DevOps Foundation School – Dotnet

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  1. Harry is proficient in working with SCM, but new to azure cloud. —– Feature Branching
  2. Pavithra a project manager is in need to follow an aproch ——–Adopt test driven development.
  3. While setting up azure devops agent, tina received specific requirements from her project
    operations ——- Linux self hosted pool , windows self hosted agent pool
  4. Kubernetes developer wants to create and run a redis instance using a Kubernetes pod in
    Kubernetes cluster based on ——— Kubectl apply pod -f redis-pod.yml
  5. Anjali is using traditional monitoring system. Her manager advised to use Prometheus and
    exporters to gather metrics for other —— Node exporter , WMI exporter
  6. Infrastructure as a code is the process of scripting your environment. All the objects on an
    infrastructure are described as code and can ——- Compiling and unit testing manually
  7. In application monitoring, which of the following save data in defined bucket —- Histograms
  8. Selva wants to demonstrate mywizard devops platform to a client. He and his team takes the
    tour of mywizards marketplace to the client ——– Resource impair
  9. Ankur want to deploy his software application to an AKS cluster. Which of the following is valid
    with respect to AKS cluster — Use kubectl commands in node to deploy applications
  10. Charlotte is new to SCM and devops. She has beed assigned a user story to make new feature
    changes. When she tried to make changes —– A fork is a flawed copy of a repository, including
    all files, commits and branches.
  11. Madhu working in a project which follows traditional approach and she has to write a POC to
    process devops adoption in her project. A-better quality b-reduced outages c-automation
    oriented d-continous improvement e-faster delivery f-stability ——– A,B,C,D,E,F
  12. Netflix is the popular online video streaming service in the world. They are heavily invested in
    devops and their pipelines ——- Improve MTTR
  13. Project team is proficient with traditional SDLC process for their deliverables. With changing
    demands and tr ——– Dev and ops are black boxes to each other, which leads to finger pointing
  14. Software project is already adopted with agile as per client requirement to enable fast delivery
    of values ——— Culture and mindset change , Process improvement-grassroots movement ,
    Enable close collaboration between development and operation team.
  15. One of the project in the organization using azure repos for SCM. Mike, a senior developer of
    the project ——— Cloning the project in his computer, Push an existing repository from
    command line, Import a repository, Initialize with a readme or gitignore
  16. A project is implementing devops security and they want to do the following tasks ——
    Common weakness Enumeration(CWE) , Common vulnerabilities and exposures(CVE), Common
    vulnerability scoring system(CVS)
  17. Smith, a senior consultant is working on an project that uses azure devops and its related
    services for CI/CD ——— Azure devops server
  18. Andrew has joined new project team and working on designing and execution of infrastructure
    automation for the project ——- Ansible
  19. You are working in an azure devops project as devops engineer. Now the build and release
    pipeline is implemented using azure pipeline and there —— Library in azure pipeline
  20. Krish created container based application for one of the banking and finance client. Now, he
    wants to manage —— Azure app service, Azure container instances, AKS
  21. In azure container registry which of the following helps to establish the connectivity between
    two endpoints-over HTTPS ——– REST API and storage
  22. You are working in a distributed team where there is a strong version control in place. The team
    using distributed version control tool. Now you need to use one workflow for proposing a
    change into the given —— repository cloning  do the changes locally
  23. Software project is already adopted with agile as per client requirement to enable fast delivery
    of values. On top of that devops adoption —— culture and mindset change, process
    improvement, enable close collaboration between development and operations team
  24. A software firm is a very well known organization in developing the quality software solution as
    per clients requirements. —— Maximize automation of process to get fast feedback
  25. Tom is playing devops engineer role in his team. His client was happy with team’s performance
    and during retrospective ——- Dev and ops worked together to build a robust way of changing
  26. Project team was proficient with traditional SDLC process of delivery. With changing business
    demands,——— devs write code, code commit triggers, QA can get their hands, Once it is ready
  27. In your organization, the project deal is successful with a reputed financial client and they ——
    stages, tasks
  28. One of the project in the organization using azure repos for SCM. Mike, a senior developer of
    the project, trying to create a repository in the cloud server to store all the CI. ——— Cloning
    the project in his computer, Push an existing repository, Import a repository, Initialize with a
    readme or gitignore
  29. In a project, devops is adopted by adhering to the below characteristics. Choose the correct
    characteristics offered by devops —— stable and operable software , consistent and optimized
    release process(statement 1 and 2 are true ani untadi)
  30. The team is having 10-12 developers spread across different locations. The developers used to
    update the code changes ——– smith can create a repository in his
  31. For a banking application, the application development team decided to ——— Pylib
  32. The project team wants to host a distributed repository on the azure cloud server. What is your
    recommendation to create and configure the repository —— Azure repos git, Github
  33. You have joined in an organization where devops is adopted recently. One of the financial
    project, which makes use of azure cloud services for all their configurations —— GIT
  34. Selva wants to demonstrate mywizard devops platform to a client. He and his team takes the
    tour of mywizard marketplace to the client and also highlighting —– Resource impair
  35. You are part of infrastructure operations team for a business critical application deployment.
    Now the team has forecasted that the resources ——— Prometheus
  36. Madhur is working in software development project. His team uses AKS for managing
    Kubernetes containers. Team decides to better focus on —— Worker nodes run on virtual
    machine scale sets(VMSS) , Azure creates the virtual machines, Nodes use a customized ubuntu
    or windows server 2019 OS.
  37. Jennifer is planning to configure Kubernetes cluster for micro service deployment as her project
    is developing many micro services ———- Azure portal, Command line interface, ARM template
  38. Anjali is using traditional monitoring system. Her manager advised to use Prometheus and
    exporters to gather metrics for other servers ——— Node exporter, WMI exporter
  39. You are monitoring your client application using automation tools like Prometheus, cAdvisor and
    Grafana. ———— Bash40. Rose is playing role of devops engineer, working for diamond client, new to azure cloud. She has
    been asked not to create resources in cloud, instead create resources ——– Deployments and
  40. A senior developer is working on a critical module by closing the project from the azure
    repository. Now there is some blocker issue has been ——- git repo save, git stash save
  41. In an infrastructure operations POC, you have been assigned the task —— Group, Inhibit,
  42. Santosh is working in software development project and his team is migrating towards devops
    practices implementation in his project ——– Code is stored in a SCM in a “Master”
  43. Ram is an infrastructure team lead and also he is responsible for resource management in his
    projects azure cloud account ——– As the limit is set as 3, and team member executed for 5
    times the limit overflow error comes during the 4th time execution
  44. Mayur, a devops engineer, planning to build a CI/CD pipeline in azure devops. He is not much
    familiar with azure pipelines ———- Ruby, Python, Node js
  45. Arun is trying to deploy micro service based application which contains more than 20
    microservices. ——— Azure AD integration, Monitoring and development, Virtual Networking
  46. Make the following Kubernetes objects with the respective descriptions given below. Objects
    1.Pod 2.Service 3.Deployment . Descriptions A.provides B.Description C.A unit of ——– 1-C,2-
  47. Yuva gas created Kubernetes cluster with 6 node machines. As per project needs, he has
    upgraded cluster configurations. Since autoscaling enabled —— Kubectl get nodes
  48. Andrew has joined new project team and working on designing and execution of infrastructure
    automation for the project ———- Ansible
  49. While setting up azure devops agent, Tina received specific requirements from her project
    operations —— Linux self hosted agent pool , Windows self hosted agent pool
  50. Match the following terms with the description given below 1.Orchestration 2.Automation
    3.Procedures Description A.Steps B.The process C.The logical ——- 1-B,2-C,3-A
  51. Santosh is working in software development project ——– Code is stored in a SCM in a “Master”
  52. Philip wants to choose between branches and forks. He is working as devops engineer and has
    small team —— very small teams, everyone should work, as your team grows larger, if your
    repository has a
  53. From the given below options, identify the appropriate way to call a service connection ——-
    task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment@3 inputs: azureSubscription:’ServiceConnectionName’
    WebAppname:’myWebApp’ , task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment@3 inputs:
    azureSubscription:$(’ServiceConnectionName’) WebAppname:’myWebApp’
  54. When completing a pull request in the azure devops portal, which of the following options will
    be displayed in the merge type control ———- Merge , Squash commit
  55. You joined in a new project where you are the lead of quality assurance team and responsible to
    create and manage quality assurance task at project level. —- Recommend to implement as
    much as unit test case , It is not recommended to push the changes directly into remote master
  56. Ram, a junior developer is trying to configure the kubernetes cluster on azure using azure
    Kubernetes service. He wants the node machines ——– Configuring virtual machine scale set58. Arun is trying to deploy micro service based application which contains more than 20
    microservices. Now with docker containers he is doing ——– Azure AD integration, Monitoring
    and development, Virtual Networking
  57. In Azure Kubernetes architecture, identify the worker node components from the given options.
    Choose the most appropriate ———– Container runtime , Kube proxy
  58. Sree is managing the azure portal for his project and he is now assigned with a task to configure
    secured Kubernetes cluster using ———— Service principal , System-assigned managed
    identity,Kubernetes RBAC authentication
  59. While implementing version controlling with azure repos and git, which of the following files
    helps to avoid committing the changes ———– .gitignore
  60. Tom is playing role of devops engineer, working for diamond client. His team has implemented
    most of the devops practices on ————– White source bolt in azure devops marketplace
  61. When considering DevSecOps pipeline in azure, which of the following tools can be integrated
    for third party dependency scanning in the pipeline ——- Thirdparty scanner, Dependency check
  62. Mathew, a senior developer, tries to update the code changes using the distributed version
    control tool git ———– creating a develop branch in remote and fetch the changes into local
    repository, using the option -u when pushing the changes into remote repository
  63. Software project is already adopted with agile as per client requirement to enable fast delivery
    of values ———- culture and mindset change , process improvement, enable close collaboration
  64. As part of infrastructure as a code, to create and manage a collection of AWS resources by using
    templates, AWS cloudFormation service ——- YAML,JSON
  65. To visualize the monitoring metrics your project infrastructure POC ————- Data source
  66. You are working for self learning public projects. You decided to use azure devops ——— Free
    Access to boards
  67. You have joined in an organization where devops is adopted recently. One of the financial
    project, which use of azure cloud services for all their —— GIT
  68. In your organization, the project deal is successful with a reputed financial client and they want
    azure devops for CI/CD ——— Stages, Tasks
  69. Harry is proficient working with SCM, but new to azure cloud. His manager assigns him user
    story to work-on as the sprint starts. His manager ——— Feature branching
  70. While configuring the global interval timer for Prometheus, what is the default value for
    scrape_interval and evaluation_interval ————— 1 minute and 1 minute
  71. Renu has created deployment yami manifest file. She wants to deploy applications to an AKS
    cluster. Before she goes and verifies ———— kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  72. Vijeta is a scrum master for new software development project team. She has used JIRA tool
    before, but unaware of agile ——– Workitems, Boards,Sprints, Backlogs, Queries
  73. Your organization has decided to make use of azure migrate for all the azure cloud based
    projects ———- Resource utilization, Azure resource management, Dependency visualization
  74. Pragya seeks for an input to set-up Kubernetes cluster with installation of 4 nodes for
    application deployment ———— kubectl
  75. Team was using traditional way of software development for their java based application. They
    are now migrating to implement —- use git client to install, Jenkins can run on any OS where
  76. Vishnu has created azure pipeline job and now wants to run it on different machines. He makes
    use of agent pools —- Ubuntu 16.0479. Mywizard devops platform is a 4-layered architecture and one among that is container
    management layer —- spinnaker
  77. Tina is working as devops engineer for her team. Her team is using azure devops since 2015.
    John is new team member —- B A C
  78. Akshay is working in dockerizinh the .net ——– Azure AD based , Admin user
  79. To visualize the monitoring metrics your project infrastructure POC has recommended your
    team to use ———– data source
  80. Alex is working in CNCF, handling a conference. One of the audience asked him the benefits of
    Kubernetes on azure ——– Build and unit testing
  81. In azure container registry, which of the following helps to establish the connectivity between
    two endpoints over HTTPS —— Docker daemon and storage
  82. Bryan, a project manager wants to adopt devops for future project implementations and he
    approached a devops consultant for the same. ——– Reduced time, Tracking, Monitoring
  83. Sushant is creating a pipeline to automate the process —– When a dependency
  84. Smith, a senior consultant is working on a project that uses ———– Azure devops server
  85. While working on azure templates, seema, a senior azure cloud engineer, decided to break
    templates into related as the solution seems – Linked and Nested
  86. When completing a pull request in the azure devops portal ——– Add , update
  87. Jane, a junior developer in the team has access to a project in azure devops server. Now the
    project contains one TVFC ———- Jane can create one more Git repository, Jance cannot create
    TFVC repository
  88. You are monitoring your client application using automation tools like Prometheus, cAdvisor and
    Grafana ——— Go, Java/scale, Python, Ruby
  89. Devops adopted in a project with list of tools installed in on-premises server. As per the latest
    direction received ——- Pay per usage, scalability in days , Flat rate for resources
  90. Swaroop wants to create an AKS cluster in azure. ——— 3rd line authentication undedi answer
  91. William is new to azure devops, started working for one of the —— Azure Repos
  92. John, a junior tester, has updated the required tests scripts —- 2nd option
  93. John is working for a banking application, His client has recently migrated to azure cloud
    platform ——- Write-only dashboard access
  94. Lilibet is working on implementing pull request strategies ——– Pull requests can not come
  95. Azure extensions give your VM additional capabilities through —- Run custom scripts, Monitor
    the resource utilization
  96. Raj is working with a containerized application. He is not proficient in azure ——– AKS
  97. Your team has implemented end to end devops for your project —– Integration testing
  98. Which of the following component of Kubernetes architecture — Controller
  99. Rahul is assigned the task to create azure resource manager templates for provisioning –
    —— Resources and Variables
  100. In a Kubernetes cluster, there are 20 pods are currently —— Kubectl get pods, kubectl
    delete pod web-frontend
  101. Radhika is working as azure architect in her project. She has proposed with the usage of
    azure Kubernetes ——– Maven
  102. Nita decides to use automation tools for application monitoring Prometheus —- Metrics
    can be called

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