Apple Awareness Quiz Questions Answers

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1. You have devised a code solution while working in your current Apple project that you think is worth sharing with the rest of the world as it saves time on some repetitive task. Also, it would be a great way to show off your programming skills and what you are capable of producing as a programmer. Should you post the code on global Github?

a. Yes, as this piece of code was devised and written by you.

b. Yes, as the code is generic in nature, and after ensuring that there is no embedded credentials and no references to Apple project

c. Yes, provided you get approval from your project manager.

d. No. Any source code related to Apple projects is wholly owned by the Apple and should not be posted on any external source code repositories/GitHubs

Ans: D

2. Which of these are allowed from an Information Security perspective?

a. Reveal that you are working for Apple projects in your Linkedin Profile.

b. Share any appreciation emails sent by your Apple Project Manager containing project specifics to your friends working in non-Apple accounts at Infosys

c. Send Apple project specific documents from your Apple email ID to Infosys email ID

d. None of the above

Ans: D

3. You are in the process of releasing application source code into production environment. The complete source code has gone through the required formal change control process at Apple and was signed off for release via a scheduled CR. During the release window, you become aware of a certain source code bug that has major implications on the application functionality. You devise a quick code fix and are aware of a way to release your fix in a way that would go undetected by anyone. What would you do in this case?

a. Since it is a potentially major bug, and you want to make sure that the application is error free, you will go ahead and release the fix in production without anyone’s knowledge. After all, there is no way anyone else could detect and trace back that source code change to you. You pat yourself on the back for being a last-minute saviour to a potential disaster.

b. You will ignore the possible implications of the bug and silently go ahead with the scheduled changes only without discussing with the application manager.

c. You will inform the application manager who in turn may make an informed decision on rolling back the changes or based on the criticality of the issue, decide to raise an emergency Ticket by indicating the change along with *reason, validate the change, get required approvals (ie, follow the Change Management process) and then give you the go-ahead to deploy the code fix in production,

d. In order to meet the deadline, you will go ahead and release the scheduled application changes and later point out the issue in the code to the application manager.

Ans: C

4. You were part of a project team that just rolled out a new application after months of hard work and turmoil. You decide that you deserve a break and want to watch one of your old time favorite movies on your Infosys provided desktop/laptop, that you use for Apple project work while logged into Apple VPN. Which one of the below is in-line to the Acceptable Usage Policy.

a. You start downloading the movie on your desktop from a site that you have not bothered to check if it is infringing on copyright laws or not.

b. You go to a trusted site, download the movie on your desktop and start watching the movie, while on Apple network

c. Your Apple Network account has been provided to you for project purposes only. Hence, you decide to catch the movie on TV at home.

Ans: C

5. Which of these is mandatory for a developer working on Apple projects? 1) Do not share your “project code repository” credentials with anyone else. 2) Before being used for production processing, new or substantially changed application systems must receive documented approval from IS&T Information Security. All related design and code should be reviewed and approved as per the Security Architecture guidelines outlined by Apple IS&T 3) Development code is stored locally on computer systems only as needed to complete work. Code is checked. in to Apple code repositories on a daily basis.

a. 1 Only

b. 1 and 3

c. 1 and 2

d 2 and 3

e. All of these

Ans: E

6. While browsing the internet, you come across an interesting discussion group that is discussing some of possible future key Apple products. What would you do?

a. You feel it is your duty to protect Apple’s reputation and public image and want to silence some of the critics on the discussion group that are possibly posting defamatory statements. As you are part of a project due to which you have certain insights into new products being developed at Apple, you jump into the discussion and share details that would immediately silence any further critical remarks.

b. You are not authorized to share any Apple information such as product specifications, etc. to others. You avoid posting any such information in the discussion group.

c. You request a friend to post product information that you have shared with him.

Ans: B

7. Your project is under development phase and you have hit upon a technical roadblock. You start to look up the internet for technical pointers and stumble upon some code that you recognize as belonging to another Apple IS&T project and images designed by Apple Ul team being shared as open source. What would be your next step?

a. Ignore the situation and carry on with finding a solution to your technical problem on hand.

b. Inform Apple Infosec group about Apple confidential information appearing on public domain so that appropriate steps can be taken by the Security group.

c. Contact the person who is responsible for posting and threaten him with consequences if they are not removed immediately. Wait to make sure that the confidential source code has been removed.

d. Use the code posted on the site since the source of the material will be traced to the person who posted it, and not you.

Ans: B

8. Your Apple email ID has issues and you are unable to send out emails. You raise an incident/ticket for resolution of the issue. In the meantime you have to send out Apple specific design documents to your onsite coordinator who needs these for a review discussion with Apple customer on the next day. What would be the right thing to do?

a. Use your Infosys email ID to send out Apple specific documents.

b. Share documents via Apple IS&Ts file sharing service – Box

c. Share these documents with a friend from another Apple project and request him to quickly send out the document through his email ID.

d. You delay sharing the documents since the only safe method to share such confidential data is using your Apple id

Ans: B

9. Apple has asked for a proposal response from various vendors on a new requirement that is critical to Apple’s business strategy and hence has been categorized as a secret project. From Infosys, you have been identified to work on the RFP after getting the project specific NDA signed from you. The requirement document is shared with you for further analysis based on the NDA signed. What should be your next step?

a. This is a huge prospect for Infosys and you decide to include more people in your RFP team to work on the proposal and estimation. Since you have signed the NDA document, you go ahead and distribute the document to your immediate team thinking that a single signature on the NDA form should suffice to represent the entire Infosys team.

b. Before accessing/analysing the requirement document, you would ensure that every person working on the proposal a) understands the significance of the project, b) understand and communicate to the team on the confidentiality/secrecy expectations from Apple and c) signing the NDA document Submit them to the Apple customer manager.

c. Since the project has not been initiated yet, you think that any content that is shared is of minimal significance and can have no impact to Apple at all. You go ahead and with the intent to impress, explain the Apple initiative to your Delivery Head who is not directly involved and hence not signed on the NDA

Ans: B

10. You have a cool idea that you plan to implement at an upcoming Hackathon event at Infosys which could possibly make you & your team the winners. You know that, in the current application you are supporting at Apple, a source code snippet is already available, which can be reused for this event.What would you do?

a. You will go ahead and copy the code in part and utilize this at the Hackathon event. After all, you were the originator of this source code in your project and therefore share IP rights with Apple.

b. You cannot utilize source code developed for Apple for non-project purposes even if you were personally responsible for coding. Even in situations where you are required to re-use the code for another project of the same client you need to ask your customer manager for permission to re-use.

c. You will go ahead and use the source code for the Hackathon event. In case you win at the Hackathon, you will approach the application maneger and inform him about the coding job you have done

Ans: B

11. Which of these statements related to Apple’s developer guidelines is FALSE?

a. You can run any database read query on production database regardless of whether the data is considered confidential or not. Only Insert and Update queries require approvals.

b. Passwords must not be stored in readable form in batch files, automatic log-in scripts, software macros, terminal function keys, in computers without access control, or in other locations where unauthorized persons might discover or use them.

c. When building, testing, enhancing, and maintaining processing systems, developers must not use “live” personal data. Instead, they must use “fictional” (sanitized) personal data which preserves the essential characteristics of the data, but which does not relate to identifiable Data Subjects.

d. Both Option 1 & Option 2

Ans: A

12. As part of your project deliverable you need to share an Apple related document with other team members. You would verify the classification of the document as per Apple sensitive Information classification to decide on further level of access and redistribution. Which of the following are NOT the Information Classification categories at Apple?

a. Prohibited

b. Restricted

c. Highly Sensitived. Confidential

e. Internal

Ans: B

13. If you are being interviewed by Apple manager before getting onboarded into a project, which of the below is strictly prohibited?

a. Taking assistance from external sources and having someone help or impersonate you during the interview

b. Share details of your project work done in the past while ensuring that you are not revealing any confidential matter pertaining to past customers.

c. Write code snippet for a problem statement given by the Apple manager to test your programming skills

Ans: A

14. You are traveling to another town and have to provide project support during this time. Your current laptop has stopped working and you decide to swap your device with your colleague. Which of these is a violation of security. guidelines?

a. Your colleague shares Apple Connect credentials to login to Apple VPN from his laptop so that your work in not disrupted:

b. Request your Infosys PM and CCD to grant a new laptop and have it approved for your Apple Connect usage before traveling

c. Discuss options with your Infosys Project manager and go on leave if project work is not impacted.

Ans: A

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