Angular JS Scope MCQ with Answers PDF

Hello friends, in this article we are going to see Angular JS Multiple Choice Questions with answers | Angular JS Objective Type Questions | Angular JS Interview Questions | Angular JS Quiz Questions

1.Which $Scope Object,current scope expression is executed and the result is displayed?

  1. $apply()
  2. $new()
  3. $eval()
  4. $on()

Ans – 3.$eval()

2.Using ____ method an expression can be executed in angular outside the angular framework.

  1. $apply()
  2. $new()
  3. $eval()
  4. $on()

Ans – 1.$apply()

3.A new child can be created using____ in AngularJS

  1. $apply()
  2. $new()
  3. $eval()
  4. $on()

Ans – 2.$new()

4.A callback for an event is registered using

  1. $apply()
  2. $new()
  3. $eval()
  4. $on()

Ans – 4.$on()

5.a current scope can be removed using ______ method In AngularJS

  1. $destroy()
  2. $emit()
  3. $broadcast()
  4. $eval()

Ans – 1.$destroy()

6.A particular event is dispatched upwards till $rootscope using ______ in AngularJS

  1. $destroy()
  2. $emit()
  3. $broadcast()
  4. $eval()

Ans – 2.$emit()

7.A particular event is dispatched downwards till $rootscope using ______ method in AngularJS.

  1. $destroy()
  2. $emit()
  3. $broadcast()
  4. $eval()

Ans – 3.$broadcast()

8.Context is provided by the ______ for expression in AngularJS.

  1. $scope
  2. $rootscope
  3. Viewscope
  4. View

Ans – 1.$scope

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