Peter in
identifying the suitable contract
Ans:Data contract
Q9. Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside the
interface should be made available to client in WCF
Which of the following contract should be defined for the methods
Interface calculator
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Int mul( int num1, int num2);
Ans:D – operator contract
Q10. Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag like : <input type = “
“/> in type we will mention which element we want to represent
A number
B time
C meter
D color
Q11. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q12. Identify which of the following is the correct sequence of execution of events in an asp.net
webforms application
page in it→ page load→ postback events→ page prerender→ page unload
page init→ page load page→page prerender→ page unload→ postback events
page init→ page load →postback events→ page unload →page prerender
page load →page init→ postback events →page prerender→ page download
Ans:Sequence 1
Q13. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF?
Ans:B – longest option
Q14. Consider the class “calculator” shown below and we want to ensure that the properties inside
the class should be made available to client in WCF.
Which of the following should be defined for the properties?
Class calculator
Public int num1{ get ; set;}
Public int num2{get; set;}
Q15. Which of the following statement is true about unit testing?
Ans:option A – logest option
Q16. To support <SVG> and <canvas> tags which comment is introduced in HTML5?
Ans:Vector graphics
Q17. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q18. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q19. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q20. Tom is novice developer and Tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the text
box which attributes should be used to achieve it
Ans:option B (required)
Q21. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for error handling
kindly suggest Peter in identifying suitable contract.
Ans:B - FC
Q22. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q23. Interface mathdata
Int add(int num1, int num2);
What should be the contract defined for interface mathdata and method add to make them
available to client to consume
Ans:C – mathdata should be defined as service contract and method add as operationcontract
Q24. Consider You have a customer formm containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans:option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q25. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q26. You have created a score page using asp.net webforms
there is a textbox control named as “txtmarks” you need to validate the txtmarks value by ensuring
that the values entered are between 0 and 100 only
which control is most suitable to perform this task
Ans:range validator
Q27. Peter is in novice developer and he has written a web based application and he wants to test
the functionality of the web applications which of the following test would you suggest Peter to use
Ans:Web test
Q28. Consider you have created the following WPF code
< button x: name= button1/>
In the above example, if the event execution happens from window → stackpanel→ button
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Ans: Tunneling
Q29. Mark is a novice developer and he wants to ensure that the first name length should not
exceed 15 characters .suggest the suitable HDMI attribute to be used by mark to achieve the same
Ans:option C / (maxlength)
Q30. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically belongs
for testing
Q31. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed it’s found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q32. Refer to incomplete code given below
email <input type=”-------“ID=”txtemail”/>
phone number
date of birth
choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email phone number
and date of birth in respectively fields
Ans:email, number, date
Q33. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q34. Identify which of the following layout controls aligns the child controls in the edges of the panel
Q35. Consider the method as follows:
public int Add(int a , int b)
Return a+b;
Which of the following asset class method is used to check whether the add method works correctly
when the value is passed
Ans:option A / AreEqual()
Q36. Which of the following hosting services are provided by WCF
A executable(EXE)
B windows service
Ans:Both A and B
Q37. How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol
and encoding technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans:Option B / Binding
Q38. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q39. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q40. Consider you have created the following WPF code
<button x:name=’button1/>
In the above example if the event execution happens from window> stack panel> button the above
illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Q41. Refer to incomplete code given below
email <input type=”-------“ID=”txtemail”/>
phone number
date of birth
choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email phone number
and date of birth in respectively fields
Ans:email, number, date
Q42. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans:B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q43. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee customer etc kindly
suggest Peter in identifying the suitable contract
Ans:data contract
Q44. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q45. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q46. The………Is a global object used for server-side state management of asp.net webforms and
accessible by all users and pages of a web application
Ans:A - Application
Q47. We talked the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q48. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Q49. Of the following?
Q50. Angine is a novice developer and she wants to ensure that the firstname text box should allow
only alphabets and special characters like dot. Suggested the suitable HTML5 attribute to be used by
Angie to achieve the same?
Q51. You are creating a web form using asp.net the form requires a start date and an end date to be
entered you want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date which validation
control can you help you achieve this least effort
Ans:Compare validator
Q52. Consider the method as follows:
public int Add(int a , int b)
Return a+b;
Which of the following asset class method is used to check whether the add method works correctly
when the value is passed
Ans:option A / AreEqual()
Q53. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF?
Ans:B – Longest option
Q54. How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol
and encoding technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans:Option B / Binding
Q55. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q56. . Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q57 . Interface mathdata
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Ans:C – mathdata should be defined as service contract and method add as operationcontract
Q58. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q59. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q60. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Asn: option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q61. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q62. Consider the following code:
<window x:clss=”WPFSoln”>
In the above example when the cancelbutton is clicked there are no events defined for cancel button
so considering that on click of cancel button if executed the parent event i.e stacked panels
button.click event the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Ans:option B
Q63. Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag like: <input type=” “/>
in type we will mention which element we want to represent
A number
b time
c meter
d color
Ans:option A
Q64. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option c
Q65. Which of the following statement is true about WCF proxy?
Ans:option D
Q66. Consider You have a customer form containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans: option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q67. Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of service?
Ans:option A / attribute based programming
Q68. Identify which of the following is server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q69. You have created a registration page using asp.net webforms you have used various validation
controls for the fields accepted as user input from the page in case validation fails you want to
display all the error messages together in a message box which control is more suitable to perform
this task
Q70. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q71 How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol
and encoding technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans:Option B / Binding
Q72. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q73. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q74. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q75. Which of the following statement is true about unit testing?
Ans:option A – longest option
Q76. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q77. You are creating a web form using asp.net the form requires a start date and an end date to be
entered you want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date which validation
control can you help you achieve this least effort
Ans:Compare validator
Q78. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee customer etc kindly
suggest Peter in identifying the suitable contract
Ans:data contract
Q79. Which of the following statement is true about WCF proxy?
Ans:option D
Q.80 You have created a registration page using asp.net webforms you have used various validation
controls for the fields accepted as user input from the page in case validation fails you want to
display all the error messages together in a message box which control is more suitable to perform
this task
Ans:validation summary
Q81. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q82. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q83. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following
Q84. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for error handling
kindly suggest Peter in identifying suitable contract.
Ans:B / FC
Q85. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q86. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services is located
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q87. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q88. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q89. Which of the following statements is true about WCF proxy
Ans:option D
Q90. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q91. You are creating a web form using asp.net webform uses a drop down list called
DDLdepartments, to display a list of departments the department name (deptname) is displayed as
the options in the drop down When the user selects a Name the corresponding department ID is
taken as the value how will you implement this in asp.net
Ans:option B – (ddldeptartments.datatextfield=”deptname”;
Q92. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q93. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q94. Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox controls
and she wants to ensure that all the text boxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data
which validation control would you suggest for Angie
Q95. The………Is a global object used for server-side state management of asp.net webforms and
accessible by all users and pages of a web application
Ans:A - Application
Q96. developer and Tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the………… attribute
should tom use to achieve it?
Ans:option B / Required
Q97. You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field
to not exceeding 50 chars which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same
Ans:<input type=”text” id=”empname” maxlength=”50”>
Q98. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q99. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q100. Consider the following code in WCF.
Interface mathdata
Int add(int num1, int num2);
What should be the contract defined for interface mathdata and method add to make them
available to client to consume
Ans:C – mathdata should be defined as service contract and method add as operationcontract
Q101. Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside the
interface should be made available to client in WCF
Which of the following contract should be defined for the methods
Interface calculator
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Int mul( int num1, int num2);
Ans:option D / operationcontract
Q102. Unknown
Ans:Vector graphics
Q103. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q104. Identify which of the following events get executed first in the asp.net webforms page life
Q105. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q106. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q107. For security resons…………………is replaced for cookies in html5
Ans:web storage
Q108. Consider the following code:
<window x:clss=”WPFSoln”>
In the above example when the cancelbutton is clicked there are no events defined for cancel button
so considering that on click of cancel button if executed the parent event i.e stacked panels
button.click event the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Ans:option B /
Q109. In WPF identify which of the following layout controls aligns the information in the form of
rows and columns
Q110. You have created a score page using asp.net webforms
there is a textbox control named as “txtmarks” you need to validate the txtmarks value by ensuring
that the values entered are between 0 and 100 only
which control is most suitable to perform this task
Ans:range validator
Q111. Consider you have created the following WPF code
<button x:name=’button1/>
In the above example if the event execution happens from window> stack panel> button the above
illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Q112………… Code snippet you can use to add audio content on……………….
Ans:option A / (<audio controls=”controls”>
<source src=”cartoon.mp3 type+”audio/mp3”>
Q113. Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox controls
and she wants to ensure that all the text boxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data
which validation control would you suggest for Angie
Q114. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q115. Identify which of the following layout controls aligns the child controls in the edges of the
Q116. How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the operations available in the
Ans:using the contract
Q117. Peter is novice developer and has written an application and he wants to test the functionality
of how the application performs when multiple user access the server at the same time which of the
following test would you suggest Peter to use
Ans:option B
Q118. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF
Ans:B – Longest option
Q119. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically
belongs for testing?
Q120. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically
belongs for testing?
Q121. Which of the following hosting services are provided by WCF
A executable(EXE)
B windows service
Ans:Both A and B
Q122. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q123. Consider You have a customer formm containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans:option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q124. Choose the design principle in WPF which measures the graphics on specific screen resolution
excluding degree of quality
Ans:Vector Graphics
Q125. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service
Ans:to run the service
Q126. For security reasons…………….. is replaced for cookies in HTML5
Ans:web storage
Q127. Consider You have a customer formm containing two text boxes named as “txtpassword” and
”txtconfirmpassword” you need to ensure that value entered in confirm password () textbox must
watch the value entered in password textbox ()
Which of the following options will you use to achieve the same
Ans:option C (set controltovalidate=”txtpasswod” controltocompare=”txtconfirmpassword”)
Q128. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q129. Which attribute need to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is technically
belongs for testing?
Q130. Which of the following statements are true with respect to WCF
Ans:B – Longest option
Q131. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Q132. You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field
to not exceeding 50 chars which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same
Ans:<input type=”text” id=”empname” maxlength=”50”>
Q133. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q134. Which of the following new elements are added in HTML5?
Ans:option D / all the above.
Q135. Which of the following statements is true about WCF proxy?
Ans:option D / proxy gets generated when you execute the client application.
Q136. Identify which of the following is a client side statemanagement technique in asp.net
Ans:cookies and applications
Q137. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q138. You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading the client
application is a WPF app how will the WPF app know where the WCF services is located?
Ans:Option B / using the url contained in the endpoint address
Q139. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q140. How would you specify a method is available to access by client in WCF?
Q141. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
A142. Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside the
interface should be made available to client in WCF
Which of the following contract should be defined for the methods
Interface calculator
Int add(int num1, int num2);
Int mul( int num1, int num2);
Ans:option D / operatorcontract
Q143. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application. whenever a user selects a value in a
drop down list called DDLemployees the application fetches a list of records from the database and
stores them in a data table called DLemployee this data table must be bound to a gridview called
gvemployee which of the following options will solve the problem.
Ans. B and C ( gvemployee,datasource,dtemployee; gvemployees, databind())
Q144. Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service?
Ans:to run the service
Q145. Consider the following asp.net code
Protected void page_layout( objects sender, eventargs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdown list was loaded with same data
multiple times on click of button
which of the following options can resolve the problem
Ans:write above code inside if(lspostback==false)
Q146. Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of the service?
Ans:option A / attribute based programming
Q147. Consider you are developing an asp.net web application you have created a gridview called
“gvcategories”. you need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the
data when viewed in browser
Which of the following option should you use?
Ans:Datasource and databind
Q148. developer and Tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the………… attribute
should tom use to achieve it?
Ans:option b / required
Q149. Which of the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q150. Consider the following code
<window x:class=”wpfsoln”>
in the above example when yesbutton is clicked yesbutton_button click event i.e the same event
handler operation is executed
the above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF
Q151. Peter is in a voice developer and he has written a web based applications and he wants to test
the functionality of the web applications which of the following test would you suggest Peter to use
Ans:Web test
Q152. Which best class is inherited by all WPF and layout controls?
Q153. Peter is creating service using WCF he wants to know which contract is used for describing
complex types like classes created to represent information like employee customer etc kindly
suggest Peter in identifying the suitable contract
Ans:data contract
Q154. What is wrong with the following mark up
<asp:textbox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id=”valrequired”
Runat=”server” Errormessage “ you must enter a value into textbox”
Ans:option C
Q155. WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Q156. Which of the below statements regarding WCF service hosting are true?
Ans:a. WCF service can be hosted in internet information services
b. WCF service can be hosted in windows process activation services.
Q157. Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and
Ans:A – with (p in option)
Consider you ave created the following WPF Code.
<Stack Panel>
<Button Name="Button1/>
</Stack Panel>
In the above example, if the event execution happens from
Window -> StackPanel -> Button
The above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Tunneling
Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and numbers?
Which of the below statements regarding WCF Service Hosting are True?
Ans) a.WCF Service can be hosted in internal information Services(IIS)
b.WCF Service can be hosted in Windows Process Activation Services(WAS).
Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
Ans) FrameworkElement
Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox contains and she wants to
ensure that all the textboxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data.Which validation control would you
suggest for angie?
Ans) RequireFieldValidator
Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically belongs for Testing?
Ans) Testclass
Peter is creating service using WCF. He wants to know which contract is used for complex types like classes
created to represent information like Employee, Customer etc. Kindly suggest peter in identifying the suitable
Ans: Data Contract.
Consider the interface shown below and we want to ensure that the methods inside this interface should be
made available to client in WCF
Interface Calculator
int Add(int num1, int num2);
int Mul(int num1, int num2);
Ans: OperationContract
Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag <input type=""> in type we will mention
which element we want to represent?
Ans.only c
Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and numbers?
Identify which of the following is the correct sequence of execution of events in an ASP.NET web forms
Ans: Page_Init Page_Load Postback EventsPage Prerender Page_UnLoad
Which of the following statements are TRUE, with respect to WCF?
Consider the class “Calculator” shown below and we want to ensure that the properties inside this class should be
made available to client in WCF, which of the following should be defined for the Properties?
class Calculator
public int Num1{get; set;}
public int Num2{get; set;}
Ans: DataMember
Which of the following statement is TRUE about Unit Testing?
To support<SVG> and <CANVAS> tags which component is introduced in HTML5?
Ans: Vector Graphics
consider the following ASP.net code
Protected void page_load(object sender,event args e)
Drop down list 1.item add(“jio”)
Drop down lisr 2 item add(“ vadafone”)
Ans: Write the above code inside if(IsPostback==false)
Consider the following code:
<window x:Class=”WPFSoln”>
<StackPanel Background=”LightGray” Orientation=”Horizontal”>
<Button Name=”YesButton” Click="YesButton_Click">Yes<?Button>
In the above example when YesButton is clicked YesButton_Click event i.e the same event handler operation is
The above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Direct
Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in Asp.net?
Ans: Session
Tom is novice developer and tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the textbox. Which Attribute
should Tom use to achieve it?
Ans: Required
Peter is creating service using WCF. He wants to know which contract is used for error handling. Kindly suggest
peter in identifying the suitable contract?
Ans: Fault Contract
Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application you have created a gridview called “gvCategories”.You
need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the data when viewed in browser.
Which of the following options should you use?
Ans) Datasource and DataBind
Consider the following code in WCF
interface MathData
int Add(int num1, int num2);
Ans) MathData should be defined as ServiceContract and method Add as OperationContract.
Consider you have a customer form containing two textboxes named as “txtPassword” and
“txtConfirmPassword”. You need to ensure that value entered in confirm password textbox must match the value
entered in password.
Ans)set ControlToValidate=”txtCOnfirmPassword” ControToCompare=”txtPassword”
You have created a Score page using ASP.NET web forms
There is a text box control names as "txtMarks" you need to validate the txtmarks control by ensuring that the
values entered are between 0 and 100 only.
Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) Range Validate
Peter is novice developer and he has written a web based applications and he wants to test the functionality of
the web applications. Which of the following Test would you suggest peter to use?
Ans: Web Tests
Mark is novice developer
Refer the incomplete code given below
Email <input type="_____" id="txtEmail"/> <br/><br/>
Phone Number <input type="_____" id="txtNumber"/> <br/><br/>
Date of birth <input type="_____" id="txtDate"/> <br/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Register"/>
Choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email, phone number and date of
birth in respectively fields
Ans)email, number, date
WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
Identify which of the following layout controls aligns the child control in the edges of panel?
Ans: Dock Panel
Which of the following Asset class method is used to check whether the Add method works correctly when the
value is passed?
Ans. AreEqual() (checked)
Which of the following Hosting service are provided by WCF?
B)Windows Service
Ans) Both A and B
How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about the particular transport protocol and encoding
technique which clients must support to access the service?
Ans. Binding
Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application. Whenever a user selects a value in a dropdownlist
called ddlEmployees, the application fetches a list of records from the database and stores them in a data table
called "dtEMployee". This data table must be bound to a gridview called "gvEmployees". Which of the following
options will solve the problem?
Ans) a.gvEmployees DataSource=dlEmployee
b.gvEmployees DataBind()
Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service?
Ans) To run the service
The _________ is a global object used for server-side state management of ASP.NET web forms and accessible by
all users and pages of a web application.
Ans) Application
Which of the following is the correct option for the input field that allows only letters and numbers?
Angine is a novice developer and he wants to ensure that the FirstName textbox should allow only alphabets and
special characters like dot. Suggest the suitable HTML5 attribute to be used by Angie to achieve the same?
Ans) Pattern
You are creating a web form using ASP.NET the form requires a start date and an end date to be entered.
You want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date.
Which validation control can help you achieve this with least effort?
Ans) Custom Validate
Which of the following statements are TRUE with respect to WCF?
You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading. The client application is a WPF
app. How will the WPF app know where the WCF service is located?
Ans) Using the URL contained in the endpoint address
You are creating a web form using ASP.NET. The web form uses a drop down list called ddlDepartments to
displays a list of departments. The department name(DeptName) is displayed as the options in the drop down.
When the user selects a dept name the corresponding department id(Deptid) is taken as the value. How will you
implement this in ASP>NET ?
Ans) ddlDepartments.DataTextField="DeptName";
Which of the following statement is TRUE about WCF Proxy?
Ans) Proxy gets generated when you execute the application
Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of the service?
Ans) Attribute based programming
You have created a registration page using ASP.NET web forms. You have used various validation controls for the
fields accepted as user input from the page. In case validation fails you want to display all the error messages
together, in a message box. Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) ValidationSummary
Which of the following statement is TRUE about Unit Testing
Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
Ans) FrameworkElement
You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field to
Not exceeding 50 chars. Which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same ?
Ans) <input type ="text" id="empname" maxlength="50">
Identify which of the following Event gets executed first in the ASP.NEt webforms page life cycle?
Ans) Page_int
For security reasons ______ is replaced for cookies in HTML5.
Ans) Web Storage
In WPF, Identity which of the following layout controls aligns the information in the form of rows and columns.
Ans) Grid.
Snippet you can use to add audio content on
Ans) <audio controls=”controls”>
<source src=”cartoon.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>
How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about te operations available in the service?
Ans) using the contract
Peter is novice developer and he has written an application and he wants to test the functionality of how the
application performs when multiple user access the server at the same time. Which of the following Test would
you suggest peter to use?
Ans Load Test
Choose the design principal in WPF, which measures the graphics on specific screen resolution excluding degree
of quality.
Ans) Vector Graphics
Which of the following new elements are added in HTML5?
Ans) All the above
Identify which of the following is a client side statemanagement technique in Asp.net WebForms?
Ans) Cookies & Querystring
How will you specify a method is available to access by client in WCF?
1.You are creating a web form using ASP.NET . The web form uses a drop down list called ddlDepartments to
displays a list of departments. The department name(DeptName) is displayed as the options in the drop down.
When the user selects a dept name the corresponding department id(Deptid) is taken as the value. How will you
implement this in ASP>NET ?
Ans) ddlDepartments.DataTextField="DeptName";
2.Which of the following Hosting service are provided by WCF?
B)Windows Service
Ans) Both A and B
3.Choose the design principal in WPF ,which measures the graphics on specific screen resolution excluding degree
of quality.
Ans) Vector Graphics
4.Peter is novice developer and he has written a web based applications and he wants to test the
Functionality of the web applications. Which of the following test would you suggest peter to use ?
Ans) Web Tests
5.Which of the below statements regarding WCF Service Hosting are True?
Ans) a.WCF Service can be hosted in internal information Services(IIS)
b.WCF Service can be hosted in Windows Process Activation Services(WAS).
6.Consider you ave created the following WPF Code.
<Stack Panel>
<Button Name="Button1/>
</Stack Panel>
In the above example , if the event execution happens from
Window -> StackPanel -> Button
The above illustration is an xample of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Tunneling
7. Peter is creating service using WCF. He wants to know which contract is used for error handling. Kindly suggest
peter in identifying the suitable contract?
Ans) Fault Contract
8.Identify which of the following is a client side statemanagement technique in Asp.net WebForms?
Ans) Cookies & Querystring
9. Consider the following code:
<window x:Class=”WPFSoln”>
<StackPanel Background=”LightGray” Orientation=”Horizontal”>
<Button Name=”YesButton” Click="YesButton_Click">Yes<?Button>
In the above example when YesButton is clicked YesButton_Click event i.e the same event handler operation is
The above illustration is an example of which of the following event of WPF?
Ans) Direct
10. Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application you have created a gridview called
“gvCategories”.You need to set two of the below provided options so that the gridview displays the data when
viewed in browser.
Which of the following options should you use?
Ans) Datasource and DataBind
11. Which attribute needs to be specified for the class to indicate that the class is basically belongs for Testing?
Ans) Testclass
12.Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
Ans) FrameworkElement
13.Consider you are developing an ASP.NET web application. Whenever a user selects a value in a dropdownlist
called ddlEmployees, the application fetches a list of records from the database and stores them in a data table
called "dtEMployee". This data table must be bound to a gridview called "gvEmployees". Which of the following
options will solve the problem?
Ans) a.gvEmployees DataSource=dlEmployee
b.gvEmployees DataBind()
14.Consider the class "Calculator" shown below and we want to ensure that the properties inside this class should
be made available to client in WCF,
Which of the following should be defined for the Properties?
class Calculator
public int Num1{get; set;}
public int Num2{get; set;}
Ans) DataMember
15.Peter is creating service using WCF.He wants to know which contract is used for describing complex types like
classes created to represent information like Employee,Customer etc.Kindly suggest peter in identifying the
suitable contract?
Ans) Data Contract , Message Contract
16.You would like to define the number of characters in an input element storing empname field to
Not exceeding 50 chars. Which of the following is the correct way to achieve the same ?
Ans) <input type ="text" id="empname" maxlength="50">
17.You have created a Score page using ASP.NET web forms
There is a text box control names as "txtMarks" you need to validate the txtmarks control by ensuring that the
values entered are between 0 and 100 only.
Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) Range Validate
18.You are creating a web form using ASP.NET the form requires a start date and an end date to be entered.
You want to ensure that the start date is always lesser than the end date.
Which validation control can help you achieve this with least effort?
Ans)Custom Validate
19.Angine is a novice developer and he wants to ensure that the FirstName textbox should allow only alphabets
and special characters like dot. SUggest the suitable HTML5 attribute to be used by ANgile to achieve the same?
Ans) Pattern
20.The _________ is a global object used for server-side state management of ASP.NET web forms and accessible
by all users and paes of a web application.
Ans) Application
21.Refer the incomplete code given below
Email <input type="_____" id="txtEmail"/> <br/><br/>
Phone Number <input type="_____" id="txtNumber"/> <br/><br/>
Date of birth <input type="_____" id="txtDate"/> <br/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Register"/>
Choose a valid option to complete the above code so that user can enter only email,phone,number and date of
birt in respectively fields
22.Consider the following code in WCF
interface MathData
int Add(int num1, int num2);
Ans) MathData should be defined as ServiceContract and method Add as OperationContract.
23.Which of the following are the reason for activating or hosting a WCF service?
Ans) To run the server
24.For security reasons ______ is replaced for cookies in HTML5.
Ans) Web Storage
25.In WPF , Identity which of the following layout controls aligns the information in the form of rows and columns.
Ans) Grid.
26.How will the service endpoint inform the service clients about te operations available in the service?
Ans) using the contract
27. Identify which of the following is a server side statemanagement technique in Asp.net?
Ans) Session
28. Identify which of the following Event gets executed first in the ASP.NEt webforms page life cycle?
Ans) Page_int
29.Angie is a software developer and she had created registration page with 5 textbox contains and she wants to
ensure that all the textboxes cannot be empty and user must enter some data.Which validation control would you
suggest for angie?
Ans) RequireFieldValidator
30.You have created a registration page using ASP.NET web forms. You have used various validation controls for
the fields accepted as user input from the page. In case validation fails you want to display all the error messages
together , in a message box.Which control is most suitable to perform this task?
Ans) ValidationSummary
31.WCF achieves reliable messaging using which of the following?
32.Which of the following is the correct option for an input field that allows only letters and numbers?
33.What is wrong with the following mark up?
<asp: TextBox id=”textbox1” runat=”server”/>
<asp: RequiredFiedValidator id=”valRequired”
Runrat= “server” ErrorMessage= ”You must enter a value into textbox”
34.Developer and tom wants to ensure that the user must enter data into the Attribute should Tom use to
achieve it?
Ans) Required
35.Which of the following feature of WCF helps in customizing the behavior of the service?
Ans) Attribute based programming
36.Protected void Page_Load(object sender , EventArgs e)
When the below code is executed its found that the dropdownlist was loaded with same data multiple timeson
click of button?
Which of the following options can solve the problem?
Ans)Write the above code inside if(IsPostback==false)
37.How will you specify a method is available to access by client in WCF?
38.You have created a WCF service to return the latest share prices for online trading. The client application is a
WPF app. How will the WPF app know where the WCF service is located?
39.Which of the following statement is TRUE about WCF Proxy?
Ans) Proxy gets geerated at cluent side
40.Which of the following new elements are added in HTML5?
Ans) All the above
41.Which of the following statements are TRUE with respect to WCF?
42.Consider you have a customer form containing two textboxes named as “txtPassword” and
“txtConfirmPassword”. You need to ensure that value entered in confirm password textbox must match the value
entered in password.
Ans)set ControlToValidate=”txtCOnfirmPassword” ControToCOmpare=”txtPassword”
43.Peter is novice developer and he has written an application and he wants to test the functionality of how the
application performs when multiple user access the server at the same time.Which of the following Test would
you suggest peter to use?
44.Snippet you can use to add audio content on
Ans) <audio controls=”controls”>
<source src=”cartoon.mp3” type=”audio/mp3”>
45. Which base class is inherited by all WPF and Layout controls?
46.Which of the following elements cannot be represented using input tag <input type=""> in type we will
mention which element we want to represent?
Ans.only c
47.How will the service endpoint inform the seervice clients about the particlar transport protocol and encoding
technique which clients must support to access the service?