Stochastic Gradient Descent Multiple Choice Question Questions and Answers | Objective Type Questions And Answers
81. SGD stands for _____
ANSWER= A) Stochastic Gradient Descent
82. Gradient Descent is used in _____
ANSWER= B) Machine Learning and Deep Learning
83. Typically, there are _____ types of Gradient Descent
84. The word ‘stochastic‘ means____
ANSWER= c) Both A and B
Explain:- The word ‘stochastic‘ means a system or a process that is linked with a random probability
85._____denotes the total number of samples from a dataset that is used for calculating the gradient for each iteration
ANSWER= B) batch
Explain:- batch denotes the total number of samples from a dataset that is used for calculating the gradient for each iteration
86.In SGD, it uses only a _____
ANSWER= B) Double sample
Explain:- In SGD, it uses only a single sample, i.e., a batch size of one, to perform each iteration
87.In _____ Parameters are updated after computing the gradient of error with respect to a subset of the training set
ANSWER= B) Mini-Batch Gradient Descent
88.Gradient Descent is an iterative optimiZation algorithm, used to find the
ANSWER= B) Minimum value of the function
89.Gradient descent is highly used in supervised learning_____
ANSWER= C) Supervised Machine learning
90._____used to accelerate the gradient descent algorithm by taking into consideration the exponentially weighted average of the gradients.
ANSWER= A) Momentum method