Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Set 6

Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf

Hello Friends In This Post We will Discuss About,
Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions which will help you to solve Any Exam Multiple Choice Questions.
Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Set 5
In this Post We will briefly Study about Classification in Supervised Machine Learning.


51._____ refers to converting the labels into numeric form so as to convert it into the machine-readable form.

ANSWER= (C) Label Encoding


52._____ is the task of “classifying things” into sub-categories.

ANSWER= (C) Classification


53.There are how many types of classification?



54.Which of the Following is not types of classifiers

ANSWER= (D) Generalized


55.____in different forms to gain patterns, and to gain knowledge on that pattern

ANSWER= (B) Data Mining


56.Data analysis task is also called as,

ANSWER= (A) Classification

57._____ is the process of finding a model that describes and distinguishes data classes and concepts

ANSWER= (B) Classification
Explain:- Classification is the process of finding a model that describes and distinguishes data classes and concepts.

58.Which of the following posses two values?

ANSWER= (C) Binary
Explain:- Binary posses two values.

59.Which of the following has Both values are equally important in all aspects

ANSWER= (B) Symmetric
Explain:- Symmetric has Both values are equally important in all aspects.

60.In which of the Following both the values may not be important.

ANSWER= (A) Asymmetric
Explain:- Asymmetric has both the values may not be important.

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