Tableau L2 Question Answers

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In which case is in-memory connection not suitable?

A) When your database is too slow for interactive analysis

B)when you need to take off a transactional database

C)when you require real time analysis of data

D)when you need to be offline

Ans: C

Which one of the following doesn’t fall under Tableau’s server security?

A)Trusted Authentication

B)Active Directory Integration

C)Multi Tenancy Implementation

D)Section Access

Ans: D

Which one is not possible on Tableau map functionality?

A)wrapped map

B)combined mark types using map

C)ESRI map integration

D)filled map

Ans: C

Which data source is not supported by Tableau



C)Oracle Essbase


Ans: D

Which one of these is not a product of Tableau

A)Tableau Server

B)Tableau Digital

C)Tableau Management Console

D)Tableau Reader

Ans: C

Next Generation Dashboards  provides

A)rich visualization

B)predictive modeling

C)data from multiple data source

D)Only A & C

Ans: D

Personalized views of Next Generation dashboards allow users to view data based on 

A)Security & Access



D)Database Type

Ans: A

which is true in case of Next Generation Dashboards ?

A)combines summary and detail data analysis

B)Parameterization enables a single dynamic dashboard to replace hundreds of static designs 

C)requires no prior BI literacy

D)All of the above

Ans: D

How do you connect to Spluk with Tableau?

A)via ODBC driver

B)via SQL Connector

C)via MDX Connector D)via Odata Connector

Ans: D

In Which layer of tableau server ‘table calculation’ happens?

A)Data Model Layer

B)Application Server

C)VizQL Server


Ans: C

Tableau Reader can read if the tableau application is saved in

A).twb format

B).tde format

C).twbx format

D)none of the above

Ans: C

MDX connector in tableau server is meant for connecting with


B)OLAP cubes

C)no SQL database

D)none of the above

Ans: B

In Tableau ‘table joins’ happen in

A)Application server

B)Data Engine

C)VizQL Model

D)Semantic Layer

Ans: A

Which One is not there in Tableau 7

A)Heat Map

B)Show Me

C)Area Chart

D)Colored Tab

Ans: D

Tableau 8 has a direct connector to Google Analytics



Ans: A

You can define data source filters in Tableau 8



Ans: B

According to Tableau, visual analytics is not just dashboards and charts. Name three very important key differentiators in visual analytics

A)exploration, analysis, collaboration B)presentation, analysis, collaboration C)data analysis, data discovery, dashboard performance

D)Real-time data, user interaction, what-if analysis

Ans: A

What happens to my original data (source data) when I change an alias in Tableau view?

A)Tableau creates the change and makes corresponding change to the original data B)Tableau creates the change internally and remembers your changes without affecting original data

C)Changes are maintained as long as the session is active.

D)Tableau makes temporary change to your original data, but will revert to previous state once the view is refreshed.

Ans: b

What is a URL action?

A)is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource. In most web browsers, the URL of a web page is displayed in the address bar.

B)It is the URL address of your dashboard where parameters can be passed 

C)It is a hyperlink that points to a web page, file or other web-based resource outside of Tableau. It be used to link your dashboards to other dashboards or use it to look up facts about your data. 

D)It is another way to open up your dashboard in another browser window. If you do not want it to open another browser window, put web objects in your dashboard

Ans: C

When in the workbook, which filter has the highest precedence of all Tableau filters

A)Context Filter

B)Local Filter

C)Global Filter

D)Data Source Filter

Ans: D

What is the maximum number of rows of data per workbook can you publish to Tableau Public





Ans: B

Allows a user or group to view the workbook on the server, edit workbook views, apply filters, view underlying data, export images, and export data. 



C)Data Source Connector


Ans: B

A workbook permission that allows a user to see all raw data behind each row in the data source, as restricted by any marks the user has selected, and allows data download as text file

A)View Underlying Data

B)View Summary Data

C)View row data

D)Filter raw data view

Ans: A

Name three types of reference lines and bands.

A)Entire table, per pane, per cell B)Maximum, Median, Minimum

C)Average, constant, sum

D)Line, Band, Distribution

Ans: D

In the add reference line dialog box, under scope window, three different options may be selected to represent how reference line should be presented.

A)Entire table, per pane, per cell B)Maximum, Median, Minimum

C)Average, constant, sum

D)Line, Band, Distribution

Ans: A

Sometimes you want to pull in data from an outside source for quick analysis. Rather than create a whole new data source and then connect in Tableau, you can copy and paste the data directly into Tableau desktop.  Name this type of data source.

A)Clipboard Data Source

B)Temporary Data Source

C)Copied Data Source

D)Static Data Source

Ans: A

Whenever you place a field on a shelf, Tableau generates the view by querying the data source and depending on the size of the data source, this process can be time consuming. Which tool in Tableau allows you to turn this feature on and off.

A)Hold (F6)

B)Run Update (F9)

C)Refresh (F5)

D)Automatic updates (F10)

Ans: D

In Tableau desktop, you want to cancel a query that is taking a long time to complete due to the size of the data source. When a query takes a long time to complete, a progress dialog box opens. What happens to the view after you cancel this query?

A)Tableau desktop will crash

B)The query will continue to run until the view is fully rendered

C)The view becomes invalid because it is in an in-between state

D)The view returns to its previous state

Ans: C

Precision warning icon pops up when a field  value contains more precision (decimal places) than Tableau can model. Please indicate in your answer Tableau’s precision limit.





Ans: C

What is the main differentiating factor between relational and multidimensional data in Tableau?

A)There is no major difference between relational and multidimensional data source

B)By default, multidimensional data source contains pre-configured filters for dimensions

C)By default, multidimensional data source contains hierarchies for dimensions

D)Allows creation of sets and hierarchies

Ans: C

What do you call this indicator that shows up if your data contains null values, unknown geographic locations, or negative or zero values on a logarithmic axis.

A)Cancel Query Indicator

B)Precision Warning

C)Special Values Indicator

D)Status Bar

Ans: C

If you want to display a summary and details at the same time in your view, which option will work best

A)Data blending  

B)Joining tables

C)Connect live to data source

D)Create data extract

Ans: A

Occasionally, it is useful to organize the values of a measure into bins. There are certain limitations in using bin. You can bin data only for ___________ data sources and this feature is not supported for _______________ data sources.

A)relational, multidimensional B)multidimensional, relational

C).twb, .twbx

D).twbx, .twb

Ans: A

When saving your work as a bookmark, which file extension will this represent





Ans: c

How do you unpackage a packaged workbook file (.twbx)

A)Right-click the packaged workbook file (.twbx) in windows explorer and select unzip

B)You cannot unpack a packaged workbook C)Right-click the packaged workbook file in windows explorer and select unpackage D)Open the packaged workbook in Tableau desktop and save the workbook file and data sources separately.

Ans: C

When working with dates or numberic bins. For example, you have data for January through May and September through December. There was no data recorded for June, July and August. If you create a line chart, the missing months will not be shown.  Which option allows you to display the months with missing data?

A)Show Empty Rows

B)Show Empty Columns

C)Show Missing Values

D)Show underlying values

Ans: C

In which condition creates a new workbook and uses a temporary data source name that is prefixed with a word ‘clipboard’ followed by a series of numbers and text that are internally generated by Tableau.

A)When copying data from anywhere (web sites, pdfs, MSWord, MSExcel, etc.) to Tableau is unsuccessful.

B)when copying data from anywhere (web sites, pdfs, MSWord, MSExcel, etc.) and pasting it in tableau using Data>Paste Data.

C)When using ODBC to open a data source D)When a data source becomes unavailable

Ans: B

Name  three tabs available in the Tableau desktop format menu (used for font, alignment, shading)

A)Field Labels, Rows, Columns

B)Sheet, Rows, Columns

C)Title, body, details

D)Color, Size, Label

Ans: B

In Tableau desktop, you can duplicate any view as a crosstab. Name one condition where this option does not work.

A)When in a map view

B)When in a crosstab

C)When view is disaggregated

D)When in a bar chart

Ans: C

When you drag a dimension to the color shelf. What type of color scheme is generated?





Ans: B

When you drag a measure to the color shelf. What type of color scheme is generated?

A)Multicolor scheme


C)Quantitative color

D)Color spectrum

Ans: C

Overlapping text in a crosstab occurs when multiple data source values contribute to a single text table cell. Please select the correct statement about overlapping text.

A)If you disaggregate a measure placed on the text shelf, overlapping text occurs if multiple data source rows contribute to a text table cell.

B)If you place a dimension on the level of details overlapping text occurs if you also use page shelf.

C)Overlapping text occurs if you place multiple data source dimension on the filter shelf.

D)Over lapping text occurs if you use groups and bins together.

Ans: A

Tableau does not use chart types (like excel) to build data views. Instead, data are displayed with marks. Every mark corresponds to a ________________ in your data source.

A)a number of overlapping text


C)row or group of rows


Ans: C

Dimensions can be converted to measures by aggregating them as a _________.


B)new field



Ans: C

You may have data in two separate data sources that you want to analyze together on a single worksheet.  Identify from the list which one does not constitute or help identify the primary & secondary data source.

A)The connection that you first use in the view becomes the primary data source. B)After you drag fields to the view, the primary connection is marked with a blue check mark.

C)When you switch to the secondary data source, the data window is marked with an orange color.

D)Data extract option becomes unavailable (right click on the secondary data source and select data extract)

Ans: D

From the extract dialog window, one of the ways to reduce the data extract size is to filer your data extract. Choose from the list another method that can help reduce the size of your extract file

A)Show hidden fields

B)Refresh extract

C)Hide all unused fields

D)Hide captions

Ans: C

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