Big Data Hadoop Question Answers

Hello friends in this post we are going to discuss about Big Data Hadoop MCQ | Big Data Hadoop Multiple choice questions | Big Data Hadoop Question Answer | Big Data Hadoop MCQ with answers

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1) What Is the command tor checking disk usage In hadoop.

  1. Hadoop fs -disk -space
  2. Hadoop fs -diskusage
  3. Hadoop fs -du
  4. None of the above

Ans: 3

2) How to set the replication factor of a file.

  1. hadoop fs -setrep -w 3 -R path
  2. hadoop fs -repset -w 3 -R path
  3. hadoop fs -setrep -e 3 -R path
  4. hadoop fs -repset -e 3 -R path

Ans: 1

3) How to set an auto map side Join In hive?

  1. Set;
  2. Set;
  3. Set;
  4. Set hive. map. auto, con vert=t rue;

Ans: 2

4) If a database Is having tables with data and you want to delete, then which one Is the correct command.

  1. Drop database database—name nonrestrict
  2. Drop database database_name cascade
  3. Drop schema database-name noncascade
    4 Drop database database-name

Ans: 2

5) What Is the default serde used In hive?

  1. Lazy serdy
  2. Default serde
  3. Binary serde
  4. None of the above.

Ans: 1

6) Create table (Id int, dt string, Ip Int) //1ine1 partitioned by (dt string) //llne2 stored as rcflle; //line 3

  1. error In line 1;
  2. error In line 2;
  3. error In line 3;
  4. no error;

Ans: 1

7)How can you check your available space and total space in hadoop system?

  1. HDFS dfsadmin -action
  2. HDFS dfsadmin -property
  3. HDFS dfsadmin -report
  4. None of these

Ans: 3

8) How can you add a catch file to a Job?

  1. DlstributedCatch.addCatchFlle()
  2. DistributedCatch.addCatchArchive()
  3. DistributedCatch.setCatchFiles()
  4. All of the above.

Ans: 4

9)Which one is not a master daemon?

  1. Namenode
  2. Jobtracker
  3. Tasktracker
  4. None of these.

Ans: 2

10) Job history is used to support job recovery after a Job tracker restart which parameter you need to set?

  1. mapred.Jobtracker.restart.recover
  2. mapred.jobtracker.set recover
  3. mapred jobtracker restart recover.history
  4. None of the above

Ans: 1

11) What is TTL In Hbase.

  1. HBase will automatically delete rows once the expiration time is reached.
  2. HBase will automatically disable rows once the expiration time is reached.
  3. It’s just a time taken for executing a job.
  4. None.

Ans: 1

12) Does HDFS allow appends to files

1 True
2 False

Ans: 1

13) in which file you can Set HBase environment variables.

  1. hbase-envsh
  2. hbase-varsh
  3. hbase-update sh
  4. None

Ans: 1

14) Which file you need to edit to change rate at which HBase files are rolled and so as the level at which HBase logs messages

  1. log4j properties
  2. zookeeper properties
  3. /ibase properties
  4. None

Ans: 1

15) What is the default block size in apache HDFS

1 64MB
2 128MB
3 512MB
4 1024MB

Ans: 1

16) What is the default port for jobtracker web Ul?

1 50050
2 50060
3 50070
4 50030

Ans: 4

17) As HDFS works on the principle of

1 Write once Read Many
2 Write Many, Read Many
3 Write Many, Read Once
4 None

Ans: 1

18) Data node decides where to store to data,

1 Yes
2 False

Ans: 2

19) SSH is the communication channel between data node and name node

  1. Yes 2 False

Ans: 2

20) Reading is parallel and writing is not parallel in HDFS

  1. True
  2. False

Ans: 1

21) command to check for various inconsistencies in HDFS


Ans: 1

22) Hive provides

  1. SQL
  2. HQL
  3. PL/SQL
  4. PL/HQL

Ans: 2

23) HQL Stands for ?

1 Hibernate Query Language
2 Historical Query Language

3. Health Query Language
4 Hive Query Language

Ans: 4

24) HIVE is

  1. A data mart on hadoop
  2. A dataware house on hadoop
  3. a database on hadoop
    4 None

Ans: 2

25) HQL allows programmers

1 C# programmers

  1. Java programmers
  2. Map-reduce programmers
  3. python programmers

Ans: 3

26) Hive data is organized into

  1. Databases
  2. Tables
    3 BucKets/Clusters
    4 All of the above

Ans: 4

27) HQL has the statements


Ans: 3

28) The Decimal datatype hasprecision in hive

3 16
4 N/A

Ans: 4

29) How many bytes takes TINYINT in hive


Ans: 1

30) regexp_replace(‘sairam’ ‘aijam’) output is

  1. sal|ram
  2. sai
  3. sr
  4. ram

Ans: 3

31) If explicit conversion falls tnen cast operator returns

  1. zero
    2 one
  2. FALSE
    4 Null

Ans: 4

32) which clause can be used to filter rows from a table In HQL

1 group by
2 order by
3 where
4 having

Ans: 3

33) Which one of the following we can use to list the columns and all properties of a -able

2 DECRIBE table_name

Ans: 1

34) Which clause can be used to restricts the query to a fraction of the buckets in the table rather than the whole table


Ans: 2

35) TABLESAMPLE syntax «


Ans: 2

36) How many total default number of dynamic partitions could be created by one DML in hive exec max dynamic partitions parameter

1 10
2 100
3 1000
4 N/A

Ans: 3

37) When using a derby database for a Metastore, how many client instances can connect to Hive?

1 1
2 10
3 Any
4 Cannot Say

Ans: 1

38) in Hadoop 2 0, Name Node High Availability feature is present


Ans: 1

39) Name Node is hortizontally scalable due to the facility in Name node Federation

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Ans: 1

40) How will you identify when was the last checkpoint done In a cluster

  1. Using the Name Node Web Ul
  2. Using the Secondary Name Node Ul
  3. Using the hadoop dfsadmin -report command
  4. Using the hadoop fssck command

Ans: 2

41) Hadoop fsck command is used to

1 Check the integrity of the HDFS
2 Check the status of data nodes in the cluster
3 check the status of the NameNode in the cluster
4 Check the status of the Secondary Name Node

Ans: 1

42) How can you determine available HDFS space in your cluster.

1 using hadoop dfsadmin -report command
2 usmg hadoop fsck / command
3 using secondary namenode web Ul
4 Using Data Node Web Ul

Ans: 1

43) A existing Hadoop cluster has 20 slave nodes with quad-core CPUs and 24TB of hard drive space each You plan to add 5 new slave nodes How much disk space can your new nodes contain?

1 Nev/ nodes may have any amount of hard drive space
2 New nodes must have at least 24TB of hard drive space
3 New nodes must have exactly 24TB or hard drive space
4 New nodes must not have more than 24TB of hard drive space

Ans: 2

44) which is a recommended configuration of disk drives for a DataNode

  1. 10 1TB disk drives in a RAID configuration
  2. 10 2TB disk drives in a JBOD configuration
  3. one 3TB disk drive
  4. 48 2TB disk drives in a RAID configuration

Ans: 2

45) How does the HDFS architecture provide data reliability?

1 Reliance on SAN devices as a DataNode Interface.

  1. Storing multiple replicas of data blocks on different DataNodes
    3 DataNodes make copies of their data blocks, and put them on different local disks
    4 Reliance on RAID on each DataNode.

Ans: 2

46) Hcatalog has APIs to connect to HBase

  1. TRUE
    2 FALSE

Ans: 2

47) me path in which the HDFS data will be siored is specified in the lowing me

  1. hdfs-site xml
  2. yarn-site xml
    3 mapred-site xml
    4 core-site xml

Ans: 1

48) To access to a Web user Interface for a specific daemon requires which details

1 The setting for dfs.http address for the NameNode
2 The IP address or DNS/hostname of the NameNode In the cluster
3 The SSL password used to log in to the Hadoop Admin Console
4 The server IP address or DNS/hostname where the daemon is running and the TCP/IP port

Ans: 4

49) What is the default partitioning mechanism?

  1. Round Robin
  2. User needs to configure
  3. Hash Partitioning
  4. None

Ans: 3

50) is it possible to change the HDFS block size

  1. TRUE
    2 FALSE

Ans: 1

51) Name Node contain

  1. Meta data, all data blocks
  2. Metadata and recently used block
  3. Meta data only
  4. None of the above

Ans: 3

52) What is variety means to Big Data

  1. Related data from different source in different formats
  2. Unrelated data from different source.

Ans: 1

53) Where do you specify the HDFS file system and host location

  1. hdsf-site.xml
  2. core-site.xml
  3. mapred-site.xml
  4. hive-site.xml

Ans: 2

54) Which file do you use to configure Job Tracker

1 . core-site xml

  1. mapred-site.xml
  2. hdfs-site.xml
  3. Job-tracker xml

Ans: 2

55) Which file is used to define worker nodes

1 . core-site xml

  1. map red-site, xml
  2. master-slave xml
    4 None

Ans: 4

56) Name Node can toe formatted any time without data loss


  1. FALSE

Ans: 2

57) How do you list the files in a HOPS directory

  1. Is
  2. Hadoop Is
  3. hadoop fs -Is
  4. Hadoop Is -fs

Ans: 3

58) Formatting the Name Node first time will result in

1 . Formats the Name Node disk

  1. Cleans the HORS data directory
  2. Just creates the directory structure on the Data Node machine
    -4. None of the above

Ans: 4

59) What create the empty directory structure on Name Node

1 . Configure in hdfs-srte xml

  1. start the Name Node demon
  2. Format the Name Node
  3. None of the above

Ans: 3

60) Hadoop answer to Big Data challenge

  1. Job Tracker and Name Node
  2. Name Node and Data Node
  3. Data blocks, keys and value
  4. HDFS and MapReduce

Ans: 4

61) HDFS Achives High Availability and fault tolerance through

  1. By spitting files into blocks
  2. By keeping a copy of frequently accessing data block in Name Node
  3. By replicating any blocks on multiple data node on the duster
  4. None of the above

Ans: 3

62) Name node keeps metadata and data files


  1. FALSE

Ans: 2

63.Big Data poses challenge to traditional system in terms of

  1. Network bandwidth!
  2. Operating system
  3. Storage and proccessing
  4. None of the above

Ans: 3

64.What is the function or Secondary* Name Node

1 . Backup to Name Node
2 Helps Name Node in merging fslmage and edit
3. When Name node is busy, it servers the request for the file system
4. None of the above

Ans: 3

65) Hadoop data types are optimized for

-I. Data proccessing
2 Encryption

  1. Compression
    4 Network transmissions

Ans: 4

66) A HDFS rile can be executed


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